
A place like Home

She was in pieces, beyond compare. Yet her stubborn strength, managed to pull a smile on her tired face, for those she cared. No tear escaped from those well hidden lifeless eyes..as they were covered by twinkles of love she has for those whose still with her. -✨☁️


My eyes fluttered open, my long strawberry, red hair sprawled all over my pillows. And its soft curls, tangled all over the place.

No matter how long its been, I can never get use to it, the months of stinging silence I hear every morning serves as a reminder that she was no longer here.

6 months. And my eyes still bloodshot red, cheeks still tainted with tear marks. The horrifying scene stuck like glue at the back of head, and it replays every night, the moment I close my eyes. Sometimes, I feel like I'm running out of tears to cry.

Pushing myself up with the little energy I had, exhausted, my feet dragged over to the bathroom and refresh myself. Even though I knew that effort will be soon wasted as the sunsets. Lost in my own thoughtless mind, I stared at the horrible eye bags when the doorbell rang.

Wondering who it was, I took my time to answer the door. Unlocking it, I came face to face with a classy looking, petite woman whose of the same height as mine. She looked at me with much sadness and regret in her eyes yet smiling so brightly, it got me arching an eyebrow.

"May I help you?" I drawled and voice hoarse as I peek at the two buff bodyguards in black behind her, curiously.

"I'm here to take you home Abigail." She said firmly, leaving no room for arguments. My sleepy eyes, looked bored as I stood dumbfounded by her statement. She's been coming here restless of times offering the same words when she already knew my answer.

"No thank you, Aunt May. You should really put an end to this cycle, its really starting to irritate me." I groaned and she let out a childish huff. She opens her mouth to comeback but I cut her off and continued. "And this is my home." I said emphasising the last word.

Her eyebrows now furrowed as if she lost patients for this six months, coming and knocking on my door waiting for me to change my mind. This woman is way too determined for her own good.

"Listen her young lady! I have enough of your stubbornness. You've been cooping yourself up in this nasty apartment for months, eating instant noodles day and night! You're going to ruin your pink of health if this goes on, and what about your future? I know you've been homeschooling but you need to get out of here and start acting like a normal teenager, instead of rotting yourself and wishing she would come back!" She rambled but then instantly regret the last statement she said. Her once fierce expression has now turn to a sadden one.

I look at her dead in the eyes and spat. "Then so be it."

After a dramatic pause, I step back to close the door in her face when her bodyguard's large hand, gave it a halt.

"Since you won't cooperate my dear Abi boo. Then I'll take it the hard way." She smiled evilly as I looked at her confused. When one of her bodyguards grabbed a hold of my body, taking advantage of how tired it was, they put a white cloth over my nose.

My eyes begin to close as I breathe in the chemical, falling into a deep, deep sleep.


"Abigail? Abigail sweetie? Wake up.." A soothing voice whispered as a hand gently shook my shoulder.

"Mm pancakes...maple syrup.." I mumbled in a raspy tone as I push myself deeper onto the cloud-like mattress, snuggling closer to the big fluffy pillows and blanket.

This feels like heaven..How long has it been since I slept this peaceful? My mind was hazy and body limp from the softness. But everything was soon ruined when a sudden bright light pierced through my eyelids.

"Aahh, its burning me eyes alive!" I hissed while sausaging the puffy blanket around my body and roll myself all over the bed.

Wait a minute...this isn't my bed, it feels way too..luxurious.

Realising something was wrong, my weary eyes instantly flew open and I couldn't remember anything from last night.



Feeling confused and perturbed, I observe my surroundings as four ginormous walls besieged me in a exquisite bedroom fit for a royal, and filled with luxurious chattels.

Where the filthy rich heck am I? If a psychopath billionaire abducted me, it better Tony Stark cos I want my face to be in his next movie and name it 'Abivengers'.

"Oh, good morning sleeping beauty. You're finally awake. How are you feeling?" Said a smooth feminist voice, which was coming from the balcony of the room causing me jump in surprise.

My head alertly snapped to the person as she gracefully walks towards me.

"Aunt May? Where the flipping waffles am I?!" I asked my beloved Aunt, also my mother's childhood friend. That's how I knew her all my life but she never told me she was this..rich. Wealth in fact.

"Calm down, honey. This is your new home from now on, I adopted you months ago. So basically..you're now, permanently my adorable baby girl and...Henry's of course." She perks with enthusiasm as if she just won an award for being the best kidnapper in the world and what?!

"You did what?!!" I hollered in consternation.

"You do not have anything to worry about it sweetie. Everything has been taken care of, and I'm so sorry for taking you by force and drugged you yesterday. I had no choice cos you wouldn't want to come with me willingly, and I can't bear the thought of you taking care of yourself which you were doing a very bad job at. Also all your stuff have been settled in." Aunt May confessed, then suddenly everything came back to me in an instant.

"Your damn bodyguards drugged me and you brought me here by force! And telling my you made yourself my guardian without my consent?! How could you Aunt May? I thought you understood when I rejected you many times more than I can count, I just wanted time alone!" I bellowed.

"I had no other choice Abi boo, and you had 6 months of alone time which is more than enough. I can't let a 15 year old girl taking care of herself! And I can't leave you alone cos it'll break my heart with anything happens to you." Aunt Julie explained defensively as guilt covers her every word.

