
Golden Finger

SHAMEFUL · perkotaan
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10 Chs

Hack Quests Game "1"

☠️⁓"LISA's POV"⁓☠️←Mom

at the end of dinner Lisa goes up to her bedroom and begins to change her clothes to sleep

Lisa went to the closet and pulled out a semi-sheer lace babydoll with a black bra and panty set and began to put it on.

After looking at my body and turning around in front of the mirror several times, I walk to the door and open it a little, it was just enough to stick my head out and look both ways down the hall, to see that there was no

It's not the first time I've done this, it's been two weeks since I started doing it, but just like on my first day, I still feel nervous, very nervous.

I look at the clock marking 2:30 am

Leaving the bedroom, I walk stealthily past the different rooms on the second floor, until I reach the last door in the corridor and I knock twice with my knuckles.

*knock knock*

Without waiting for an answer, I grab the knob and open the door, passing as fast as I can and closing the door again.

being inside the bedroom and the darkness like a cloak, I speak to him ⁓"Dante, are you awake? "⁓ I ask him before walking towards the bed

Having no answer, a smile graces my lips as I walk and reach the bed, speaking again in a low voice ⁓"Dante....Dante"⁓

Knowing that he is completely asleep, I begin to act more confident, sliding my hands under the sheets at his waist.

I snort as I touch Dante's stomach and secretly lick my lips repeating over and over ⁓"I'm sorry,, I'm sorry, my son, I'm really sorry, but mommy has needs, lots of needs"⁓ at the end of my apologies, I finish removing the sheets,

I hold the sides of his underwear and lower it to his thighs being darker than normal I move my hands

He guided me through his belly mainly through his navel knowing first hand the phrase "¼ below the navel" swallowing a little saliva before holding little Dante who is withered like a raisin and I begin to stimulate him between my fingers and then between both hands

my movements were very simple but constant movements, playing with my fingers at all times, then with my hand jerking him off

*Fap fap fap fap*

Honestly speaking, it is the most surprising thing I had seen so far in my hands, getting the best erection I could have dreamed of, which excites me even more.

the emotion was so great that I unconsciously began to bring my face dangerously close to the cock in front of my eyes

more and more and more

As my hands move up and down, with rhythm, a lot of rhythm, I go back to trying to look at Dente's face, before wetting my lips two or three times.

I open my mouth and I swallow, more than half of his cock in one bite and then I start to move my head, with a lot of rhythm.

*Sglups, Sglups, Sglups, Sglups*


extremely lewd sounds constantly coming out of my mouth due to the majestic blowjobs i started doing

*Sglups, Sglups, Sglups, Sglups*


I take out my tongue and run it twice over his shaft from the base of his balls to his head as if licking the most delicious thing in the world this time I'm hot, very hot

*Sglups, Sglups, Sglups, Sglups*


☠️⁓"LISA POV End"⁓☠️←Mom



[❤️️] [Receive a blowjob reward: 300,000] ✅

*you received a deposit of 300,000*

the ringtone of the message rang constantly making the cell phone vibrate waking up a Dante who could barely open his eyes in the middle of the night

The little I could see, was a silhouette that was quickly leaving the bedroom, under the dim light of the corridor *Clip* that was the sound of the door closing

but everything returned to darkness after the door closed causing me to turn off my cell phone before going back to sleep


30 days have passed since the day Dante downloaded the Quest Games app. He pulled out $2,200 a day, constantly doing the different daily quests and adding money to his bank account.

things in the Romanov family were climbing little by little

one of the most benefited from the change was Lana who earned $100 a day ($60 for spanking + $40 additional) for different secret activities such as extra spanking or modeling

money that was spent on clothes, shoes, makeup, gadgets, magazines, movies and books things that never went unnoticed by the other women in the house

Lana wasn't the only one benefited by Dante.

Alexis quit her job as a waitress and returned to her studies taking several academic courses all financed by Dante, so that Alexis could resume her classes and catch up before starting college.

