
Goku X Sonic A LUV STORY

Goku and sonic meet

echilover · Komik
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3 Chs


Once upon a time, in a world where the Dragon Ball universe and the Sonic universe coexisted, Goku and Sonic found themselves on a mission together. They had been tasked with defeating a new villain who had emerged and threatened the safety of both their worlds.

As they fought side by side, Goku and Sonic couldn't help but notice how well they worked together. They complemented each other's strengths and weaknesses, and their teamwork was flawless. In the midst of the battle, they found themselves sharing a moment of eye contact that lingered a little too long, causing a strange feeling to stir inside both of them.

As the mission progressed, Goku and Sonic found themselves spending more and more time together, talking and laughing as they worked towards their common goal. They discovered that they had a lot in common, despite coming from different universes.

One day, as they sat together to catch their breath after a tough battle, Goku felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at Sonic. He realized that he was beginning to fall for the blue hedgehog.

Sonic, too, was experiencing similar feelings towards Goku. As they spent more time together, she found herself drawn to his kind heart, his bravery, and his sense of humor.

Eventually, Goku and Sonic couldn't resist their feelings any longer. They confessed their love to each other, and from that moment on, they were inseparable. They fought side by side, but they also made time for romantic walks, stargazing, and other romantic activities.

Their friends and allies were surprised by their newfound romance, but ultimately, they were happy for the couple. Goku and Sonic had found love in an unexpected place, but their love was strong and true, and it only grew stronger with time.

Together, they continued to protect their worlds from harm, but now they did it with the added strength and support of their love for each other. They were the perfect team, both on and off the battlefield, and their love story became the stuff of legend in both the Dragon Ball and Sonic universes.