

The year is 2050, and the new golden age of video games have begun, and with every new age, comes new games. The most popular of them being a FPS game (First person Shooter); Ragnarok: Unlimited, for computers. The game consists of Gods, Demigods, and humans; Gods being the most popular, Demigods being semi popular, and humans laughing stock of the community, but some main them passionately.

"Medic!" a girl rasped while she was being gunned down, her avatars clothing being torn with bullets falling to the concrete,

"Dammit..." a boy mutters while rushing down a dark ally-way, custom graffiti made by the community all over the walls. "Gotcha!" he says. He walks towards a giant purple crystal guarded by nothing just a large room with nothing in it and places his hand on it.

"Counting down until transformation...7....6....5" a robotic voice counts down

suddenly he heard something go... click, like someone priming gun "Well... at least wee trie-" he's interrupted by a gunshot going through his head, pink blood splattered everywhere, and the loud announcer saying

"GAME! PURPLE TEAM WINS!" the boy then saw the name: Deathparado.

"He... WON AGAINST FIVE PEOPLE?!" the boy screamed in his room.

"That was... quite easy" a frizzy haired boy whispered to himself, getting up to go get some water. "I wonder if my rank went up-" he was interrupted by the door opening and his mother coming in

"Ren! Get off your computer and help me take these bags in!" She yelled

"In right here mom" Ren replied grabbing the bags she had in her hand and walking into there kitchen setting them on their marble counters, putting the food she bought in the hard wood cabinets.

"How was your day sweetheart?" His mother asked

"It was good I played a couple of ranked matches on Ragnarok" Ren replied

"That's good, you know back when I was your age I used to play lots of games like Ragnarok"

"That's nice mom, you should get some rest" his mother agreed and went to the living room "Who's next..." he said scrolling through his messages. "Hello deathparado, we admire your skills as a player... blah blah blah. Delete!" He's seen and heard it all before, people on forums talk about losing to to him; companies here about it and contact him, he found it annoying and repetitive. His mother always told him to give one of them a chance, but he wasn't interested in what she had to say about it at the time.

"You know what, I might as well at least try" he said scrolling through his deleted messages "Messages from my ex... college.... ah! Team GODLIKE, consists of 4 people..." he mumbles, he recognized some of the faces "Shinzu, Charollette, Joy, Jackson... DO THEY GO TO MY SCHOOL?!" he yelled.

"Whats wrong Ren?" his mom asked from the other room

"Nothing!" he was quick to respond "this might be interesting..." he mumbled as he walked up his wooden stairs and up to his room.