
Gods Multiverse Entertainment

Yami had been in the Void for a very long time, there was just nothing and he was bored out of his mind. However, because he had the idea: God is doing everthing because he is bored. God became interested in him and offered him to be the Main Character of the new world he created to entertain himself. It is a world where all kinds of Anime are mixed together into one world. From Naruto to DxD over to Akame Ga Kill and many more. Yami's quest? To entertain God. For this purpose he got a few wishes stuff and a system that was the perfect WAIFU. One of his Objektives: Make the greatest Harem in all of the Multiverse! Anime: Highschool DxD Naruto Tokyo Ghoul Akame Ga Kill Attack On Titan Sword Art Online SAO Abridged Assassination Classroom Overlord Arifureta shokugyou de sekai saikyou Shield Hero Classroom of the Elite Bunny Girl Senpai Date A Live Highschool of the dead Fate I'm not a native speaker and I'm just writing this for fun and because I'm bored... Still hope you might enjoy it Also, thanks to my editor sawyer_butt, he is uploading the story on Wattpad and he is a great dude, thanks man.

Sebastian_HEsse · Komik
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53 Chs

The Shadow Monarch... Luzifer?

Yami looked at the message the system showed him.

"So God interfered with Esdeath to make her a masochist? Seriously, that old man really likes that kind of kinky stuff huh. Well it works in my favour so I will just go along with it."

He had already arrived at Tsunade's place and just went inside. After all she was probably still in the unconscious state. And indeed, she still lay where Yami left her but it didn't look bad at all. It was more like the sleeping beauty.

{She is currently still undergoing evolution.}

Yami sat down next to her and started stroking her head while admiring her cute sleeping face. He didn't know whether it was his imagination, but she looked even better now than before falling unconscious. He guessed that it could be a positive effect of the evolution.

"Eve, Tsunade fell asleep once she passed the point of having 100 affection and she was categorized as "Lover", right? Why didn't the same happen with Esdeath and Hinata? Especially considering the absurd amount that Esdeath has."

{I'm not certain but I believe that it is because the system didn't see it as necessary. The point of the evolution is, as it said, that they will be able to stand at your side. It has several effects, but they all aim to make them perfect Waifu's. But some don't need that because they are already considered as perfect Waifu's. For one, Waifu's from the Gatcha are already in their "perfect" form, no that's not exactly it. Let me explain it to you in another way; The "evolution" is a drastic measure to make sure that these women can be part of your harem, that involves changes in strength, given physical problems, or especially their mind. The Waifu's from the gatcha are summoned through the gatcha and are also influenced by it constantly. As you have seen with Esdeath, the sadist side was seen as a problem, so God and the system worked to change it and thus they slowly added the masochist side to her personality. No need to worry, it is rather something like a constant subconscious suggestion rather than true brainwashing.}

"Okay, but what about Hinata? She isn't from the Gatcha and also in the Lovers category."

{You see, Yami-sama, the old man probably considered her Yandere side to either be a good thing for your harem, or he just found it interesting. Or maybe something else? But I can assure you that the system won't let any of the wives kill another. And for other things, you can just use the collar to make sure she doesn't go against any of your wishes. Oh, I almost forgot something; Paradise has the advantage that this world is trying to help you out constantly. Don't think too much about it but it just means that the longer someone, a girl, is in here, the more favourable they will see you. And if you confess to someone in here, you have a higher chance of success so I recommend that you summon all the Gatcha's in here.}

"Thanks for all the exposition. Well, I should probably go to Mikasa now. From what you said, it should mean that she now has a better opinion of me than before right? I will leave you again, my dear Tsunade."

Stroking one last time Yami stood up and went to Mikasa, he knocked on the door and waited. After a short while she opened and Yami went inside.

"Good day to you, Mikasa. How was your time here? You should have read the things I left you with about this world and all. Do you have any questions or anything else you want to say?"

