
Gods Multiverse Entertainment

Yami had been in the Void for a very long time, there was just nothing and he was bored out of his mind. However, because he had the idea: God is doing everthing because he is bored. God became interested in him and offered him to be the Main Character of the new world he created to entertain himself. It is a world where all kinds of Anime are mixed together into one world. From Naruto to DxD over to Akame Ga Kill and many more. Yami's quest? To entertain God. For this purpose he got a few wishes stuff and a system that was the perfect WAIFU. One of his Objektives: Make the greatest Harem in all of the Multiverse! Anime: Highschool DxD Naruto Tokyo Ghoul Akame Ga Kill Attack On Titan Sword Art Online SAO Abridged Assassination Classroom Overlord Arifureta shokugyou de sekai saikyou Shield Hero Classroom of the Elite Bunny Girl Senpai Date A Live Highschool of the dead Fate I'm not a native speaker and I'm just writing this for fun and because I'm bored... Still hope you might enjoy it Also, thanks to my editor sawyer_butt, he is uploading the story on Wattpad and he is a great dude, thanks man.

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53 Chs

Daddy? Clone-jutsu is dumb? "Last Boss"?

Yami was walking back to the Anteiku he wanted to say a kind of goodbye to everyone before leaving. The clearing of SAO will probably take over two years, at least in the anime it did. Although he could have taken them with him through his soul-world, they didn't have a strong enough relationship yet. He also didn't want to take them away from the world for over two years.

{I have a question, Daddy.}

Yami stumbled. This was the first time that his mind was thrown in enough disarray to make him trip. He barely managed to avoid falling and just stood in the middle of the sidewalk trying to comprehend the way Eve just addressed him.

"Eve… what did you say just now?"

Eve herself was also startled by the intense reaction Yami had. She just wanted to test something.

{I have read it somewhere… I thought that men liked to be called that by their lovers. Did it surprise you that much?}

"What you just gave me wasn't a surprise, it was a CRITICAL HIT! And I don't know how to react to it…"

He managed to regain a bit of his composure and started walking again since he was standing in the way of people. He also noticed that he talked aloud just now and shut his mouth. A few passerby were already looking at him with strange gazes.

{Do you hate it?}

(That's not it… But I can't deal with it as long as you can't take physical form, it is just too strong stimulation… It is almost an attack, a very very strong one! Okay, I need to get this out of my head before I start jumping at a screen…)

He breathed slowly and then remembered why she even spoke up.

(What did you want to know?)

{As you want to get stronger as your dutiful wife I have searched for ways to help you increase your strength. And one of the things I noticed was that you didn't use the clone technique. Why?}

Yami was already near his destination but as he heard this valid question he stopped. He could talk aloud because nobody was around.

"This is one of the things why I call myself dumb. The reason why I'm not using this technique is just too dumb even for myself and still, I'm aversed from using it. I'm afraid of it…"

He had a self-mocking smile on his face as he touched his head with his right hand.

"First, the technique in itself isn't a good strategy for me. Why didn't all the other great ninja use this technique if it was so great? Because Naruto was special. I don't have the stamina to sustain them as easily as Naruto. If I were to use a clone that one would not only get half my "chakra" but half of my overall strength, meaning that my stats would also be divided. This was established by God this way because he didn't like the idea of my just overwhelming the enemy because there were several of me. It is just boring, a technique that is so powerful that it can break a story, just like the Boosted-gear or the Divine-Dividing. But the real reason why I'm not using it for something like training is another thing…"

Yami's self-mocking smile intensified as if he was dissatisfied by himself.