Lisa also left the food packing house, two weeks later, the packing house fired all her workers leaving her bankrupt, Lisa is now 100% dedicated to housework


in the morning i woke up completely naked and disoriented, i didn't know what had happened in the dawning but it was something great

my bank account had gone crazy and went up + $300,000 in one night, adding up to an amount that only in my dreams had I been able to earn

you have to be honest that's the truth

In the last two weeks the daily Quest [ jerk off reward $300 ] had been activated by itself, in the early hours of the morning, and they made me three jack off, in a row doing the Quest and receiving the money

coming to the conclusion that someone sneaked into my room and jerked me off absolutely free and after a brief investigation I knew who it was,

but when they do you a favor you don't talk about it, you just thank it, for that simple reason I'm moving with the whole family to another house, much nicer and bigger

there is no problem with night raids, but this time what the hell do I have to do, to please this person

when I go out to the hallway I am stopped by a drama between my sisters

*knock knock knock*

⁓"Hey "fat ass" you could hurry up, I have to get to class early"⁓ says Alexis annoyed as Lana comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel with her hair still wet letting out several snorts

⁓"that's why I told you yesterday to wake up more early"⁓ Lana tells her before leaving the bathroom, but Alexis doesn't argue and just closes the door behind her

Seconds later.....

Alexis opens the door and throws Lana's underwear into the hallway ⁓"your panties"⁓ she says, then slams the door, making Lana go back to pick them up ⁓"Alexis I'm going to throw your things away too when I find them"⁓ she tells him says Lana annoyed

As the drama unfolds, Dante just watches from his bedroom door with a smile on his face ⁓ "what are you looking at huh" ⁓ Lana yells at me angrily, looking at my stupid smile before going into her bedroom

I return to look once again at the hidden cameras in the bathroom

connected to my pc, this is a very simple way to be able to spy on the bathroom without having to expose yourself and I only do it physically with mom and only when there is no one at home

after the confirmation of the 2nd deposit I go to the kitchen

⁓"honey who made those screams so early"⁓ Mom asks me when she sees me enter the kitchen and between laughs I answer her ⁓"mom don't worry, they're just girl things, you know them, those girls, mark their territories"⁓ my comments make Mom laugh out loud brightening up the house

When I finish laughing, I go over and kiss mom's cheek and then give her a hug and whisper close to her ear ⁓"good morning mom how did you wake up"⁓ Lisa's cheeks blush and discreetly Lisa looks towards the door from the kitchen, while she answers a little embarrassed ⁓"very good and how are you"⁓

Dante squeezes his mother's body a little closer in his arms before smiling mischievously and tells her ⁓"I slept very well, better than a log"⁓ subtly Dante's erection rubs against one of his thighs of her mother who immediately notices him, causing him not take his eyes off the kitchen door, all time

but Lisa doesn't reject him, on the contrary Lisa hugs Dante a little more, making the erection stick to her belly being centimeters from her pussy, her breathing starts to get agitated, Lisa tells him in a low voice ⁓"tomorrow the girls will They will go with their aunt Julia, she will help them find a bigger house, are you sure you don't want to go with them "⁓ Dante just shakes his head

hearing the heels coming down the stairs the conversation is canceled the two quickly separate, Lisa runs to the sink and Dante sits on the table hiding his erection

seconds later Lana walks in in her sailor-style schoolgirl uniform sporting a slender abdomen but wide hips causing Dante to immediately start stealing a few glances at her thighs

Noticing the stares on her thighs, Lana immediately turns around a couple of times and asks Dante, open-mouthed ⁓"how does it look? "⁓

Dante gives a thumbs up ⁓"excellent"⁓ drawing a smile and Lana sits on his right side

after sitting my sister Lana casually puts one of her thighs on my legs rubbing my erection, while the girl looks for something for her breakfast, but her taste doesn't last long when, my mother hits her head to Lana