"Not really. I have read the books and all the rules seemed fine by me."

"Have you decided what you want to do from now on? After all, you are in a different world now."

"I want to explore and maybe find someone to be with"

"Explore? Well, I don't really mind, but even if it isn't like your old world, the outside world has a lot of dangers. At the moment I wouldn't recommend you to go out there on your own, but the decision is up to you. So?"

"If it really is that dangerous I might as well stay until it passes away"

"That's not really how I meant it. There are no titans out in the world or something, it is the other humans and races such as devils and demi-humans that could have bad intentions. As you surely know, in such a normally peaceful world, there will be many people and organisations who can be considered as evil. And the powers out there are just, well, dumbly overpowered. There are gods and so on and you are just a normal human, although a powerful one. Since you are a very beautiful girl, I don't want you to go out and meet a person who may harm you. At the moment I try to make a foothold in there and gain more strength. Once I can guarantee your safety I would love to explore the world together with you."

"You make it sound like you love me or something"

"I can't deny that I have feelings for you, but considering that you haven't known me for more than a day and we haven't spoken a lot I don't really think I'm in a position to make advances on you just yet."


Mikasa had a light blush on her cheeks knowing that the handsome boy in front of her had practically just confessed to her. She wasn't an easy girl, it was just that nobody had ever looked at her that way. Mikasa was considered a genius soldier with the 3DM so all the boys looked at her either with admiration or with fear, but nobody ever looked at her as a woman.

"We will have a chat again soon if you don't mind. I will go back outside now, I can't just skip my first day at my new job."

After he had said his goodbyes to Mikasa, Yami teleported back to his room in the Anteiku.

Because of the new information he got from Eve, Yami decided that a slow advancing relationship was the best idea, since her feeling for him would grow with time as long as she was within Paradise. After the very rushed love with Esdeath, it would be better to take some time with Mikasa, since he didn't want to have another yandere to deal with. Mikasa was a cute girl and at most overprotective, as could be seen with Eren, so it was best to use this opportunity to slowly build a strong relationship with her and train himself in sweet-talking a girl into the lion's den.

He slept far about four hours to recover the energy he had lost while fighting Esdeath then he woke up and after a short while a knocking came from the door.

"Yami, I'm going to show you how to make good coffee today, so come down in due time. The Anteiku will open shortly."

It was obvious who was calling him and Yami didn't want to keep Yoshimura waiting. He changed his clothes with ones he took out from this slime-body and went down the stairs. Because he was a slime he didn't need hygiene or anything like that he didn't produce sweat, rather, he could if he wanted to but didn't because it was unnecessary.

"Good morning."

After the short greeting Yami was taught how to properly make coffee, the process was more difficult than he imagined, but he appeared to have a hand for it. After a short while Yoshimura was pleased with what he could make and told him that today would be his first official day to work in the Anteiku.

"May I know whether there are other employees or are you running this cafe on your own?"

The old man seemed to be a bit sad but still replied.

"There were a few, but at the moment there is one girl, Touka but there is also Hinami-chan together with her mother. There is also a boy named Kaneki who I would like to see in here again."

From this Yami deduced that it was probably the time after Kaneki was tortured and he was currently on his own. What he didn't know was whether the story would follow the anime or the manga. But there was something that didn't fit.

"Mother? Sorry, I was surprised, why is there a mother daughter pair here?"

"To be honest, they were hunted and found refuge here. Her mother was almost killed but thankfully she survived, Hinami-chan also awakened her unique Kagune on that occasion."

[That means that in this world Hinami's mother survived and wasn't killed by that crazy man. Happy for her I guess. I should probably just wait and see for the moment, I'm not strong enough to move on my own.]

Yami started to arrange everything for the time when the cafe opened but also continued the conversation at the same time.

"I have a question, what about other ghouls? Where are they and are they enemies or friends?"

"Well, the matter is difficult but you should always be prepared to be attacked by other ghouls."

