


Immediately, over one million battle cries could be heard. They weren't screams of pain, but of frenzy and excitement for battle. The demigods charged at the forces of Ilah, leaving their leaders behind.

Ilah looked at Uion in the eyes, and discovered the craziness in them. He turned back to his allies and shouted, "SHOW THEM NO MERCY!"

The two armies charged at each other, and the blades met. The ground started to shake due to the intensity of the battle, it even started to crack.

Back were the godly alliance stood, Long He looked at Uion and said, "Are you crazy? I told you it is a trap, do you want us to get killed?"

"Who told you that it is a trap, huh?"said Vomir, pointing his sword at Long He. "Or are you a traitor, but was a coward to say so before?"

"Don't you dare call me a traitor!" said Long He, also pointing with the Waterflame Sword.

"Why? Do you have a better explanation?"

Long He closed on the war god and said, "Remember that I was the one to put the plan!"

"That is what makes it reasonable that you are a traitor."

"I sensed the flow of my plan. And I don't need to remind you that my demigods are there fighting with yours, Vomir!"

When the two gods were about to start a fight with each other, they were interrupted by a shout from Uion, "Enough!"

This shout sent each one of them backwards. A hand patted Long He's shoulder. He turned around and saw that Old Jun was behind him, trying to calm him down.

"We have no choice but to fight," Long He heard the old man's growl in his head, "Don't worry, Uion and I already know who the traitors are, and we have taken the necessary measurements."

Long He reluctantly nodded, looked back at Vomir with blazing eyes, then marched towards the battlefield.

Long He increased his size, making him look like a giant. The demigods of the alliance, who were losing hope of winning, had their spirits lifted. A god had joined them in battle!

Long He's face twitched, as did his muscles. "Ahhhhhh!" his screams filled the field. Immediately, his hair lit up, but it wasn't red fire, it was blue fire. The Bluefire technique was finally used in battle!

He emanated a blue aura, which frightened the enemies. They retreated backwards, but were once again obliged to fight.

Long He started killing in the enemy demigods, but stopped suddenly. There, between the crowds, Sabertooth was growling with his claws out.

Long He shrank back his size to normal human form and approached him, his sword ready. The god-beast also spotted him, and grew up his claws.

Then, the two collided, putting all their force into their strike. Both refused to let go, and shock waves sent all the demigods present, enemy or ally, flying 100 meters back.

Finally, they released each other, but soon, they once again engaged. And so on, the battle between the two was the only one happening. The others were watching, not interfering in their fights.

Suddenly, Sabertooth retrieved his claws, and Long He put the Waterflame Sword back in its sheath. Winds started to form around the god-beast hands, and blue fire did on Long He's.

The two sent their powers toward each other, where they collided. The ground under them started to break, but they didn't care. The only thought in their heads was:


Long He clearly had the upper hand. And when he was about to kill Sabertooth, his brothers and sisters came and helped him, turning the tables upside down.

However, the god-beast wasn't the only one that got help. Uion, Bephine, Old Jun and others came to his side and started fighting the children of Ilah.

Long He and Sabertooth looked at each other. They both knew that their fight hasn't finished yet. There were more to come.

"I think it is time for us to reveal our trump card, isn't it?" asked Vomir while slashing a demigod, tearing his body apart.

'Does he has a brain to think with?' thought Long He. 'Asking this question aloud?'

"Not yet, we have to wait for the perfect moment," said Uion in a mental message, "And please Vomir, don't shout about this. Just send a mental message, it would cost you nothing."

"Yes,yes. My bad."

"All stations," sent Uion to all gods, "Prepare the frontal projectiles!"

As he ordered, huge pieces of rock were thrown into the battlefield. They targeted all, not distinguishing between enemy and friend.

The rocks hit the ground, and reduced the demigods into piles of meat.

However, when the rocks started to roll down, it was revealed that the demigods of the alliance were still alive. With the help of earth gods, they were sucked into the ground, thus getting away from the projectile's deadly strike.

Uion hit the ground with his trident, then huge waves started to form around him immediately. He was supported by all water gods and demigods, including Long He. The waves drowned the enemies, without even leaving corpses behind.

Planet Ancient Oak Grove, which was considered one of the most beautiful planets in the Milky Way, started to deconstruct and degenerate. The ground had split into two, and the trees had been burned, with only a few hundred remaining.

The godly alliance was gaining the upper hand of the battle, and some even thought that victory will be achieved by them.

All the time, there was only one deity who hasn't participated in the battle yet. Ilah stood at the top of a cliff, or what remained of it.

Seeing that he was about to lose, Ilah sent a mental message to his servants, then turned behind and left. He headed back to planet Earth, with an evil smile on his face.

Is he a coward?

Did he abandon his people?

Did he flee to save his own life?

The answer is no. He was going to win. 'You think that you are smarter than me?' he thought, laughing delightfully.

"It is time!" said Long He mentally.

"Yes it is," said Old Jun.

"Greneas, NOW!" screamed Uion, "It is our best chance!"

All the gods raised their heads and looked towards the woods, expecting to see huge amounts of demigods coming to aid them.

However, their hopes were crushed. No one came, or threw an arrow. Greneas and the hidden followers weren't there to begin with.

Long He looked at the direction and frowned. Realizing what had happened, he thought, 'Those two old men, we have underestimated their minds!'

Chapter 23!

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