

*Ding* Host has synchronized 100% into the Necromancer System.

Wait what, where the hell am I? Didn't I just die like a couple of seconds ago to save my parents from that fire? Why did I come to this place?

*Ding* You are in the Ancient Continent

Wait so now am I essentially in a game? Do I have stats?


Name: Anthony

New Name: Issac

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 3

Magic Power: 2

Stamina: 1

Status: Half-Dead

Health: 1/25

Skills: Summon Undead (Lower) (Level 1)

Wait what the hell, why do I have a new name?

*Ding* Host has been reincarnated into the noble, Issac

Sweet... so does that mean I'm really rich and will have a smooth life. Wait a second I'm half dead and I have 1 Hp, does that mean I'll die again?

*Ding* The person, host has reincarnated into has died when he was struck by a pack of sand wolves. Host will gain 5 health when you reincarnate.

Also I have an ability called Summon Undead what does that do?

*Ding* More information will be given when the host reincarnates, would you like to reincarnate?

I guess, since I have nothing else to d...

"Sir, Sir Issac has just opened his eyes, he is confirmed to be alive."

"Phew, our jobs here is finally done and we don't have any chance of being killed"

"I can finally go home now?

"The duke will reward us right?"

A mixture of voices sounded out in Anthony or now Issac's head.

"What's going on?" Anthony thought, he takes a look around and sees a mixture of people looking at him.

"Sir, I think Mister Silverledge is fine now as we have casted a couple of healing spells on him. We should leave him to recover in his room for a while."

*Sigh* "I wish I looked after little Issac more and didn't let him go wander around the place by himself," says a familiar voice.

Issac opens his eyes and sees the room around him. So what was it again? I head a necromancer system and they would give me more information?

*Ding* Necromancer system has been fully activated. Which path would you like to choose: Zombie, Skeleton or Ghost.

Can the system give me more information on these paths.


Zombie: Brutes and compared to barbarians. Strength is based of of the corpse and mutation rate. Evolves by eating more corpses.

Skeleton: Soldiers and compared to armies. Can cast spells and shoot arrows. Strength is based of corpse but gets stronger through battle.

Ghost: Magicians and compared to curses. Can cast spells. Evolves by eating the souls of enemies.

"Well, the Skeleton seems like the best choice as they cover a variety of those things and can make armies." The image of a skeleton army storming through empires and cities appears in his head.

" I choose the Skeleton path."

*Ding* Skeleton path has been chosen. Summon Undead is replaced with Summon Skeleton (Lower)(Level 1).

Skeleton Footmen

Level 1

Strength: 2

Agility: 2

Intelligence: 1

Magic Power: 0

Stamina: 10

Health: 30

Summoning materials: Level 1 corpse

Limit: 5 (1/10)



Levels have been created. Quests have been created. Beginner Necromancer gift has been created. Inventory has been created.


-You can level up by defeating monsters, completing quests and your summons killing monsters

- Each time you level up you get 5 stat points. Every 10 stat points is a major breakthrough and the natives of this continent find it as a bottleneck, beware as you'll be viewed as a genius.

-When your summons level up they automatically get assigned stat points, you can't change the assignment.


-You either get a quest based on a progress or it is to help to fulfill a request. At the end of every quest there is a reward. Experience points is always a part of the reward, you may also get other items.

Beginner Necromancer Gift has been created, would you like to open it?

All of a sudden a massive wave of information surges into Issac's brain. Slowly he reads through it and a bright smile emerges on his face.

" Whoo, just like a thought this is just like a game, hang on a minute, I have a gift pack?"