He wanted a clear answer because he wanted to locate other ghouls and possibly kill them. The leveling-function was unlocked and Yami was sure that like in games, he had to kill other living beings to gain levels and grow stronger. He needed to grow stronger and his murder from yesterday strangely didn't affect him at all. His mind was being analytic and it told him that in order to do what he wanted to do he needed strength and to get that, the easiest way was to kill others and gain experience like in games.

Ghouls were probably one of the few beings he could hunt without having any problems, on the contrary, the people would see him as a hero who helps out because Ghouls were just seen as a threat. There were beings such as Demi-humans who could also eat humans, but they just eat normal food, however, ghouls devoured humans and other such beings because they couldn't feed on anything else, so they were a race that was free to be killed, there were no laws that protected them, only laws against them.

"Alright, we can talk more later, it is time to open."

It was his first day at work, but not much happened. Yami was a young teenager who looked good and cute at the same time so he didn't have any problems with the few people who came to the cafe. He was a waiter and making coffee at the same time but had more than enough time because there were only a few orders. Talking with the people a bit he got a better understanding of how the people in this city thought. There was a snake-man who entered and also a kind of yokai and a literal ghost, though he couldn't drink anything.

Most of them probably grew up in Japan, so it was normal for them to be around many different races and so on. They were all pretty chill but Yami also heard a lot of rumors but one especially interested him, a black-red winged fallen angel. He guessed that they meant him and his Kagune, there wasn't really much interest after all it was just gossip, but it seemed that the three biblical factions were interested in him. There was also a nick-name that was given him: Lucifer.

Yami found it ironic because of two reasons, first was that there was at least one real Lucifer and he had been a devil and not a fallen angel. The second was that he was literally a person sent personally by god and had "Jesus body", it wouldn't be wrong to compare him to Jesus Christ, but now he had the name of the person who could be seen as the opponent of God and Jesus. Well, that was only according to the old world and Yami didn't know if the stories were the same in this anime-mashup world with all the mythologies and god really existing.

"You are free now, I can handle the rest alone."

Yoshimura told him after several hours. The old man was kind and was sure that the young boy would rather do something else than serving the handful of customers left.

"Thank you."

As Yami said that his thanks he was a bit distracted because of the system message that popped up, or rather, the mission.

[Quest received: Call of the reaper

Objective: Kill 10 or more ghouls at the auction

Time: 4 hours

Rewards: 4000 System Points

Failure: Both the investigators as well as the ghouls will try to kill you

Description: An auction organized by ghouls will be held in a warehouse near your location. God thinks that you should live up to your new evil name "Lucifer" and reap a few evil souls.]

He didn't really like that he was forced to murder directly after the events of last night, but he had already made up his mind. The fact that his emotions as well as his brain weren't against killing made his decision several times easier than it should have been.

Once again it seemed that the system was showing him the way to his destination through a path of light only visible to him.

[I should probably disguise myself… With my slime-body that won't be a problem, but the question is, what appearance should I use?]

Yami thought about the several different appearances/avatars he created when he was in space. However, there was one who was best suited for the role that "Lucifer" would play.

- - -

The auction was filled with many ghouls, they were waiting for whatever was presented to them. There would be a lot of living beings, especially humans, who would be sold here.

A lot of people were chatting with one another, there was a lively atmosphere, well as lively as psychopathic ghouls could get.

There were still five minutes until the official start of the auction, however, unexpectedly the sound of foot-steps could be heard coming from the stage. Most people didn't pay attention to it but the ones who did suddenly froze. The others who noticed that were now curious and turned their heads and froze as well.

The head of today's auction could be seen there, or rather, the head of the head of the auction could be seen. Indeed, the whole rest of the body was nowhere to be seen, the neck was cleanly cut off and blood was oozing out of it. The eyes were black with red pupils, the person seemed to have activated his Kagune and fought before his head was severed from his body.

