
The start to our everything

"Hey, Ambar look over here!" Instantly, I responded to Ethan's voice and I turned my head towards him. "Hm-" His lips was suddenly onto mine. I could feel shivers running down my arms and sparks from the quick kiss. His lips left me and all I could feel were my lips longing for his again. My cheeks were already reddening. This whole boyfriend and girlfriend relationship thing was new to me. I was mostly too flustered to know how to react to Ethan's actions most of the time. "Ethan! Give me a heads up when you kiss me!" I whispered towards him embarrassingly. We were out in the opens, talking a walk in the Central Park in the evening. "I did. I asked you to turn over here," Ethan replied while he wiggles his eyebrows. With nothing to refute back, the only response I could give was, "Shut up!" I could hear his chuckles behind me as I walked in the front. "Come on, you're so cute,"Ethan said as he hugged me from behind. I was getting hypersensitive around Ethan and I couldn't relax with his breath behind my neck. I groaned. "Ethan, let go. I can't walk." "I don't want to. Its cold and you're warm," Ethan pouted like a child while still hugging me. I couldn't help the smile from my face. There were some bystanders looking at us and some girls even cooing at how cute we were being. Even an elderly couple gave us a thumbs up for our public affection. Of course, everything was PG-13. We were going slow after all. I couldn't even handle Ethan kissing me without my cheeks turning tomato red every single time.

"Come on, everyone's looking at us," I whined at Ethan still holding onto his hands while his body enveloped me. However, from the way we were walking at snail pace, we wouldn't reach home even by midnight and the sun had already set. "I'll let you go if you give me a kiss," he said charmingly with puppy dog eyes. I tried to struggle against his arms, but with his strong arms he held me against his chest. "Ethan!!," I whine softly trying to get out of my predicament. "It's just one kiss, sweetheart," he said sweetly with eyes that would melt my heart and give in. It was the first time I would have to initiate the kiss and I was nervous. A lightbulb gone off in my head. There's a loophole in his request. He didn't specify where I had to kiss him. I'll just kiss his cheek. I turned around, facing him. "Alright, I'll give you a kiss," I announced rather cheekily. "But close your eyes okay?" He listened to me and fluttered his eyes close. In a second, I quickly peck his cheek. "Muahh!" He open his eyes and chuckled. "You little cheater!" What I didn't expect was to be still lock into his arms. "I've done the deal, you should let go of me now!" We were leaning onto a steady railing facing a small pond and I was still trapped. "A kiss should be on the lips, love. Now give me another one. God knows how long we'll stay here if you don't," Ethan spoke seriously but his eyes gave a teasing glint. I pouted. His hands were holding my waist gently and I could tell he really wanted a kiss. On my tippy toes, I gave in to his wish. Just like a gentle whisper, my lips brush against Ethan's. My cold hands were holding on to his face and his grip on my waist tightened. As I pulled away inches apart, his hand reached for the back of my neck and he went for another kiss. This time the kiss was deeper and rushed as if Ethan did not want to let go of me. We finally pulled apart as I was starved of oxygen. My breaths were quick and I rested my head on his shoulders, trying to calm down my heart rate. "It was amazing," Ethan murmured softly still trying to catch his breath.

We walked back to his car and like a gentleman, he opened the door for me. I thanked him softly, still shy from the kiss we had moments ago. As I was seated, Ethan duck down towards me and captured my lips again. He was insatiable. Like a forbidden fruit, he kept wanting me. This time the kiss was slower as if he was savouring it. The kiss was gentle and I could feel him smiling against my lips. We broke away softly after, with a grin plastered onto Ethan's devilishly handsome face. He closed the door to his car and jogged to the driver's seat. I shook my head as I saw Ethan fist bumping in the air before getting into the car.

Before the day ended, we broke the news of us dating to our respective families. Safe to say, my mother and Mrs Zhang was squealing in happiness. In their minds, they had already started planning our wedding. They were already chattering away thinking of the future with happy smiles. Titus and Jonathan Zhang congratulated us, while Kace looked a bit grumpy that his little sister was taken. Mr Zhang fist-bumped his son while my dad gave a warning to Ethan to take care of me well. The day definitely ended well. Our hands were still interlinked to each other with warmth and the smiles from everyone never ended.

Hello! I’ve chosen a new title for SIFILA that fit the story more and it’s “Gold Heart, Warm Soul”. A new cover will be uploaded and the title will change soon, so don’t panic if you find the book with a different name! Also, I’ll upload some chapters to Wattpad, so if you’re interested, just type the new title into the search bar :)

joann_screators' thoughts