⁓"Leave your brother alone and sit down properly"⁓ my mother yells at him after his hit, so my sister Lana just puffs out her cheeks and rubs her head where she got hit, before obeying and sitting up correctly

but then my mother hits me on the head with a harder slap


⁓"and you, stop spoiling this brat"⁓ my mother tells me, so I just rub my head, nodding

At that moment, Alexis entered the kitchen, with a smile on her lips when she saw that we were beaten at the end of celebrating, she told us ⁓"that's good, mom, it was time for someone to put a brake on that "fat ass""⁓ so Lana just twists her mouth before snorting

Alexis walks over and hugs me from behind he, putting her arms around my neck and she laces her fingers together before coming closer to my ear and softly she tells me ⁓ "I need some pocket money" ⁓

she brings her lips close to my ear and kisses my ear, but at the end of each kiss she bites it a bit, letting out a whisper ⁓ "Aahhh!" ⁓ over my ear, as she slides her hands a little lower from my navel

but at a certain point, Alexis's hands reach lower than necessary, grabbing little Dante's head so Alexis lets out a ⁓"Oops!"⁓ squeezing my dick a bit, then withdraws his hands and puts them on my shoulders and claps them three times

*pack, pack, pack*

⁓ "It's good to know you're healthy" ⁓ Alexis tells me before sitting down at the table, obviously my sister Lana isn't happy and she lets out a "Junph" and she pinches my arm

until my mother intervenes when she sees my sad face, scolding her two daughters ⁓ "you have breakfast and stop making fun of her brother or I'll spank your butt" ⁓ mom warns them

threat that was very effective, because both girls sat down properly to finish breakfast

Although their behavior has been constantly changing, in the family there are some rules that they must follow or there will be some consequences.

rules so far

1st.- respect

2nd.- Mom's orders

3nd.- do not say bad words

4th.- equality

5th.- security

with the last one, it was implemented just a few weeks ago when the financial crisis worsened and more than 7/10 inhabitants lost their jobs in several areas near the city, causing the assaults to rise by 300% in just 6 days

as a first solution to the problem the girls have a paralyzer in their pockets, the second is to take self-defense classes including even Aunt Julia, as the third and last is to move out of this area as soon as possible

Regarding the consequences, mom will have the last word, but as a first warning, her accounts will be frozen and depending on the type of fault, some things will be added

Now if they don't like it, there's no problem, they can go out and earn their own money, but believe me, Mom and Alexis have lost their desire to get a job because of the seriousness of the situation at the moment, not to mention the capricious girl who wants to eat fried foods every day and the only thing he has achieved is to have a meatier ass

the first to finish her breakfast was Lana. She gets up and hugs me by the neck and kisses me on the cheek, while she looks jealously at her older sister ⁓"Mom, I'm going to school"⁓ , she says to Mom without letting go of my neck, and let out a snort

Alexis just laughs, gets up and kisses me on the other cheek but she grabs my head and hits her chest sinking it between her tits, making Lana upset and let go of me.

before leaving the kitchen they say goodbye again and go to school together, it is a somewhat strange behavior, but outside the house they both take care of each other, that makes me sigh before I get up and go to change for school

although it is not necessary for me to attend school anymore, since we will move to the city I need to have a good attendance record to avoid any problems when entering

when I finish changing and I leave the bedroom I see mom going up to the second floor ⁓"mom I'm leaving"⁓ I tell her so mom comes up to me and kisses me on the cheek

⁓ "Mom, are you going out?"⁓ I ask her when I see that my mom is freshly put on makeup

⁓ "I'm going to buy some things for the pantry" ⁓ she replies somewhat embarrassed

⁓"do you need more money? "⁓ I ask him before looking for my cell phone

⁓"Oh no, they are small....things...that we can "⁓ I just roll my eyes, take out my cell phone and deposit $3000, when the confirmation arrives, my mother just bows her head ⁓ I thought you were pressured with the new house rent, groceries, school and girl stuff "⁓ I just shake my head before kissing her on the cheek ⁓"I'm going to school"⁓

⁓ "Be careful" ⁓ she tells me letting out a sigh