
Gods in another dimension

The journey of three rookie gods so bored of their fantasy world that is anything but a fantasy. That is, until something happens and they are kidnapped and sent to... Another fantasy world. Same world, Same rules, Same routine. Even as a nobody in a new world, cream rises to the top or does it? Will the immature gods overcome their pasts and live the remainder of their eternal lives in bliss, or will they remain static, unchanging, and content to watch the world turn to dust around them?

HEYYA_studios · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

That choking feeling

my head felt like it had been cracked open after being eaten by that... that thing. I checked my surroundings when I woke up. Mostly grass. Unlike my previous world, the grass was much darker, and the sky was cloudy like it was going to rain.

Of course, I can't say much about rain. In my 1015 years of being alive, I only experienced rain in my home dimension once when my old man was forced to. Stingy hastard thought you could quench an entire dimension with just a big river.

But it was best not stay gawking at the weird grass and get on with exploring. I climbed to the top of a hill for a better view, and saw what looked to be town in the distance. It was a slum-like town built of mostly tents. I couldn't believe my eyes for what I saw next, A Zeus bar. My favourite chain.

'sides the camps and bar, there was nothing special really, more grass and the odd hill or two. Getting bored of being high in the worst way possible, altitude, I rolled down the hill and headed for the town. When I got there, it seemed weird, first of all the main road was mostly mud and most of the grass was brown and charred, but something stood out to me, that was the large neon sign on the one building here. Y'know, I never understood how neon signs work. I always thought it was magic.

'Zeus Bar, District 4'

How bizarre, 'District 4 of what?' I thought to myself.

And that was when I noticed a massive metal wall at the edge of the slum, but that's for another day.

This bar was way different to the one I last went to. I walked in and sat at one of the vacant stools.

"Oi Bartender show me your menu"

I yelled.

The bartender was a tall bald man with a very nice moustache.


He replied.

"Why the fuck not!"

I said angrily.

"I'm a man who doesn't serve new faces and I'm sure boss would agree with me"

"How can I get one?"

"Speak to the boss, he's through that door"

The door was a washed out blue colour and it had a metal sign that said 'BOSS' in all capital letters.

But before I went in I had seen a familiar face. Clams.

I had a nice conversation with Clams, ending with him going to find Vulpes and him still refusing to help me out with the bartender.

Reluctantly, I got up and walked over to the door and to my surprise a small girl answered the door. She was wearing an all white suit and hat and had dark red hair. She was carrying a large sack of what I could only assume was money.

"Who are you?" She asked

"According to your bartender, I'm a nobody, I'll assume you're the boss"

"No, ya' idiot, the boss is through here!"

"Can I see him?"

"Can't you see we're busy"

"Why is a little girl trying to tell me what to do?"

She pulled her hat over her eyes and took a breath before punching me in my ribs and walking off in Clams' direction.

"I'm Twenty three!"

She yelled while walking.

To my surprise, the rib she hit was cracked slightly!

A second, deeper voice shouted back at her from inside the room

"Citrus, our business is done here. Don't disturb the guests!"

I walk into the smoke filled room and saw a lanky, middle aged man with a cigar in his mouth.

"Can I assume that you're the boss?"

I said, raising my voice out of annoyance.

"Yup, the names Syllvester"

He replied.

"No last name?"

I asked.

"I've got about five middle names and one last name"

He replied laughing.

"Just tell me already"

I sighed.

"Okay, okay. My full name's Syllvester Oliver Julius Medicamento Viriditas Moneller."

He said at a speed that my ears could barely keep up with.

"Okay... what do I need to do to get a drink?"

"Heh, no questions about anything yet?"

"Actually i did see a lit-

I felt a large, strong hand grab my neck and try to crush it just enough that I wouldn't die. I looked around but saw nobody. Syllvester Oliver Julius Medicamento Viriditas Moneller looked confused at my reaction but as soon as the question left my mind, the pain subsided.

"Heh, get it now? No questions about common sense here. Now, do you know how we get trust around here?"

He said.


I replied.

"Well, the only person worth giving a damn about is me. So you've just gotta do one small favour for me"

"What is it?"

"Rob a casino"


"Don't 'Huh' me."

The plan was simple. We're robbing a casino. Specifically, the boro grove casino that nobles frequent. It's on a man-made mountain of solid gold and the building itself is made with different colours of gold. The plan was that I kill a guard, take his uniform, go into the vault, and put down a special bomb that Syllvester found in a dungeon that makes... No noise?

"How does a bomb make no noise?"

I questioned.

Within seconds I felt the choking again and swiftly moved on.

Continuing on, we use the... Soundless bomb, to open the vault and leave with the riches.

