
Gods in another dimension

The journey of three rookie gods so bored of their fantasy world that is anything but a fantasy. That is, until something happens and they are kidnapped and sent to... Another fantasy world. Same world, Same rules, Same routine. Even as a nobody in a new world, cream rises to the top or does it? Will the immature gods overcome their pasts and live the remainder of their eternal lives in bliss, or will they remain static, unchanging, and content to watch the world turn to dust around them?

HEYYA_studios · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

I'm on FIRE

"So, Solas, Lord of the rising sun and heir to the throne of the sun god. Young master and troublemaker. Demigod and disgrace. Which of these titles do you think describes you best?"

"All of them"

"Young master, that's not how this wor-"

"Cry about it"

So, what was I actually doing? well I was going to get a drink from the Zeus Bar, best place in town. I know supporting chains like this is bad for the local businesses but really, there's a Zeus bar in every town I've been in. Every town, village, kingdom, even continent has a Zeus bar. I don't have much of a choice in the matter, do I?

So, two guys come into the bar. They're part of this Vigilante organisation in the area. You can tell from the blue and white crest on the armour they all wear.

According to their leader, he's after my throat due to all that murdering I done did committed a few years ago. And he's not exactly wrong. I did kill a few people back at that casino. But not enough to warrant being chased for years.

Usually, I'd just rough them up a bit and let them go. Makes me feel like I'm actually the villain here. But I really wanted my drink.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small pouch filled with a couple marbles, a little gift from the old man. They were in his treasury. Key word, were. Took them as my goodbye present when I got kicked out.

I picked one randomly from the pile and tossed it at one of them. This one had an image of a bat on it.

I threw the marble with as much force as possible. It hit the first guy right between the eyes and knocked him out. Then, it made this beeping noise and bounced back into the second guy. It bounced back into the pouch

"Solas! Again?"

A person shouted at me as he walked into the bar.

The person was a fox in a vaguely human shape. Called himself Vulpes. He was a fox in everything but mind. Apparently, he was a fox spirit.

"I've told you over, and over, and over again not to kill random people. What's it for this time?"

"Firstly, they aren't dead. Just knocked out"

"Oh, so they were Robin's?"


"Mine, you chloroplast!"

A slender man with pale blue eyes and paler skin busted down the door. His hair was almost silver and he was wearing a thick, fluffy coat. A bad idea considering the weather in Ezalia.

"Oh, hey Robin"

"Hey, Vulpes"

"Who is this guy?"

He turned to me

"I'm the guy who's been chasing you for the past year or two! How did you forget about me?"

"Oh! That's who you were? Speaking of, can you stop that? I've got stuff to do"

"Stop what? Trying to prevent a mass murder?"

"It was One time!"

Robin slammed his hands onto the bar and said with a smile about as warm as fresh snow.

"Let's take this outside"

I looked at Vulpes. He checked his watch. He nodded. I nodded. I walked out of the bar.

The streets were empty. I opened the marble bag on my belt and grabbed one preemptively.

He took out a bow and nocked an arrow

"Are you really going to fight me at range?"

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Oh, nothing... it's just that-"

He dissappeared and I heard a whistling from three directions around me.

I bent over backwards to dodge, but one of them still managed to graze me.

As I balanced myself, I looked around to find him.

Another arrow flew past me, leaving a cut on my face.

I turned in the direction of the arrow, trying to catch him before he scampered away to another rooftop.

"Go on then! Finish what you were saying!"

I shouted, trying to bait him into revealing his location.

I felt an icy chill from behind me and a machete came down like lightning, digging into my shoulder.

"It's a fool's endeavour to fight the white death at a distance"

He said.

"Ooh, cool line. But unfortunately for you..."

I turned to face him, our faces inches away. My face turned to a crooked smile.

"we're not at a distance now, are we?"

He tried to dislodge his machete from my shoulder, but it wasn't budging.

"Is this... is this the hardening spell? But you can't cast this on yourself normally"

"Do you never use appraisal? I though you would've seen my skills by now"

I laughed.

His right pupil turned fully black and I felt like I was being watched, common signs of being appraised.

"No, am I... Am I-"

"Are you stupid? No. Just arrogant"

He laughed and tried to back away. I grabbed his collar and held him still.