"I'm afraid. Afraid of myself. I don't know how this technique would work for me, after all I'm special… Every time I think of the scenario of summoning a clone of myself I don't see it from the side of the summoner but the summoned me, the clone. I know myself and I know what would happen, we would try to kill each other…"

{Why? Why would you try to kill yourself? That doesn't make sense.}

"You see, I'm a selfish asshole who is very possessive and not very good with trust… If I was summoned by the "original me" as a clone, I wouldn't want to just be a clone to be used… I would just be used for something and then my life would end. I don't know what would happen to the clones after they are absorbed again and thus neither do my clones. I would want all the Waifus all for myself, I don't want to share my lovers with anyone, not even myself. The same applies to my clones, they would also not stand being a tool while the "real" Yami is having fun with the Waifus that I love and want… Only because the other person is the same as you doesn't mean that you will be getting along… Especially if the clone also had a second system and thus a second "Eve", a second you. How would you feel about that?"

{I… I don't know. But I would feel strange being with you and a second you at the same time…}

"Yes, if that were the case then both of us wouldn't be able to accept it. Another person would have MY Eve, my companion and my first wife… As the possessive dick that I am I wouldn't be able to stand that and try to also make the second Eve mine… It's the same with any other girl. Never would I be able to accept anyone besides myself, even another me, to be with one of the girls that I like! I'm sorry but that is the kind of asshole your husband is. My own incompetence is getting in the way of the goal I'm pursuing… Am I not just nothing more than a hypocrite…"

{Husband… I'm sorry for asking…}

"You have done nothing wrong, Eve, why are you apologizing? We should just leave this depressing talk, the goodbye will already not be nice for me so I don't want to talk more about such things."

He shook his head to clear with thoughts and show that this matter was over and resumed walking the last bit towards the cafe.

"Welcome back, Yami-nii-san"

The happy Hinami was the first to welcome him back. The next one was her mother and then Yoshimura. Touka was somewhere else, maybe still looking for Kaneki or something else, Yami didn't ask.

"I will make dinner for all of you."

Yami had already established himself to be the person to "feed" them. First, they would be grateful for him for making such good food and even make them develop a kind of reliance on him. He wasn't a person who easily trusted people, he rather had a bit of control than just "trust".

{The constellation "Trust is good, control is better" is proud of his comrade.}

Well, it was not to this extent but he did have a saying that he invented himself: The best person to trust is yourself because only you yourself will always live up to this trust.

Nobody followed him to peek at his cooking because he already told them very clearly that he doesn't want that. They wouldn't go against the only real condition he made as they asked him to cook for them, besides to get the ingredients of course. He got a lot of them at that. The Anteiku had a lot of money because they didn't have to buy food until now, only coffee-beans and such.

Thankfully the adorable Demi-humans had already built a place for Yami to cook at. Of course, as he started to make food all the nearby cat-, fox-, racoon-, and dog- boys and girls quickly gathered. All of them immediately smelled the delicious aroma with their superior senses and ran towards Yami. It didn't take long for Esdeath and Mikasa to come as well.

Raphtalia was happily hopping around him while being the taste-tester, a position that every other demi-human envied.

Yami made a simple Omurice, but it was still a masterpiece, an art of the world of cooking. He was also contemplating whether he should add a "special sauce" that a certain cute little sister liked to use but he decided not to for reasons that the people who know Charlotte should understand.

The affection of Rapthalia and the Demi-humans increased a bit and Yami was satisfied by his own creation.

But he needed to leave shortly after they all finished their meal because it would be strange if he took too long and someone might still look for him to make sure nothing happened.


The moment he placed the plates in front of the three Hinami couldn't contain herself because it looked and smelled too heavenly and started eating. After the first bite her speed just increased. Ryouko had more manners and after thanking Yami she started to eat in a more civilized manner, but this quickly changed after she tasted the food and started to eat at record speed even faster than Hinami. As an old man should, Yoshimura just ate normally and enjoyed the good food.

They all had happy expressions on their face while eating which would have never been there if the food wasn't from Yami but human flesh.

"How was your first day at school?"

As the grand-father figure he saw himself as, Yoshimura asked the question that normally mothers would ask at the dining table.

"Just one word; crazy."

Becoming a bit curious Hinami asked while still having food in her mouth.

"Wath do yuo mean?"

Yami looked at the cuteness incarnate in front of him as he answered. Hinami reminded him a bit of a squirrel with her full cheeks.