"Oh" Syllvester Oliver Julius Medicamento Viriditas Moneller added, "If you get caught, just act like you're innocent. Never admit your wrongdoing. A bit of advice from someone older than you"

Ignoring the fact that I was so going to take that 'No matter what, act innocent' advice to a comedic extreme later, I held back the urge to tell him that...

Me (Solas(cool(est))): 1015

Him (old): 40-50s from the looks of it

We left the building with all the supplies (one bag) and reached the foot of the golden mountain. It was really just gold.

"Welp, See you at the top"

Syllvester said before somehow beginning to float and become transparent.

How, what, when? This doesn't make any sense. Even after that display of flight, Syllvester still made me punch holes in the mountain to use as footholds. We got to the top pretty fast despite someone not helping much.

"Right, I've got something to do here. You take out that guard there."

He said as he pointed to a masked man with a rabbit ear headband.

Syllvester walked through the door just as the man began to walk to the side of the building. I followed after, of course, and stealthily beat him until he stopped moving. I stole his uniform, put it on and went to the vault through a door in the employee changing room.

I took out the soundless black sphere that Syllvester Oliver Julius Medicamento Viriditas Moneller called a bomb and... pushed it against the vault door. It began expanding for a few seconds before it shrank back down to normal size. The chunk it had covered was gone when it shrunk so I walked through the hole and started shovelling the gold into my bag.

"Hell yeah!" I shouted, "Casino robbery done. I'm about to be drowning in respect!"

But then I heard a loud Bang and saw many masked people come running out of a locker in the changing rooms.

"That was loud, lucky I'm too busy commiting robbery to care!"

I kept on filling my bag when I heard a loud metallic thud hit the stairs one step at a time.

"Got it, Noxi. The auction fell through, so we just have to go for plan B. Robbing the casino in the chaos"

The figure spoke in a slow, calculated manner. As slow and calculated as someone who talks to themselves can be.

"Pardon me, sir. What did you just say"

The figure said in a combination of bored and sad tones.

He was wearing large, dark gray and purple boots and a light set of dark purple armour on his torso. He had a skull necklace on and was holding a massive sword with a pitch black cloth attached to it.

"I'm innocent!"

I shouted

We stared at each other for a minute

"I would never rob a bank"

"I didn't ask that"

He turned to his sword

"What a lunatic, good thing I'm not like that"

"I may be a lunatic, but I'm not a criminal"

"I get it! Stop already. We both know you came here to rob the casino. Just admit it and this could turn from a homicide into a royal guard upholding the law"

I kept my mouth shut, desperately resisting the urge to deny the crime again. Just to piss him off.

"But I would never-"

For a second I sensed a killing intent from him, so I took my chances and punched him full force through the ceiling. I jumped through and saw a large crowd around a stage. There were two actors, a man in heavy red armour who was fist fighting Vulpes. So that's where he was. The man in black got up and looked at the stage before trying to run. The knight in red turned and yelled before he could escape

"Hey Corpsefucker! Corpsefucker, I'm over here!"

I looked at him. Corpsefucker? What inspired that name? Well, I could gather what inspired the name. But I really did not want to gather it. He looked at me and yelled in an annoyed tone.

"My name is Nekros, Don't listen to that idiot."

He turned to his sword

"Why did he call me Corpsefucker? You don't remember? Come on, it was a one time thing! It wasn't even technically a corpse. I revived it with necromancy first. It wasn't a corpse!"

This guy had some serious problems.

He turned to me again.

"I've got something to attend to... elsewhere. You best watch your back, criminal"

"Objection! That casino was robbing itself!"

"I swear to the saviour!"

He appeared behind me with his swords colossal blade at my throat. Leaking not killing intent, but an aura that felt like I was staring down death itself.

"If it weren't for Noxi, I'd have you in peices before you had the chance to hear me on the stairs"

With that he dissappeared into the shadows again.

I saw Syllvester Oliver Julius Medicamento Viriditas Moneller in the crowd and walked over to him. When he looked at me he was shocked for some reason.

"Oh, H-h-hey k-kid"

He stuttered.

"Why are you scared?"

"I didn't expect you to surv-i- mean be done so soon."

"Well it's good that you're alive."

He said with a sigh.

I heard the crowd stop with their chatter and move away from us. In front of us was a woman wearing a blue and white dress. Her eyes were three squares next to each other and she had two rabbit masked people at her side.

"I recommend you explain yourselves before I change that good thing!"

She said.

Syllvester Oliver Julius Medicamen-FUCK THIS! I'm calling him Syllvester from now on, and that's final! My commitment to the bit only goes so far. Syllvester fell to his knees immediately and I felt an aura of sheer power from her. Like a god of the generations before mine. I knelt down and whispered to Syllvester

"Who's she?"

He jolted in fear when I spoke before saying timidly

"Thats lady luck, Alice. A god"