It was obvious what happened before, the person who held this head while walking towards the middle of the stage had killed the ghoul.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman."

Exactly this person now greeted them with a courteous voice, if you heard it you would immediately think that his man was an admirable gentleman, however, this gentleman now tossed the head high above as it was suddenly impaled by several things that looked like feathers and exploded, creating a bloody firework.

"I should probably introduce myself to all of you present. My name is Luzifer, the shadow monarch. My hobbies are playing piano, drawing, woman as well as murder. Tonight I will present you a great show and the height of art; I will play you the murder melody and draw a beautiful scene of cranage. I hope you will enjoy it."

The blue eyes of the handsome young man glowed as black and red wings appeared behind him or rather, came out of his back. It looked really badass together with his short black hair and the blood from the exploded head that landed on him. The ghouls didn't know why, but it looked to them as if an army of the dead stood behind this man. They were certain, this was a god of death! A black, blue and red aura seemed to swirl around him, however, it just made him look more intimidating.

This was the first appearance of Yami's second "Avatar" or second "Appearance" or however you want to call it: The Shadow Monarch Sung Jin Woo

The man summoned a scythe in his right hand, that looked as if it was the personal weapon of the reaper himself, it was a piece of art that was breathtakingly beautiful and unimaginable intimidating at the same time. He held up his left hand and spoke again with a smooth and gentle voice that didn't match his demon-like appearance at all.

"My dear Ghouls. We are all fellow living beings, so I give you the opportunity to leave with your lives. I will count down from five to zero after that I will start helping you end your pitiful and sad lives as despised beings. May god have mercy upon your souls for I have none."


Nobody moved, still not knowing what was going on or what to do.


At this moment several of the strong-willed ghouls activated their Kagune.


The rest were awakened from their daze by this dangerously low number and also prepared to do battle.


Although he had given them the opportunity to flee, nobody here believed that his incarnation of death would let them leave, so they decided to fight back.


At this signal all the Ghouls rushed at him while the users of Ukaku's started shooting at him, however, before any of them could reach him, the final second before their hour of judgement had gone by.


At this moment almost all the ghouls felt a strong pain from their necks and the next moment the whole air was filled with heads and fountains of blood that came down like rain.

The last things that they saw were a black or red feather and then their own body.

The feathers flew around like homing-missiles and pierced through the tights of the remaining ghouls, making them incapable of escaping. The next moment a scythe appeared in their field of vision and then their head joined the others that already lay in the pool of blood on the floor.

A few tried to escape and others wanted to fight back, but it was all in vain. The man who introduced himself as Luzifer slowly walked up to them, easily dodging all the projectiles fired at him and too fast to attack on close-quarters. The absurd thing was that the more he killed the stronger he seemed to get, it was just a small improvement but it was something absurd.

"Hiiiiii! Why? Why are you doing this?"

One of the Ghouls whose legs were pierced through wanted to buy time for his wound to heal by asking the blood drenched man a question.

"As a gentleman I should probably explain my actions, right? Well, it's easy, every life has to end eventually, yours was just a bit shorter than others."

Without wasting another moment the man killed the ghoul. His black and red wings were now nearly completely red from all the blood on it.

"That was the last one, huh? Well, the quest was completed long ago and I have leveled up quite a lot. I should get out of here before anyone else comes here… Huh?"

Yami noticed that not everyone in the warehouse was dead, those people were in the back of the stage.

"Right, if there is an auction there has to be something that was going to be sold…"

He walked to a room which had several cages, there were human kids in it as well as demi-humans. However, as he walked through them all of them tried to get away from him even if they were restricted because of the iron bars. Well, he was covered in blood so it wasn't something strange at all, it would be more strange if they would like him at first sight.

"My name is Lucifer, I came here to rescue you all and punish the bad people who did this to you."

