
Gods Multiverse Entertainment

Yami had been in the Void for a very long time, there was just nothing and he was bored out of his mind. However, because he had the idea: God is doing everthing because he is bored. God became interested in him and offered him to be the Main Character of the new world he created to entertain himself. It is a world where all kinds of Anime are mixed together into one world. From Naruto to DxD over to Akame Ga Kill and many more. Yami's quest? To entertain God. For this purpose he got a few wishes stuff and a system that was the perfect WAIFU. One of his Objektives: Make the greatest Harem in all of the Multiverse! Anime: Highschool DxD Naruto Tokyo Ghoul Akame Ga Kill Attack On Titan Sword Art Online SAO Abridged Assassination Classroom Overlord Arifureta shokugyou de sekai saikyou Shield Hero Classroom of the Elite Bunny Girl Senpai Date A Live Highschool of the dead Fate I'm not a native speaker and I'm just writing this for fun and because I'm bored... Still hope you might enjoy it Also, thanks to my editor sawyer_butt, he is uploading the story on Wattpad and he is a great dude, thanks man.

Sebastian_HEsse · Komik
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53 Chs

Did you miss me?

"You found the two in boxes in a nearby park while you came back yesterday?"

Yoshimura was looking at Chocola and Vanilla who were already wearing waitress dresses.

"Haaaah… We are getting more and more waitresses…"

But why were they all beautiful, cute, good looking girls that Yami seemed to just pick up? Yoshimura didn't voice that thought, but he was already pretty convinced that his godson was a ladies man, he also didn't miss the look in Touka's eyes of course.

"But we are also getting more and more customers, and I'm sure that with such adorable cats there will be even more."

Yami was right. Actually, the amount of customers had increased by a lot. Like the level of difference between a normal and a futanari D. Meaning just worlds apart. The profit they were making was also just going STONKS! And if this continued, the Anteiku would be able to expand itself pretty quickly.

Yami was thinking about the future a bit as he stroked the two wholesome little cats while talking to Yoshimura. They were in their human from of course, but still couldn't overcome their cat instincts to close their eyes in absolute bliss and start purring.

"Why were you out yesterday by the way?"

Since this topic was pretty much finished with Yoshimura accepting them and that Yami didn't want to talk about it more, he changed the topic.

The kind old man had been back once Yami returned from Paradise. He was making himself a coffee as he spoke with Yami. His eyes were a bit more complicated about this topic however. Touka was back as well, but she was in her room currently and Yami hadn't yet seen her. But he had put a breakfast before her door. It was already gone once he checked.

"I told you that we had another person working here before named Kaneki, right? He is actually also a ghoul who is currently somewhere out there. Yesterday we thought we might have found him. Sadly, he wasn't there anymore. I really wish for him to come home and meet you, I'm sure the two of you would get along great."

(... I don't really know about that, but I will try. Still, is it the Kaneki from the Manga or the Anime? Well, all I need to do is find him and bring him back. No big story arc about losing your memories for you.)

At the moment Kaneki was pretty low on his priority list. If you had biblical factions at each other's throats, gods after you, dragons possibly after you, and Yanderes in your surroundings, thinking about a character that is doing his own business and who can take care of himself, wasn't all that important in comparison.

If worse came to worse, Yami would raid the Ghoul Investigators and kill a few ghouls, or maybe more than a few. He would rather take a few of them into Paradise, but since there were quite a few with bad personalities, getting rid of them was also part of Yami's plan. If he got stronger, he could probably also modify the bodies of the ghouls within Paradise.

After that, the two of them didn't talk about anything anymore. Except for the purring noises from Vanilla and Chocola it was silent until Yoshimura looked at the clock, finished his coffee and opened the café.

"I guess the two of them will be working here from now on then."

Hearing these words made the eyes of the two open and shine as they reluctantly parted with Yami's hands. But immediately cheered up at finally being able to work in the café, something they had wanted to do for a long time. Yami had also already taught them about everything and they would only need to take and deliver orders for now anyways. The food was already prepared and the best coffee had to come from Yoshimura, his skills were just that good.

"The three of us are more than enough. You need to learn for school, don't you?"

In response, Yami just nodded. Actually, this came very opportune since he wanted to go back to Paradise. He went back up to his room.

Yesterday night not only Asia but after that Yui and Strea started undergoing Evolution as well. As they were his daughters he went to the high quality bed the two were sleeping upon like two sleeping Beauties.

Their sleeping faces looked really innocent and cute. HAVE TO BE PROTECTED!

