
chapter 2

Author: hi, it's been a while, I don't have much to say so let's go to the chapter

"Now I am more than perfect prepare to die" cell said.

"Get ready cell why I won't forgive you for what you did!" Gohan shouted.

Gohan vs Cell

Gohan started attacking him very confidently, he left, punching him in the face, but Cell took his hand and then kneed the saiyan hybrid in the belly which ended up hitting him and throwing him away, Cell started flying to kick- it up but gohan disappeared confused the green cockroach that soon after was hit with a kick in the face and Cell counter attacked with an elbow in the belly of gohan, Cell grabbed gohan's legs and hurled him away in which gohan quickly recovered and fired a masenko at Cell that even deflected it and then hit it full in the belly with a punch from gohan a shower of punches and kicks occurred there the earth was shaking with the impacts of each punch from gohan Cell, however gohan defended a Cell's kick and he grabbed his leg and he threw him away.

Gohan started making a shell with his hand and Cell already knew what it meant.

"so the brat is going to do a kamehameha there is nothing that can stop me from doing it too" Cell smiled and started making his attack.

Ka ...

A small blue ball appeared in the hands of gohan and cell


That little ball grew and its ki was destroying everything around


Rocks and rocky hills were turning to dust with the pressure their powers were making


The glow of his kamehameha was even illuminating the entire solar system

Ha!. Gohan and Cell fired their kamehamehas together which clashed all Z fighters were completely impressed with what they were seeing an immense power was being emitted there even vegeta was impressed with what he was witnessing but the proud Saiyan obviously wouldn't admit it but something they didn't know was that gohan was starting to lose and cell's kamehameha was getting stronger than him.

"Damn Cell is very strong" gohan said.

"It's over boy just give up and accept that all your friends and this planet will disappear from the universe" a very confident smile appeared on Cell's face.

More and more gohan's kamehameha was being pushed closer to the hybrid boy, Piccolo seeing his student and his friend who was about to lose he tried to help him by attacking Cell but it was no use even disturbing and hurting Cell he was totally helpless seeing that your friend would die.

But Vegeta got tired of it and went to attack Cell shouting "this for my son Trunks bastard!" Vegeta launched a ki ball that hit Cell causing him to be distracted and look at vegeta.

With gohan the situation was difficult but when he saw vegeta attacking Cell right after that a silhouette of his father appeared beside him looking at him "now gohan!"

Without wasting time the saiyan started to scream and raise his power starting to pass through the cell kamehameha but the shock of energy was so great that the kamehameha ended up exploding, killing Cell and leaving an unconscious gohan.

With the z fighters

"What is that !?" Yamcha said.

Everyone looked and saw a kind of crack completely open in the air that started to pull gohan in. Piccolo saw that it left with all his speed but it was too late gohan had been sucked and the crack closed.

"Gohan!" Piccolo shouted.

The Z warriors quickly went to Piccolo to tell him what he had forgotten.

"Calm down Piccolo we have the dragon balls, remember? We can relive gohan and goku and everyone who was killed by Cell" tien said.

"Yes Piccolo has nothing to worry about," Yamcha said.

A while later

Everyone had just gathered the dragon balls ready to be summoned tien was what the words said for Shenlong to be woken from his sleep.

"Come on Shenlong, come and make my wish come true" said tien.

Then the dragon ended up appearing in front of them telling them to speak their wish and the first wish was to revive Goku and gohan and bring them here.

The dragon was quiet for a few seconds and said "these beings called Goku and gohan cannot be brought here, the being Goku does not want to be revived and gohan is alive but I cannot bring him here"

"What do you mean, gohan can't be brought here !?" Piccolo shouted.

The dragon could only say that he did not know and told them to speak their wish soon so tien told him to revive all the humans that were killed by Cell that the dragon said was very easy and revived all people and he said to say what it was the second but they said they didn't need it and the dragon went back to the sphere and they went in a random direction.