"Pot calling the kettle black much?"

"I wish I knew what that meant"

My mana gathered into my head and made it glow silver. This was my inherent skill, Augmentation. A skill any mage would kill to have. And believe me, they have tried. It lets me channel a spell into my body instead of actually casting it. I'm not a proper mage, so I've got no clue what that means, but it essentially lets me use the skill as a proxy to cast spells and makes every spell affect whatever I'm touching. Of course, I've got no clue what that means, I'm just repeating what Clams said. Masked bastard, big words for someone who can't use magic.

I channelled the spell 'hardening' (effects should be obvious) into my skull and headbutted him. At a time like this, Clams would say something like 'Did you know, the forehead is one of the strongest bones in the skull' and then try to make sense of a headbutt.

Continuing my combo, I channelled the wind spell 'Hasten' into my arms and punched away his arms that were blocking his torso. With his torso exposed, I channelled the sound spell 'Reverberate' into my hands and used it to evenly spread the damage of my next attack, a punch to his stomach, evenly around his body. The pain caused him to stop for a second. With this opportunity, I grabbed his sides and suplexed him into the rock path behind me.

It wasn't a proper suplex, we were facing each other. While we fell backwards, I asked him for something important.

"When you wake up, mind telling me how the light felt?"

His head was finally slammed into the rock beneath us. The stone cracked and I used one of my feet to channel the spell 'Create foothold' to create a rock platform and kicked it into the air. I used my othwr foot to channel 'explosion' and propelled myself at high speeds in a crescent from underneath Robin to using the platform in the air to correct my angle and perfectly land the 180 degree spinning kick straight into his skull. Using the foot firmly planted in his skull, I channelled the spell 'Earth wall' and created a spike of rocks that hit him right in the ribs.

Overkill, i'm aware. As Clams described my fighting style, 'magically brilliant brutality'. Robin slumped over.

Vulpes clapped.

"Beautiful, magnificent, Solas. Did you kill him this time?"


The blood from him was making a puddle on the floor

"Still no"

He was bleeding profusely

"I'm not admitting it!"

He was probably de-

"Okay! I get it! You can stop!"

I took a small vial from my belt and tossed it at his body. It was a healing potion. If he wasn't dead yet, he would be fine.

"How about we speak Over a drink"

I asked Vulpes.


We walked back into the bar and sat down. Without needing to speak. The bartender handed me the empty glass and refilled it.

"So, what have you been up to?"

I asked.

"I've been trying to learn cleaning magic from an old friend"

He responds, with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I didn't think any of your old friends were still kicking"

I laughed.


He said sternly.

"Ok, ok, ok, I'm sorry but still. Wouldn't they need to be a god to live that long?"

I said.

He raised his hand and said

"One angelic spear with no alcohol please"

The bartender poured some stupidly sugary looking concoction into a mug and handed it to Vulpes.

"I said no alcohol"

The bartender took it back and put a drop of what looked like blood into the mug. It must've been teeter blood. Weakest type of fairy. Their blood makes alcohol less alcohol-y

The bartender handed him his drink and he took a sip. The sip turned into a chug and the chug turned into him downing the whole thing.

He turned to me and said

"Something like that, she's got a kid now"

He raised his hand again as he yelled

"One ambrosia with gold flakes"

"Gold flakes? Thought you hated those."

I said.

"For Clams"

He replied bluntly.

"Ah, besides that. You can really hold your liquor can't you."

I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's non-alcoholic"

He finished, shutting me down in the process.

The most I could let out was just 'oh'.

"And a high alcohol tolerance was needed for those fancy parties I used to attend"

He started.

"Parties? What were you, a noble?"

I continued.

"Close enough"

He said, sadly.

He stood up and grabbed the ambrosia.

"I'll be heading out then."

As usual, he's the least chaotic out of all of us. So sensible and calm. I soaked in that tranquility for a while before my previous thoughts were broken apart and stamped on by a loud roar and the sound of all hell breaking loose outside.

I let out a sigh and walked out of the bar without paying.

There were many wolves that were attacking the town. I saw Robin, and threw a nearby rock at him

"Take that you self righteous asshole!"

I yelled.

He turned just before the rock struck him in-between the eyes. I then turned away and began to head to Clams. I was probably late for our weekly fight.