Yami spent half an hour with the two before he finally left the room. He would have spent more time with his sleeping daughters, but there was a person who had been respectfully waiting outside the door for quite a while now. Neither Raphtalia or Esdeath seemed to want to interrupt their Master's time with his adoptive daughters.

"Give me your reports."

He smiled at them. The two went a bit soft just from his gaze, but were also very dedicated to their job and gave their reports.

"Reporting to Yami-sama: Asuna, Leafa, Sinon, Alice and the Shadow Foxes have managed to conquer the next floor and grown stronger once more. Kayaba is making rapid progress. Factories have been built and have started working with golems. Overall, Paradise is ready to receive even a great number of new residents without any problems. Mikasa is currently instructing a part of the Shadow Foxes on how to use the sword. Tsunade and Sachi have agreed to teach us more about healing and several of us, especially Senko, have been interested in learning more about it. The amount of materials we have in stock is enough for centuries even for a whole country and none of the sources show any signs of declining in the amount of resources they give. Your Soul World is just as great as yourself, Yami-sama, greater than any other."

Yami nodded towards Raphtalia to acknowledge her report and then went on to pet her head to reward her for her good work. He planned to "reward" her tonight just like all the other girls, but not right now, not while his daughters were undergoing evolution. He looked over at Esdeath to give her permission to speak. Yami was interested in what she was going to say since Raphtalia had already reported everything else.

"The nun is currently being looked after by Eris. Also, I have been visiting the Administrator, Quinella for a bit now and I think it will only take a few more days until she will swear her loyalty to Master. I have been taking care of that personally."

A sadistic smile crossed over Esdeath's face. However, Yami knew that this was only a continuation of Raphtalia's report, but what really was interesting was what Esdeath asked next.

"Master, when will we be able to enter the Main-World? Chocola and Vanilla now have the honor to work in the same cafe as you, but when will we be able to be at your side?"

Esdeath wanted to be of use to her master, in the outside world as well.

"Don't worry, I'm currently creating the company that will be our foundation in the Main-world. You are already doing great within Paradise, thanks for the hard work, both of you."

Yami patted her head as well. Although Emdeath was a big M, she was very weak to whenever Yami was nice to her for that reason as well.

At that moment the two of them were like child's happy about being praised.

"By the way, is Alice together with Artoria?"

"Your pet is with them as well. They went to the place Yami-sama summoned her, I think."

Raphtalia's voice sounded similar to the purring of a cat, but still different. But it was obvious how much she was enjoying the current situation. Same for Esdeath who had closed her eyes.

Even after a long time they were reluctant to part with Yami's hands.

- - -

There were quite a lot of customers in the Anteiku. The two cat girls might have been part of the reason why.

The two were doing a great job. Yami was proud of them as he watched over them while serving the other customers.

The last few days were pretty full with stuff happening, but spending his time like this wasn't bad. And after the door to the cafe opened once again, it would become an even greater day. Or a worse day…

Several beautiful girls entered the cafe in short succession: Saeko, Yumeko and Shizuku.

Yami got a bad feeling. This situation could turn for the worse really quickly…

And why the hell did they all sit down at the same table?!

"Hey there."

A smile was on Yami's face as he approached the three girls.

" " "Yami!" " "

The three smiled towards him as well. The next moment they smiled towards one another. But the smiles made him feel as if he suddenly entered a fridge.

"You know him, Saeko-san?"

"Yes, we go into the same class. Where do you know him from, Shizuku-san?"

"I… I like the cake and tea here… and he is my… friend."

The last part of her words was spoken so softly that it was almost impossible to hear.

Shizuku used one of her special techniques: The Ponytail Guard.

The cold feeling instantly went away and was replaced by a warm soft breeze.

Maybe it was because they were both swordswomen, but Saeko seemed to like Shizuku and the other way round. Or maybe it was because they were both people who looked after the others while disregarding themselves and both kept their "true feelings" a secret. They did have a few similarities. But Saeko was a hot S while Shikzuku was just Supreme cute.

"Are the three of you actually friends?"

"No, we just coincidentally met and since we were all heading to the Anteiku, we walked together and chatted a bit."

(Yeah, coincidence, sure. The Probability of that happening as really high, right?)

[The constellation "God-father" is smiling while contemplating who is better between Saeko and Shizuku. But as a man of culture, he comes to the only true answer; THEY ARE BOTH GREAT!]

Yami nodded with a big smile.

Then he turned around and went towards the counter.

"Is he not going to take our order?"

Saeko was a bit confused by Yami's actions. However, it didn't even take a minute before the white haired waiter came back with two cups of tea, one cup of coffee, three pieces of bread and two fruit cakes. He put the tea and cakes before the two swordswomen and Yumeko got the coffee as well as another thing Yami had brought with him; a deck of cards as well as two dice.