With gohan

Gohan had just woken up and he was in a type of cave he got up and realized he was on top of golden flowers the first thing that gohan did was try to feel his friends but he didn't feel anyone nor his friends gohan wondered if he he was dead but soon he discarded it, looking up he saw that he could fly but for some unknown reason he felt like exploring the cave because he also felt a bad ki there and if it was a threat gohan would kill him if necessary , gohan started to run and entered the cave when gohan entered he saw a room until lit up but it was just in the center where there was grass "strange" gohan said to himself, "i swore i had felt an evil ki here"

Gohan continued walking to a purple door and some strange symbols by the way when gohan went through the door he saw buttons on the floor some pressed and others did not gohan saw a sign and went to read.

Gohan pov

Wow, this sign is strange, it seems to be a totally different language. I wonder what is written. This curiosity will be just for me, better I keep walking.

3 person pov

Gohan continued his walk for a while until he saw three levers and a floor that probably comes out spines two levers were already down and one was not. out of curiosity gohan pulled the third lever just so that nothing happened "I don't think it works at all"

Gohan went through the thorns still with a certain remorse for them to activate but he passed successfully when he arrived in the next room. Gohan was faced with a great nothing but a broken and torn mannequin.

"A mannequin? That person doesn't even care what he trains, maybe he is a good fighter?"

Gohan took two steps forward and looked back he saw the mannequin again but he didn't leave a thought that he was watching him was very strange, was it like he was alive? Nah it would be kind of impossible but with what he's been through he doesn't doubt anything but he decided to ignore it and went on to go to the next room he saw.

"Dust?" Gohan took it with his hand and it wasn't dust he didn't know how to explain but it was very strange it was an extremely white type of dust he had never seen it in his life until the moment he threw the dust back where it was and kept walking.

Gohan pov

Are you kidding me? Why has several thorns? Was this an a puzzle for a piscopath? Well, whoever did this is definitely a genius at thinking something like this to solve it, or it was just normal spines. I'm just going to fly and my problem will be solved.

3 person pov

Gohan went through the puzzle and walked to the other room, it was a very long corridor so he decided to think while walking.

Gohan pov

This place is different I couldn't feel the ki of anyone out there or of my friends but I felt ki down here and it was evil but it disappeared, maybe I can only feel the ki of people down here? But even so it was strange and a little scary to think about it I can get out of here but after what I saw before I need to explore to stop this person that I felt I cannot risk losing anyone else and let humanity go through another misfortune I just hope that after Cell nothing happens anymore i want to study and be a great researcher when i grow up fighting is not for me but i intend to fight if something threatens my family and friends, i promise dad i won't be as arrogant as i was today just hope everyone is good.

3 person pov

"gohan hey gohan"

"Dad!?" Gohan was surprised by his father's voice.

"Where are you at?" Gohan was looking everywhere, hoping to find his father.

"I'm talking to you for King Kai, gohan I heard that you disappeared is that true?"

"Yes, I don't even know where I am, I woke up in some golden flowers and I felt an evil ki here but very low he or she is even weaker than Raditz"

Goku's face got serious

"Gohan remember never underestimate anyone by power, do you remember guldo? He could be very weak but the technique he had was quite powerful"

"Of course, Dad, I'll go, I'll be fine"

"Ah, gohan I have to tell you, you can't feel anyone outside the cave after she has magic"

"Magic? Wasn't that just a legend?"

"No, what I mean is that Rei Kai told me that there were humans and monsters living together for a long time but there was a war between the races and the humans were victorious and the most powerful wizards would have locked them in a cave forever alone that somewhere there is a barrier that can be broken if seven human souls are captured, so king Kai told me the reason for the war was because of what monsters could do to human souls and that's why humans were very afraid they ended up waging a war "

"What could the monsters do with the soul's?"

Goku's face softened.

"Rei kai told me that if a monster takes a human soul it will have incredible powers but to have the soul you must kill that human and a heart will start to leave the body of the host and that's how you get it but most monsters or everyone was very peaceful and only fought in the war because they wanted to protect themselves but you know when a war starts if hate is generated and that hatred made peaceful monsters end up fighting to kill, but no human soul was taken by what we know "

Gohan's eyes widened

"Why? What a selfish people! I didn't know about this side of humanity but that was a long time ago and I know they changed and most of them are not fighters, I think they even forgot about it or if they didn't, it's really just a legend"

"Goku can't take it anymore, I'm getting really tired"

Gohan smiled as he heard whose voice it was

"Mr kaioh, how are you?"

