
Getting Cocky

"System add 7 points to strength, 9 points to agility, 3 points to intelligence then show me my stats as well as explaining what I earned from the quest"

[Health – 200/200

Mana – 130/130

Stamina – 190/190

Strength – 20

Agility – 19

Intelligence – 13

Charisma – 10

EXP 10

SP 500]

[As host already knows your Mana is now mislead and using the information the life magic skill gave you host should be able to use it immediately, as for the Wado Ichimonji this is Zoro's white blade that originally belonged to the family of his childhood friend, the system however has modified it into an Asauchi meaning as long as host trains with it the sword can become a Zanpakuto]

"Wow that's awesome with these abilities surviving the apocalypse has never been easier, I'm already twice as strong as the average human, with the Kame school martial art skill I'm already a decent fighter and because of the warrior stone skill I'm only going to get better at fast pace."

With Bens success in hunting the Imps and completing the beginner quest he started to get high on his success unaware that he was becoming arrogant with his abilities and that this arrogance would lead to serious repercussions.

"System are there anymore beginner quests"

[Yes host there are a total of 5 beginner quests and so host has 3 more to complete before being able to move onto intermediate quests however host may not be able to complete the intermediate it you continue at this pace as these quests can only be completed during the second faze]

"Is that your roundabout way of telling me how good I am, you're gonna make me blush"


"Anyway, what's the next quest"

[Beginner quest 3 – cleaning up

Kill 100 servants of Hell 000/100

Kill 1 servant of Hell variant 0/1

Rewards – 200 EXP, 1000 SP, Third eye (passive skill)]

"seems easy enough, I shouldn't have any problems with my abilities, system can you explain what a variant is as well as the rewards skills description"

[A variant is typically the same with an extra characteristic for example it might be faster, stronger or even capable of using magic as for the skill Third eye provides the host with a sixth sense of being able to Seneca everything within his surroundings and this skills effects increase with intelligence, with hosts current attributes host would be able to sense everything within 13 meters]

"That's definitely going to be a life saving skill, I'll need to complete the beginner quests as soon as possible if they all provide skills like this then day to day life would be pretty simple despite the on going apocalypse"

Ben set off to complete the quest with his new sword wrapped up in the cloak of invisibility unaware of the danger he was bringing on himself due to the lack of caution he now had.

It didn't take long for Ben to find a groups of imps and thanks to his now overbearing confidence he no longer felt the need to distract the imps and lure the away one at a time.

After equipping hollowfication Ben suddenly had a thought. 'now that I think about it, I haven't took the time to see what my hollow mask looks like'

Ben pulled the mask in front of his face and immediately thought his mask was badass. The base shape was similar to Ichigo's in the sense that it was similar to a human skull however Ben's mask was more bestial with its razor sharp teeth and the horns that protrude upwards on the forehead which reminded Ben of Hell Boy's horns and that was further encouraged by the fact that the whole mask was coloured blood red. Anyone who sees him would surely think of him as a soldier of Hell.

Putting his mask back on, still covered with his cloak of invisibility Ben walked up to the group of 5 imps and swiped Wado Ichimonji beheading 2 of the imps. Unable to react to the sword that suddenly appeared out of nowhere the imps were to stunned to do anything and were quickly killed with a few more strikes from Ben.

"I seriously have a massive cheat its not ever a challenge taking on a group of these guys anymore, the cloak keeps me same and hidden, my martial arts tell me how and when to attack and my sword provides quick kills not to mention my increase in stats."

Ben carried on dispatching group after group of imps and quickly finished the first half of his quest and by that time because of his actions he had created his own little 200 meter safe zone which was clear of imps. What he didn't realise was that his actions of clearing out that area caused the beings of hell to take notice.

It had been about six hours since he started his hunt and Ben wad currently resting during that time he also realised how much of a cheat his warrior stone skill wad because hollowfication had become LVL 2 providing a X2 stat bonus and Kame school martial arts became intermediate rank giving him better control over his body and better reactions.


Ben suddenly heard a strange scream and looked around the area, what he saw completely shocked him. It was something that can only described as a small army.

Looking at what led the army Ben became pale, there were 3 variants. They were what looked to be two hulking imps that seemed as if they could swat him like a fly and a skinny little imp with a staff which was likely a magic user.

No matter how confident Ben had become even he wasn't stupid enough to face a small army and so with the use of his cloak of invisibility he prepared to sneak away. If only he acted with this much caution previously rather than going on killing spree attracting attention to himself then this much could have been avoided, unfortunately for him despite the fact that he was currently repenting past actions it was a bit to late.


Ben took notice of what the magic imp was screeching and realised the regular imps surround him.

'System what the fuck is going on, I'm wearing the cloak of invisibility how do they know where I am'

[The servants of Hell do not know where host is and the are simply following orders. The Shamanic Variant however does know where you are and is relaying that information. As for how, host's cloak of invisibility is only a cheap knockoff of the original and so the shamanic imp variant despite the fact that it can't physically see host it can however sense you with its magic.]

'shit that means I'll have to get rid of that magic imp if I want to be able to escape easily'

Ben immediately made a run for it before the imps could completely surround him and took note that the shamanic imp variant (which was now behind the army) began screeching orders making the regular imps follow in his direction.

'The shaman is always going to know where I am so all I can do is rely on the fact that the others won't be able to react quickly because other than the shaman the rest can't see or sense me now all I need is an opening'

Ben continually lead the army around the block for over an hour which was both mental and physically tiring for both Ben and the army, fortunately for Ben he has upgraded his attributes and has much better strength and stamina than the average human.

Ben quickly realised that the imp army were tiring out after chasing him round in circles for an hour and that whole army including the four variants had started to become bored and boredom breed carelessness. Taking this opportunity Ben sprinted towards the shamanic imp and before it was able to react Ben beheaded it with one clean strike.

[Quest Complete]

Before Ben even had the chance to celebrate he was struck by a force that would rival a truck and was sent over 20 meters. Looking over to see what hit him Ben realised he was no longer covered in the cloak of invisibility and that the 3 hulking variants were charging his way with the army of imps charging behind.

"Fuck that, I'm outta here"

Saying that Ben turned around and ran away as fast as he could thinking to himself that he would definitely get revenge...

It didn't take long for Ben to get away as the army had already lost sight of Ben and without a shaman there was nobody to sense his whereabouts using magic so Ben took this time to accept his rewards and distribute his stats.

"System make all stats 20 and then show me how much EXP I have left"

[Host has 147 EXP remaining]

"Ok use the remaining EXP to increase strength then show me my stats"

[Ben Archall

Health – 290/290

Mana – 200/200

Stamina – 200/200

Strength – 29

Agility – 20

Intelligence – 20

Charisma – 20

EXP 12

SP 1500

Iron stomach

Hollowfication - LVL 2

Warrior stone

Kame school martial art - Intermediate

Life magic

Third eye]

"I've certainly come A long way and after today's events I could use a good rest before anything else any way with this new ability I can now sense anything in a distance proportional to my intelligence so even without the cloak of invisibility I should be able to rest with piece of mind"

Although Ben was upset at losing the cloak he thought the new skill more than made up for it, thinking so he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

I thought the cloak of invisibility was a bit to op for the beginning of the story as it meant the mc wouldn't have to put in any effort so I used this chance to get rid of it also in the next chapter I think I'm going to introduce a new character other than that please let me know what you think

MarcusMongoosecreators' thoughts