They were all amazed that Yami already knew what they wanted to order. Although Saeko and Shizuku didn't plan to order a cake. But now that it was there, their noses, eyes, stomach and their brain was telling them to eat this gift from heaven.

Coincidentally, Shizuku and Saeko had exactly the same. Yami was sure that a beautiful friendship would blossom.

Saeko on the other hand was already looking at the dice instead of the bread.

"You wanted a rematch, right?"

He really is very very interesting. That was what Yumeko thought as she took the first bit of the bread. She wasn't really focusing on it, but the moment it entered her mouth, even the gambling addict was overtaken by the taste.

They savored every bite and every sip they took and thus it took some time until they finished.

"Let's play now!"

After such a delicious breakfast, Yumeko was hyped for the game. Well, it was already near noon, but it didn't matter since it was this good.

"Do you want to play as well?"

Both Saeko and Shizuku agreed. Deep down they were very happy to spend more time with this nice young man.

"Do any of you know Mäxle?"

They all shook their heads. That's what Yami had expected and thus he took the two dice and a cup.

"Okay. This game is about luck and bluffing. The first player rolls the dice, well, actually he shakes it within the cup and then looks at what he rolled without the others seeing it. If there are different numbers, like for example 6 and 2, the higher number will be the first, meaning you have a 62. This goes up to 65. After that comes the Pasch, a Pasch is when the dice are the same, like 2 and 2 then you have a Pasch 2. Or a 6 and a 6 are a Pasch 6. However, there is one combination that is the highest; the "Mäxle", that is when a 1 and a 2 are rolled. You always need to go higher than the person before you. But the moment you don't roll something higher you will need to start bluffing. If you think the person before you is bluffing, you can call that out and the cup will be lifted. If the person did bluff and had something lower than what he said, he will lose one life, if he didn't or even had something higher, you will lose one life. Let's try it."

Saeko started, shook the cup with the dice, lifted it up a bit and then said:


Shizuku was next.


Then Yami.


Then Yumeko.

"Pasch 2."

Saeko was sceptical, but Yumeko was good, really good. She knew that this girl was a professional gambler, as that, she had a lot of luck. And she didn't want to be the first one to lose a life.

"Pasch 4."

A sly smirk was on Saeko's face as she gave the cup over to Shizuku. One could see how much Shizuku was struggling whether to open the cup or not. But she was an honest and good girl and she didn't like the smirk on Saeko's face, thus she decided to try her luck.

"P-Pasch 5."

Her voice wasn't certain at all, she was a really terrible liar. Her eyes were squirming around a bit, before they met with the blood red eyes of Yami. He was staring right into her eyes.

She started to get fidgy for another reason now and quickly turned her head away.

Yami on the other hand smirked as he took the cup and started to shake it as well.

"Never underestimate a girl just because she is cute. Pasch 6."

Shizuku was a cute girl deep down, but she was also a highly trained swordswoman who was someone who was able to overcome two great labyrinths which focused on mental attacks. In fact she had gotten a Pasch 5. She tried to use the fact that Yami looked at her as a girl to her advantage, but it came completely different. Yami was actually paying respect to her skills in the same sentence as calling her cute.

Maybe it was possible to live as a girl and still be reliable and strong…

While Shizuku had become immersed in her own thoughts, much to the amusement of Saeko who looked at her, Yumeko was looking at the cup. She knew how good Yami was at gambling, but her intuition was telling her that he was lying. It was difficult…

Yumeko's hands took the cub and pulled it up. Beneath it were a 1 and a 2.


Yami said with a small grin. Yumeko's intuition was right, but Yami was still right as well.

Yumeko lost one of her three lives, but all that happened was her getting more hot and starting to get more into the game.

They all played for about half an hour and tada, tada, Yami won.

"This was fun, let's do it again some other time."

The three girls agreed.

"Shizuku-san, you said that you practiced kendo, right? How about we spar sometime?"

"Actually, I'm free this afternoon, how about you come over to our dojo and we do it today?"

"Sounds great."

The two swordswomen really got along very quickly.

"Yami, see you tomorrow."

Saeko smiled as she said that.

Both Yumeko and Shizuku said their farewells as well, as well as saying that they were planning to come to the Anteiku together again.

[The affection of "Saeko" has increased to 53.]

[The affection of "Shizuku" has increased to 47]

[The affection of "Yumeko'' has increased to 51.]



Saeko: Strong romantic interest (53)

Shizuku: Suppressed strong affection (47)

Yumeko: Strong abnormal interest (51)

---------------------------------------------- ]

- - -


A certain group of fallen angels was gathered. And their leader, Raynare was cursing. They had lost the nun with the sacred gear. Why did these idiots from the ghoul race need to use exactly that church? And why did one of these annoying humans decide to take her in.