"i-i-m-very well gohan i just need to rest"

Gohan sighed in the knowledge that he would lose communication with his father

"Bye, father, bye, sir kaioh"

"Goodbye son take care"

"Stay alive, okay?"

And then gohan realized that the communication was over.

Gohan despite having stopped talking to his father he was happy to know that his father was not angry with him.

But what he hadn't realized was that he had reached the end of the corridor and as he continued he came across some more dust but he didn't care much he turned to the room to his left and saw a jar of candy lying on the floor where he was written just take one, gohan laughed to see that "it seems that someone did not obey what was written there"

Gohan left the room and went to the room that was now on his left. He walked a little and soon saw a pile of leaves in a very suspicious place but he had not paid attention.

Gohan pov

I still don't believe that magic really exists, so isn't the top hat trick really a trick? Or they said it was magic and then they figured it was just a trick when actually it was magic it would be really interesting to learn aaaaah!

3 person pov

Gohan had fallen but quickly he stopped his fall and landed on the ground safely, he looked up and saw the hole from which he fell.

"Damn that scare"

Leaving this aside, gohan climbed back from where he fell, but on the other side gohan walked some more and he saw many leaves on the ground very suspiciously but this time he paid attention and he started to fly and successfully passed to the next room.

A while later

Gohan after walking a lot arrived in a very beautiful house but he didn't feel ki didn't have a way of life here anywhere just dust the hybrid left it aside and went into the house for a house in a cave it was really beautiful and very cozy he was certain to be there but he needed to move on, exploring the house was not bad ... It is not?

Gohan pov

Ok I think I better go left.

Nice! Here is a sofa dining room and a fireplace ... Wait a while fireplace in a cave hmmm but the fire is still there, how is the house not full of smoke ?.

3 person pov

Gohan bent down by the fireplace and saw that the top was covered.

His eyes widened at that


"What kind of fire is this? This place just keeps getting more and more strange"

Gohan got up and went to the kitchen of the house it was small but beautiful gohan believed that the house was for a person both for the size and for the furniture gohan came back and went to the next hall and he reached the first room he knocked on the door and without answer as he expected ... Even if he had the ability to feel ki gohan he wouldn't just open the door to someone else's house that he kind of invaded but he went to open it anyway.

When gohan touched the doorknob he felt something

"It's hot?"

Gohan realized that the knob was hot but it was only a little but that already meant for gohan that there was some human or even a monster there with that thought in his head gohan didn't even go to the other rooms he just ran towards the stairs looking for this person.

Gohan went down the stairs and ran to the end of the hall when he saw his old friend dust.

"Ok this is already getting cha-"

Suddenly gohan looked at the door and it was a ki the evil ki he had seen before without even thinking twice gohan ran opening the door and .... He came across a flower.

"A flower?"

When gohan was looking at the flower he felt the evil ki coming from him he would leave it behind and move on but when gohan took a step a face appeared on the flower which surprised gohan and the flower looked at him in a surprised way until but then she smiled and.

"Hi I'm flowey, flowey the flower"

Gohan realized that he would say in a very childish tone but he would not deceive the saiyan so easily he just looked at him with no emotion on his face.

"It seems to me that you fell underground, you must be so confused but I flow-"

"Enough is enough, stop it you're not a good person!"

Flowe just smiled at gohan still trying to trick gohan.

"Am I not a good person? I am the friendliest monster in the underground I know you are afraid but I will help you you need to learn how the underground works"

Gohan continued to look at Flowey with the same expression.

"Flowey I can feel your ki you are barely just shut up and show yourself soon"

Gohan looked at the flower's smiling face until his smile turned into a completely macabre smile.

"So did you know? Boy have you heard that the most expert always dies?"

Gohan laughed hearing that threat

"So this is a threat? Who will die here will be you and have you heard that good always wins over evil?"

"You should already know that this world is to kill or be killed"

Flowey started to laugh like a psychopath

Gohan was not intimidated at all

"I've been through this flowey several times but I never killed, I fought and won and I forgave but today was the day I didn't forgive a person and you won't be any different"

Flowey stopped laughing and said that day will be his death

Gohan vs flowey

Flowey was the first to attack with roots that went underground and gohan deflected calmly.

