
Sparring Partner Revealed (Part 2)

Alusec and Ruby paused in their tracks and turned their heads to stare at each other.

The pressure from more than a million times increase in gravitational pull bore down on them making Alusec descend, placing his two feet on the stairs.

Ruby was still flying albeit lower than before in position.A big crack extended from Alusec's standing point to about seventeen stairs in the surrounding.

'Hmm? I'm definitely right with my observations,' Alusec thought while staring at the stairway that was starting to mend itself after getting cracked. Grin!Alusec and Ruby turned to face each other and smiled as Alusec proposed, "Hey Ruby, it's just a few steps more, the first to get there without using any technique wins!" Ruby nodded with a wide grin on her face while staring at the summit that had an ethereal wavy white-colored barrier.

They were about a hundred steps away but they could see the summit clearly.

"Three!" Alusec started his countdown.