"Well, the head-master is a very intelligent monster in human skin. The teacher is a monster in octopus skin who can move at mach 20 and even above. Most of the class consists of psychopaths and sociopaths of whom almost all have a connection to killing or death itself. Actually this information is highly classified because the teacher and also some students are monitored and kept in check by the government… It would be better to not talk about it after today and never mention it to someone else."

All of them were stupefied by what Yami just told them.

"Oh, we seem to have a customer, I will take care of it. You just sit still and enjoy the rest of the Omurice."

With these words Yami served the person who came into the cafe which was empty until just now. He ordered and got a piece of apple pie and a coffee.

Thanks to Yami, the Anteiku now not only served coffee but a range of really great cakes and pies. This attracted a lot more customers and now only a very small number of the customers were ghouls.

Yami made all the cakes and pies in the "outside world" and not in paradise. Why? Well, for one the rest would see him really working on the cakes and pies and thus they wouldn't get suspicious about the other food he made. The other reason was that to ghouls these cakes would still taste like shit. And why? Because it could even be dangerous if a ghoul that he didn't know were to find out that Yami could prepare edible food. For ghouls his worth was immeasurable because of this skill, they would try to get him, even and mostly with force.

One could call him a bit paranoid but it was better to be safe than sorry.

The customer was a middle aged lady that often came. She liked the coffee, the pies here and especially the young waiter in front of her.

Yami now looked around fifteen or sixteen, but he still had quite a bit of his "cuteness" and this only increased his charm. His Jesus Body as well as his standing as the "protagonist" of the story made him the most "perfect" man there was. The only reason why girls weren't already running after him was that Eve and Yami talked a bit about it and decided to deactivate a few of the passive skills. Eve didn't mind other girls at all but she also didn't like her husband being stared at by every girl that saw him, which would be the inevitable result of passive skills like: Perfect Face and Perfect Body. With the first all the girls would fall for him the second would attract THOTS like an E-girl attracts simps… One of the questions that are yet unanswered are: Can he make them wet themselves with his presence alone? The answer? We might see in the future. He can definitely make them horny a f with his presence alone.

Yes, passive skills can be activated and deactivated. The same goes for the effects of titles.

"It is delicious as always."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Yami felt like he had seen her somewhere before but decided not to think about it too much, there were lots of anime-characters in this world and if she didn't leave a lasting impression, she wouldn't have been a important or strong character.

More customers came and Yami had to serve them all because most of them were already familiar with him and wanted him to serve them. Most of them were females but there were also a few males. His white hair and red eyes made him stand out, he also looked very very handsome even with his true potential suppressed.

"Yami-san, can you give me a cake and a special tea?"

As he heard a familiar voice Yami smiled a bit and went into the back of the cafe to make the special tea. He also asked Yoshimura if he could talk with his friend for a bit and he of course agreed. He was quite fond of this well behaved girl.

The tea was something that came from a garden that Raphtalia started, in Paradise all plants grew faster and better. Everything that came from there was superior to what could be made outside of it. That was because this world was made and gifted by God himself and it was the soul-world of a Perfect Soul.

"Here you go."

Yami placed the strawberry-cake and tea in front of the black haired girl.

"Thank you very much Yami-kun."

He sat down on the seat opposite to hers. Her ponytail was swaying a bit as she drank her tea in a traditional way.

"The tea is really delicious, even better than the one in our dojo."

"I'm happy to receive such praise from a beautiful girl. How are you doing?"

Normally Yami wouldn't use such meaningless flattery but in this case the emphasis wasn't on the beautiful but on the girl part. Although the girl still had her cool beauty image a very light blush could still be seen on her cheeks. So faint that without his improved eyesight Yami wouldn't have even noticed it. He knew that she wasn't an easy girl, quite contrary, she was referred to as "Last Boss". But especially because of her cool and boyish "outerior" was her girlish "interior" much more affected by the simple flirting that Yami made.

"Going to a school full of being full of supernatural beings while only being able to use a sword is kind of strange. And I'm also having a bit of trouble with one of my childhood friends yet again."