"Is that all you have?" Gohan scoffed.

Flowey got angry and threw several petals at gohan who stood waiting for them to arrive.

The petals hit gohan and he did nothing or even scratched it.

Flowey's eyes widened but he didn't stop attacking.

Gohan was just dodging all of Flowey's attacks and nobody was hitting him and Flowey was already getting very angry.

"Die! Stay still and just die!"

Gohan was laughing internally at the desperation of the flower.

Until he realized something he saw in his chest a heart alternating between red and yellow gohan did not understand what it was but he was sure it was his soul.

Gohan was already getting tired of fighting with flowey because of how weak he was and the screams for him to die coming from flowey so he decided to end it.

Gohan stopped dodging and stopped a root coming towards him by raising his other hand to flowey gohan started making a ki ball for the flowey.

Flowey was in pure horror at what he was seeing not only did the boy humiliate him in many ways but he was also able to use powers.

Gohan said goodbye to flowey and threw the weak ki ball into flowey where he was quick enough to escape he just disappeared into the earth and the. Ki blast picked up the floor where flowey used to be.

Gohan raised an eyebrow at what he had seen.

"He disappeared and his ki also disappeared, so strange, it seems that when he enters the ground, his ki goes down to a point where I can't even detect it, it reminded me a bit of the instant transmission, but it wasn't as fast as Dad's"

Gohan laughed to himself because he was talking to himself.

Then he just went out and got to the door but before he opened it he looked back again and he just turned to the door again and opened it and went through it.

Gohan soon came out in a snowy forest that surprised the saiyan again but he is beginning to believe that everything is possible here gohan looked ahead and saw a small straight path and the saiyan saw some footprints on the ground that were definitely from a human or a monster that wears shoes.

Gohan walked until he realized that there were two people in front of him was a skeleton and a ... Human!

He started running until the two of them passing over a bridge he arrived at the two who were talking.

"Um, you're going to be standing right there, okay then"

Gohan heard the skeleton speak the human said nothing but gohan could not help noticing that the human has an evil ki but deep down gohan felt that there was a good person hidden deep down so he decided to appear.


Gohan had said looking like Goku talking

Soon they turned around and their eyes widened the skeleton's eyes yes but he could say the same frisk that had a neutral look (the look

That you know) but with your mouth a little open.

Everyone had an awkward silence but the skeleton decided to speak.

"Damn another human hehe come on, you don't know how to greet a new friend"

Gohan saw the skeleton reach out his hand to shake gohan I trust him because of the ki so he squeezed and ... A fart came out of the skeleton arm gohan raised an eyebrow at the skeleton who just said "hehe bone to meet you, beautiful fart pillow trick doesn't fail anyone "

Gohan smiled and started laughing at the joke and the skeleton trick but the human was still looking at gohan as if something was wrong but then a much bigger skeleton arrived.


"hehe don't blame me for being a lazy bone but hey papyrus what's this on my side"

Gohan saw how papyrus looked at the human and he


"yes bro I captured a human"


Gohan looked at papyrus, who simply left after he knew they were good human he wouldn't but do what?

An anime-style drop appeared on gohan's head when saiyan saw papayrus he remembered his father as he was innocent but he is sure papyrus is more innocent after that.

Gohan laughed and looked at the human and said hi but the human did not answer and he just turned and started walking leaving sans and gohan alone.

"Don't worry boy, he is not very talkative and boy what is your name?"

"My name is son gohan and I really don't know how I got here, I just woke up inside"

"So you just woke up here? But how?"

"Sans I don't know and I don't want to talk about it"

"Okay kid, let me ask you something, is it normal to be feeling all the time déjà vu?"

"Déjà vu? All the time? I don't think so, why do you see it?"

"I see that this has happened many times the same thing, talking to that boy the papyrus coming here but I don't know what it means"

Gohan thought for a moment and remembered something.

"Sans along the way I found dust, I don't know what it is but how do I think this place is made of magic I have to ask you, what is it?"

Sans' eyes would have widened if he had eyes.

