
Chapter 38

He Said. 

"You're in. You're starting."

Upon hearing what the coach just said Ethan woke up from his thoughts and his eyes widened.

He pointed at himself in disbelief.

"Me? But Coach, I've never played with the team before..."

"I know"

The Coach said.

"But you're all I got. Now get out there, and show me what you can do"

Upon  hearing what the coach just said the other players started to grumble. They couldn't believe it, a newbie that has never trained with the main team before, he wants to use him instead of them.

At that moment the captain of the team couldn't keep quiet anymore, he said.

"Coach, come on."

Said Damien, the other trying  to stand behind him.

"You're putting a rookie in? Because he defeated Jay in some practice, doesn't mean he Replicate that same form in real Match?"


 Said Mike, the quarterback and vice captain of the team.