He started opening the cages simply by bending apart the bars with his physical strength. Although they were very cautious, they also wanted to get out of here so they slowly went out after Yami had already walked away from their cage to open another one.

"Do you have anywhere to go to?"

One demi-human girl seemed to have finally gathered the courage to speak and answered Yami's/Lucifer's question.

"We are from a demi-human settlement in another continent but were captured and sold off here."

The other kids were probably children who got kidnapped.

"Okay, the ones who have somewhere to go please raise your hand and then leave through the side exit, I don't think you want to see the scene in the main hall. The others, please stay here, I have a proposal for you."

A few of the kids hesitantly raised their hands and left one after another. Yami wasn't really paying attention to them because he focused on the brown haired demi-human girl with racoon features, she resembled one of the most popular Waifu's when she was still a kid, no, it was highly likely that she was exactly that girl.

"Excuse me, but could you tell me your name? It seems like you are the only one who has the courage to speak to me."

"M-my name is Ra-Raphtalia…"

A smile came to Yami because of this was a surprise to be certain, but a welcome one.

"Okay Raphtalia, can you support me a bit? I would like to help you all but they probably will be suspicious of me, could you be the spokesperson who represents them? I think that is the easiest way, so I would like to tell you my proposal and you can then discuss it with the others, okay?"

She nodded, it seemed that she still had a strong will.

"I believe it is easier for you to see rather than me talking a lot. Give me your hand and don't resist. No need to be afraid, to be honest, if I wanted to do anything to you I would have done it long ago."

Raphtalia slowly took Yami's hand because she knew that what he said was right. From the blood he had all over him it was obvious that he could kill or force them any time he wanted to.

She felt a slight suction force but remembered Yami's words and did nothing. After a short while she opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw; there was a gigantic garden around her, it was unlike anything she had ever seen, if she had to describe it with one word it would be celestial.

"Welcome to Paradise. And this place is also my offer to all you demi-humans. I would allow you to live here in safety without any worries and in exchange you would be one of the first residents of this small world."

The words were something that sounded too good to be true, but Raphtatila wanted to believe him, at the moment she didn't have any other options after all. Even if they could escape from the place of the auction, they had nowhere to go and would most likely just be caught again and sold again.

"I will give you some time to think and look around here. It's probably a lot to take in for you."

Determination fashed through the young demi-humans eyes as she told Yami while still holding onto his hand.

"No, I have seen enough, I will talk to the others."

When they both reappeared all the demi-humans who were left felt shocked that they suddenly appeared once again. At that moment Raphtalia walked over to them and spoke up.

"My friends, I would like to discuss a decision with you all that could save us."

Raphtalia was well liked and trusted by all of them because she told them to always smile, she was the reason that they still had hope and this hope now came in the form of Yami.

After a few minutes of Raphtaila speaking to them they all agreed to come to Paradise and Yami opened a "Gate".

Teleporting was good for being quick if there were few people but a Gate was better if there was a bigger amount of beings to be transfered.

(It would definitely look more badass to have an army march out of such a Gate instead of them just appearing through Teleport.)

After everyone of them walked inside, Yami was the last one to pass through. Before that he quickly absorbed all the blood on him into his body so now he just looked like Sung Jin Woo with wings. He also changed his clothes to a black suit.

Now he just looked like a really really handsome young man.

At the other side all the demi-humans were stunned by the sight before them and as Yami came out behind them they were even more stunned. He had flown up and the second pair of his wings had now taken on a white and silver-golden color. He looked like a fallen angel and a seraph at the same time. The strange thing was that it didn't look wrong at all, it just looked even greater like a fusion between both of them. A half broken halo with thorns appeared above his head and he had an angelic but also majestic smile while looking at them. All of the demi-humans suddenly felt the urge to kneel down to him, it was like their deepest part told them that they were standing in front of a being that stood above them.

This being was a Monarch sent by god.

"As you are my first subjects, I welcome you to my own little world, Paradise."