"Have you found her yet?"

Kalawarna stepped forward.

"She seems to currently be in a cafe called Anteiku. How about we go there and take her back."

"Sounds great, I can kill all the people there right?"

Mittelt was very happy at being able to kill more humans.

"We should first take care of the person who has taken her away, don't you think? He can't go unpunished for being daring enough to go against us as just a mere human."

Dohnaseek said. He really wanted to fight someone instead of just killing boring humans.

[The constellation "Meme-god" is saying that his godson is about to ruin this man's whole career.]

[The constellation "God-father" has decided that tomorrow will be another Judgement Day, but he is also wondering whether he should really kill people with such "qualities", although there are just two with said qualities, the others will definitely die.]

- - -

After seeing everyone out, there weren't that many customers anymore, well there were still a lot, but Chocola, Vanilla and Yoshimura could handle them.


Just after he went upstairs, he heard an energetic voice and the next moment something bumped into his back.

"Nice to see you again, Hinami. You as well Ryoko-san."

Ryoko nodded at him with a smile. It was obvious that her opinion of Yami had risen even more. And Hinami was just adorable as always.

"I saw you play a game with these beautiful girls and wanted to play it too. Can you teach me how?"

Yami smiled at this cute girl. This lively Hinami was way better than the depressed one in the original.


Ryoko joined in as well. The three of them played for quite a long time since Hinami always wanted to play "just one more game". Surprisingly, Hinami had really great luck. And Yami intentionally didn't play really seriously. Of course Ryoko and Hinami noticed this as well, but they All of them had a good time and Chocola and Vanilla joined in as well at some point since the nice old man saw how their tails were wagging as they looked over at the three playing.

There were quite a few customers, but Yoshimura was a profi and managed all of them very well, even alone.

"I will be making dinner now, what do you want?"

Hinami excitedly raised her hand.

"Duck sweet sour! I saw that in a shop and wanted to try how it tasted."

Sadly, even if she saw great food, she wouldn't be able to taste it and just throw it up again no matter how tasty it actually was. But thanks to Yami, they could now eat all kinds of food.

He nodded and went to the kitchen, or rather, Paradise to be exact. He made a total of twelve portions. Six for; Hinami, Ryoko, Yoshimura, Chocola, Vanilla and himself. Two for Touka and Mai who were both still staying in their rooms. And the remaining four went to the gluttonous Saber that had been looking at the food ever since Yami started making it. Surprisingly, she even shared a small bit of the meat with Leoness who was happily eating it while rubbing her head against Yami.

It didn't take more than ten minutes until the Ghouls were able to experience heaven as they foodgasm-ed.

While they were eating Yami went upstairs and put the other two plates before the two doors. He also looked into his own room and Vanilla's room, but the two seemed to be out at the moment. Yami guessed that the two were probably doing a job together to get some money, as Yami had said. It would be good if the two got a bit closer to each other since they would be fighting together in the future and should already get used to it.

Since the ghouls were satisfied and the last customers were slowly leaving as well, Yami went into his room and teleported back to Paradise.

What greeted him were Raphtalia, Mikasa and Esdeath… naked. As well as several Demi-human women… naked.

"This is going to be fun, nya~"

Hanekawa was really excited about, well, the meat she was going to get.

Senko was currently taking care of Yui and Strea and thus the girls were free to go wild since finally there were no innocent children around.

"May we join in the fun as well?"

Asuna's voice reached the group as well. A still shy Sinon and Leafa were behind her. Alice was taking care of the only other "innocent" girl; Saber.

There was another person watching them, a certain naugthy Administrator who couldn't help but become sexually frustrated after hearing the torturously detailed descriptions of Esdeath's sex-life. Yami just ignored her as she was watching through a screen and wasn't physically there. This was part of Esdeath's plan to break down the ego of the haughty and now naughty Quinella.

"Shall we start then?"

Yami asked as his clothes disappeared and his skills started to activate.

They moved to the baths and there was no need for any more confirmation besides the already ready holes which had gotten wet just from this enticing and marvellous sight of Yami and his big yami.

Mikasa was the first one to move as she presented her ass to Yami while Darkness was getting ready to get more punishment. Tsunade went behind Yami and Esdeath in front of him. The cheery Eris tried to squeeze herself in somewhere as well and Asuna did the same.

Yami was currently surrounded by the dream of all men of culture, the perverted and greatest men of culture.

After that the orgy started.

The beautiful, sexy, naked girls…