I sighed and ruffled my hair in annoyance, I'm very cranky in the morning, and I stole a glance of her convicted expression. Freak, she knows it damn well that I have a weak spot for her.

Sighing defeatedly and told her exactly what she wanted to hear.

"Its okay Aunt May, I know that you're doing what's best for me and I'd be too stubborn to say yes anyway. I just...don't want to be an extra burden to you and Uncle Henry's overloaded career life, that's all." I admitted truthfully and gave her a lazy smile as her eyes begins to swell with tears.

She's so sensitive and if you don't know who Uncle Henry is, he's her lovely husband and my partner in crime.

"Oh my sweet little angel princess, we'll always have time for you, and you'll never ever be a burden to us. Instead you make it an infinity times better." Aunt May said dramatically, snivelling as she rushes into my arms and bone-crushingly hugs me. I laughed at this petite middle age woman who's acting like a 5 year old as I cuddled back.

Finally, after a few minutes later she pull away and her enthusiastic aura was back to normal.

"Wait, there is one more thing." She abruptly proclaims like a memory suddenly pops into her head.

"What is it?" I asked, yawning halfway while stretching in a very unladylike manner.

"I just remembered that today is the start of your new school and its in an hour!" Aunt May blurted.

"Oh? What school did you and Uncle Henry transfered me to?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"The best school in the state or should I say on the planet." She brags proudly.

"Royal Summer High?" I gasped unbelievably and she nodded.

"And that's not all, your dear childhood best friend is there too! She's a very smart and talented child." She uttered in astonishment. OMB!

"Oh mai buttercream! You guys are the best!" I screamed enthusiastically, jumping off the bed and onto Aunt May. Giving her my famous cuddly-bear hug and she snuggles back. No one could ever resist them.

"You're welcome sweetheart, now go get ready. You only have an hour left." Aunt May said and left the comfort of each other's arms.

"Wait. Aunt May, is...this my room?" I asked in the state of awe as she eagerly nodded.

The main theme colour was all pastel pink, yellow, lavender purple, white walls and sky blue ceiling. Decorated with small fairy light bulbs and and small cute plants. Its kinda both artsy and plant mom like, balancing, in a that I love.

"Henry and I designed it specifically for you. Do u like it?" Aunt May asked with a hopeful smile, not wanting to dissatisfy me.

"Like it? I love it! Thank you so much!" I squealed cheerfully, even though its just a little bit too bright for my taste but I was beyond grateful.

I gave her a big thank you smooch on the cheek and if Uncle Henry was here too, I'd give him one also.

"Okay, okay. Go get ready for school already! Once you're done come down for breakfast. Just take the stairs down and turn left alright? Oh, and be sure to come home early today, Uncle Henry and I planned a surprise for you." She informed while laughing heartily as I gave her an okay sign before disappearing into the fancy bathroom.


After freshening myself up, I wore an oversize grey hoodie with a white t-shirt underneath, black ripped jeans and a pair of converse sneakers.

And as stupid as it may sound, I didn't know how to tie up my hair properly, so I politely asked a maid that was conveniently walking past my room to help me with the horrible situation. And to my relieve, she gladly accepted my request.

Learning her name was Linda and that she was the head maid of this mansion, she tied up my hair into a cute braided ponytail and told me I reminded her of her grandkids, who lives in another state. She told me how much she missed them, but they live to far away to visit often.

Linda was so kind, that I bluntly asked her if she could be my god-grandmother, and she stayed surprised for a moment before laughing her heart out while happily agreeing yes. I always wanted a grandmother as I never met my real one, only in pictures.

It must be freakishly freezing outside, even though its not snowing, Autumn knows its time to go and welcome in winter...


Currently I am putting on a silver stud earring into my pierced, right earlobe and a floral one, on my left.

I like having two different designs on each side of my ear, don't really know why but hey, who am I to judge myself.

And last but not least I adjust my transparent-coloured, spectacles on my face, and slightly smiled at myself in the mirror. I've only been here for a few hours and I already feel at home rather than my actual one.

And to be honest..I don't really need the glasses cos my vision are perfectly fine, but I still have it on in public for personal purposes, which you'll find out sooner or later. *wink wink*

Suddenly, my stomach grumbled as I smell the sweet mouth-watering aroma from metres away, I think? Feeling extreme hunger, I pick up my yellow kanken bag that's decorated with lots of pins, hanged-on anime stuff toys and sew on lavenders with bees. I walk out of my room.

Oh wow.

How big is this ginormous mansion, or should I say a father-fluffing palace?! Everything looks so expensive and huge here, even the gardener! Ahah, jokes.

But seriously...

I think I need a GPS to find my way around this house.

But worse of all...I hope the atmosphere here, isn't contagiously spreading deceases. That affect innocent people like me to speak like a British grandma. Who sips her tasteless tea every afternoon while laughing to herself about how she's too old to date, cos her mother told her not to have a boyfriend till she marries.

Snapping out of my reverie, a pleasant scent of pancakes hit my nose like pillows as I followed it, leading me to the dining room. Where breakfast is being serve and settled on the long table.

Luckily I have a great sense of smell, cos I obviously did not pay attention to what Aunt May was saying, when she was giving the directions.