"Dust? Boy, that was a monster"

Gohan was shocked by that

"So that was a monster all along"

"So that human killed them"

"Yes sans I feel his ki he is bad but deep down he has a good person"

"Wait ki? Do you know how to handle ki?"

"Yes, my father and a friend of mine Piccolo taught me how to use ki to defend the planet"

"The planet? Damn boy your father must be very tough"

"He was but he is also a sweet person I think he is the purest person "

"It was a good conversation, boy, but I have to go"

"Alright sans goodbye"

Gohan saw that the skeleton teleported from there and he was impressed after it reminded him of his father's instant transmission.

As gohan he had nothing else. Doing so he decided to move towards the human.

A while later

Gohan continued walking until he passed a bridge where he entered a small town, gohan looked at the sign and miraculously understood what was written on it.

"Snowdin? There is definitely a monster with a lot of creativity here"

Gohan walked through the town and it was empty the hybrid discovered the human he was killing and he started flying in search of the human.

Gohan felt the human's ki near papyrus he hid and watched while the human and papyrus talked.


gohan saw that the human came closer to papyrus with bad intentions


Gohan saw that the human smiled in a macabre way and would try to attack papyrus but gohan came out of his hiding place at full speed and kicked the human in the rib causing him to fly to the other side, papyrus realized that the other 'human' saved him.


"yes he was planning to kill you, he is still alive I didn't attack him to kill"

The skeleton was a little disappointed with the human who tried to attack him but he knew he could change the human so he smiled again.


Gohan and papyrus looked at the human who was already standing looking at gohan with anger in his eyes.

Gohan realized that he had opened his eyes and he could see the color of his eyes was red that did not intimidate at all gohan he had already faced many people with more frightening looks than those.

"Papyrus get away, I think he wants to fight me"


"Trust me. Papyrus this is not going to happen"


Then papyrus left.

Gohan looked at the human who was already ready to attack him.

Gohan vs the human

The human was the first to attack tried to punch gohan that gohan deflected and pushed him away the hybrid did not want to hurt the human and he would only try to immobilize him the human attacked gohan again and he with trying to stop him the hybrid punched him in your belly making the human hold your belly in a lot of pain.

Gohan saw the human take something out of his backpack and it was a kind of cake gohan thought it was strange and decided to talk to the human

"Did you just get punched in the belly and will you eat?"

The human just grunted and ate and the human was cured, gohan was impressed with that somehow that cake looked like senzu beans.

The human got up and went to attack gohan again but when he would attack frisk and gohan's heart they turned blue and they both fell.

End of the fight

Gohan immediately got up even with his blue heart, when he fell to the floor he remembered the time room and how it was gravity there

Gohan had forgotten that his heart appeared when he fought he didn't even realize it but soon the person who took him down appeared.

And it was sans and papyrus sans had a blue eye with his hand outstretched in trying to stop the human and gohan.

Gohan soon broke free from the magic of sans and he looked at the skeleton deciding to speak.

"Sans, what are you doing? Can't you see I was in the middle of a fight" gohan was a little angry.

"I realized boy, I can't let you fight, I made a promise and I will keep it"


Sans looked at his brother

"I know bro but this promise I made is special"

Gohan decided to ask what they were going to do

"So what should we do with it" gohan said as he pointed at the fallen human trying to get up.

"I really don't know, boy, but I don't want you to fight anymore, understand?"

Gohan wondered for a moment whether he really should do that.

"Okay sans, I won't fight but if he tries to kill someone I will intervene"

"Remember boy don't fight and I'll be watching you both"

Sans and papyrus disappeared and left gohan and the human alone.

The two were silent looking at each other but gohan decided to speak

"Okay, stop staring at me, this is very comfortable, let's move on together"

The human continued to look at gohan but he shook his head slightly in agreement with Gohan.

The hybrid Saiyan was still on guard because he would not risk that he attacks him from behind.

So they decided to walk together leaving snowdin and going to a very beautiful place but gohan was impressed how snowdin just ended up out of nowhere he got it out of his head and left with the human who was right behind him.

But that will be for the next chapter.

Author: saw as promised i made over 1000 words and damn i'm impressed with this, well then i'll update next the story of Goku the jade master goodbye