
Godly Tamer: DigiLife

My name is Seong-min, My mother gave me this name because she wanted me to beloved by nature but she was met with an unfortunate accident and died. My mother's wish came true, nature turly loved me flowers bloomed when I was near and all animals loved me but even if nature loved me the modern world didn't and my dad was barely paying rent. I looked for ways to help my dad and saw that playing a game called "DigiLife" could make you money but I saw it was too expensive and later that week my dad saw that I searched it and bought it. He gifted it to me, I knew he saw me search for it but he didn't have to buy it but he said I should just keep it, so I wanted to help him make money and pay rent to atleast make his life easier so I started the game and logged into the game. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
100 Chs

The Mines - [ Chapter - 59 ]

So then Seong-Min and Red started looking for a class rebirth stone on the second floor since it hasn't been explored that much and so there would definitely be class rebirth stones around.

Then they went to the nearby mine since both of them thought because it had stone in the name it could be in the mines but as they enteted the mines it was really dark so Seong-Min casted fire magic.

When Red saw this he asked, "Didn't you say you were a tamer? How can you cast magic?", so then Seong-Min chuckled and said, "It's because I have accomplished some things and got a few rewards.".

Red decided not to ask since he didn't want to pry into Seong-Min's private life and then while they were exploring, Seong-Min got a notification from Hyejin so then Seong-Min read the message.

Hyejin said in the message, "Seong-Min! I found some rare swordsmanship skills after getting out from the selection area, I bought them for you and you better pay me back when you get them.".

Then Seong-Min got another notification and it was Hyejin sending the skills to Seong-Min so then he sent the message thanks and gave him the money that he said all of the skills were worth.

So then Seong-Min brought out the skill and used them and learnt them and then Red saw this and then ask, "Did you become a swordsman as well?", Seong-Min chuckled and said, "It's my second class.".

Red was surprised and asked, "You were one of the few people who got a second class?", Seong-Min chuckled then said, "Yeah, I chose Swordsman class.", Red was really surprised he had the skills of three classes.

While they were walking through the mines they found some Kobolds so Seong-Min wanted to test out his new swordsmanship skill and so he quickly charged forward then he activated the sword skill.

Then his arms automatically attacked on it's own slashing the throats of the kobolds then Seong-Min put the swords away when he finished then Red was really amazed by his skills even though he has to handle 3 different classes.

So then after another while of walking the found armoured kobolds and then Red said, "Let me show you my skills.", then Red charged forward with his spear piercing through their armour with ease.

And he did a quick dash on each of the kobolds and all of died getting pierced and then after killing them, Red shook his spear to get some of the kobold's blood of his spear since it was kind of disgusting.

Seong-Min wss actually amazed at his skills and he really thought that Red was a good choice as an avatar for the God and he would be a good ally in game so he really needed Red to get that class rebirth stone.

So then after wandering the mines a bit more they found a huge cave with a giant fat konold in the middle of the cave. it seemed like the boss but when Seong-Min appraised the monster it was ranked as the mini boss.

Red and Seong-Min thought maybe the mini boss would have loot and maybe there was a chance that it would have the rebirth class stone so then Seong-Min charged in with Red beside him charging at the boss.

The boss was asleep and so they took that advantage and attacked it while it was still open, Seong-Min slashed the throat of the boss and it was a critical hit but it just had too much health to instant kill it.

So then Red charged in stabbing the chest of the boss so many times until it woke up then before he fully woke up Seong-Min charged in again and tried slashing both of it's legs and he did it so fast that the kobold couldn't even react.

It fell over after trying to stand up and Seong-Min and Red just kept charging in and stabbing and slashing the mini boss both of them already fought the floor boss which was way harder than that fat kobold.

And to them it felt like a walk in the park especially after being powered up for getting onto the 2nd floor then the kobold started screaming then suddenly loads of kobolds were rushing in from the entrance and exit.

Red then said, "I'll show you the ability I got from my class advancement." then the aura he was using that was once blue was now turning read and then he said, "Blood Aura" then he moved at an incredible speed.

He stabbed each kobold once taking all of them down before they could even get near the center of the room then to kill the rest he just did a slash with his spear and loads of heads started flying.

Then Red took his spear and held it up then threw it at the boss, the blood aura started surrounding the spear and it creates a see through red spear that was bigger than the spear itself.

The giant spear then stabbed the boss and then it coughed up purple blood then Red said, "Finish it Jaeyon.", so then Seong-Min activated his dash skill then suddenly appeared at the back of the mini boss.

Then he also used aura on his sword then he cut off the head of the boss after that the boss was defeated and then Seong-Min went to Red and said, "That was cool, so that's why your username is Red.".

But then he just saw Red chugging so many health potions and then he asked, "What's wrong?", then Red answered and said, "I need to---drink health potions---to not die--because my ability---uses my health for power.".

So then Seong-Min took out the great regeneration potion that Hyejin made loads of and gave some to him and then said, "Here, this is better." then Red took it and chugged it and realized he didn't have to continue drinking.

Red then asked, "What was that?", so then Seong-Min said, "My friend made loads of that, it's a great regeneration potion.", Red was a bit surprised and asked, "A person you know made this with ease?".