Both of their red eyes were looking into one another until she broke contact first. Those eyes were the reason why she even told him about her troubles which she normally would keep to herself. These blood red eyes with which he saw through her and directly into her soul, that's at least how she felt.

"Hmmm. I understand. I don't think that you want me to do anything for you, right?"

"No thank you. These are just my small problems that I will take care of, nothing that you need to concern yourself with. This tea is already enough."

She drank the rest of the tea and was already about to leave. She had already promised Kaori that they would do something together later.


Stopping in her tracks as she heard Yami call her name she looked over into his eyes again.

"Even if you want to be the person who everyone can rely on, you also need someone to rely on."

She was actually very sharp so Shizuku immediately thought about the implications of his worlds.

"Do you mean yourself by that someone?"

Yami just lightly shook his head and said with a slight smile but also a bit of a sad expression.

"I just want to continue seeing you smile just like when you were drinking the tea. Even the strongest of all persons will break if the weight they have to carry on their shoulders gets too heavy. Here, catch."

He threw something at her, it was yellow and as big as a cat. She quickly tried to catch it because she thought that it was an animal but as she touched it it felt very soft.

"If you don't want any being to comfort you then maybe this cute little plushie will be able to spend some time with you and be your partner. I wanted to give you something pink but Pikachu is just too cute."

Yes, Yami had just given her a Pikachu-plushie. He got it from the shop for just 10 System Points. He was well aware of Shizuku's fondness of stuffed animals as well as her high mental defense that needed the longest time to crack in the Arifureta. The Pikachu was definitely the cutest of all her stuffed animals and she would also think about him if she looked at it. This was his plan to cement himself into her mind without really having to do much. He knew that it would take a lot of time to get into Shizuku's heart But most importantly, he was afraid that Hajime would take her and all the other girls whom he liked from the Arifureta universe. He didn't know when the "summoning" would happen so he also put a device into the little plushy which would alert him once the summoning circle would appear.

The pokemon universe was on its own planted according to Eve. Just think about all the problems if a pokemon were to use earthquakes or other such attacks. The planet they are placed on was designed in a way that it can contain pokemon battles. God was very proud of it.

"Have a nice day."

He didn't want her to get too embarrassed and not accept his gift and he quickly went back into the back of the cafe.

With no other choice Shizuku took another look at the Pikachu, secretly squeezed it once and went out of the cafe.

Kaori also noticed her strange behavior and the plushy as they met up and tried to get answers from Shizuku and after some time she gave in and told her about it. Now Kaori became interested in this boy as well, she didn't have a boy she liked at the moment and wanted to know what person could make the calm and collected "Onee-sama" of their class act this way. The way Shizuku explicitly mentioned his eyes was something that intrigued her as well.

- - -

After work was over Yami decided that it was finally time to get to level 10. He didn't want to keep the audience, Gog, waiting for too long.

{The constellation "Link Start" is hyped.}

Yami made his way out of the cafe. He looked behind himself once as he thought about leaving this place for such a long time after only being here for a few days…

"I just keep moving forward."

He put on a black robe with hood, to be precise he put on a badass looking Assassin's Creed robe. If he were to enter his first world, he would do it in the most badass style possible at the moment.

"Happy hunting."

[The constellation "America, this way, 1 minute" is telling you a direction.]

Yami was grateful that he didn't need to search for a ghoul again. He followed the light trail and after twenty minutes of running along deserted allays he could see something in front of him. There was what appeared to be a stray devil who was channeling a magic-spell to attack a black cat.

Yami didn't really care for it, he was happy that his "prey" was preoccupied and in finest assassin fashion he sneaked up upon the black haired man and stabbed a sword through his chest.

[Congratulations, you have leveled up. You have reached level 10.]

As he looked at the screen the cat was also in his field of vision. However, he noticed something strange on it, it had two tails…

(Is she…)

At that moment he saw another message appear and his vision went blank.

[The first Scenario will begin now.]

[Link Start]