
Godfather of Darkness

aryaast · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Two years elapsed in Adam's life, marked by the steady progression of time and the gradual maturation of his young mind and body. Throughout this period, he continued to navigate the typical joys and challenges of childhood, all the while holding onto the secret of his extraordinary journey—an existence that had transcended the boundaries of the known.

During those two years, Adam's mother, Leona, became his primary source of knowledge about the world and its fascinating mysteries. She would regale him with tales of legendary creatures, ancient civilizations, and the wonders of nature.

They would sit by the fireplace, and she would share stories of far-off lands and enigmatic legends, sparking Adam's imagination and curiosity. These moments of storytelling became cherished memories, forming the foundation of his ever-expanding understanding of the world beyond their home.

As Adam learned from his mother, he began to appreciate not only the wonders of the present but also the mysteries of the past and the enchantment of the unknown. Each story became a stepping stone on his own journey of discovery, fueling his desire to uncover the hidden truths of the world around him.

Adam's father, Garrett, had a different approach to storytelling. While Leona shared tales of the world's mysteries, Garrett often regaled his young son with stories from his own past. These narratives were a tapestry of his adventures as a knight, his heroic deeds, and the tale of how he had met and fallen in love with Leona, his beloved wife.

With each anecdote, Garrett painted vivid pictures of chivalry, courage, and love. He spoke of epic battles and selfless acts, weaving a narrative that showcased the virtues he held dear. Through these stories, Adam not only learned about his father's noble path but also gained insight into the values that shaped his family's legacy.

The contrast between his mother's tales of the world's mysteries and his father's stories of personal valor created a rich tapestry of knowledge and inspiration for young Adam, instilling in him a sense of wonder for both the enigmatic world beyond and the loving bonds within his family.

As Adam's curiosity continued to flourish, he became an enthusiastic chatterbox, eagerly asking his mother and father about the magical wonders that had captured his imagination. Almost every day, he would pester them with questions about mythical creatures like dragons and enigmatic figures like magicians.

His parents indulged his inquisitiveness with patient explanations and captivating stories. Leona would describe the legends of dragons that soared through the skies or guarded hidden treasures, while Garrett recounted tales of encounters with mysterious magicians who could conjure wonders beyond belief.

These conversations became a cherished part of their family life, nurturing Adam's fascination with the mystical and the unknown. His parents took joy in fueling his imagination, knowing that each question he asked was a step toward a deeper understanding of the world's enchantments and mysteries.

As Adam's fascination with magic and the mystical grew, it felt as if something inside him was roaring with excitement at the endless possibilities. The mere thought of magic, of spells and enchantments, sent shivers of wonder down his spine.

In his young heart, he carried a fervent desire to explore the realms of the supernatural, to uncover secrets hidden beyond the veil of reality. It was as if his very soul yearned for the magic he had heard about in stories, and the prospect of encountering it in the world filled him with boundless enthusiasm.

Adam's innocent question filled the room with a sense of boundless possibility. He looked up at his mother, his eyes shining with hope and anticipation, and asked, "Mom, can I become a magician and a knight at the same time?"

Leona couldn't help but chuckle at her son's enthusiasm. She knew that in the world as she understood it, becoming both a knight and a magician was an unusual proposition. Knights were known for their physical prowess and chivalry, while magicians delved into the mysteries of the arcane. The two paths were traditionally distinct.

Yet, rather than dampening his spirits, she reassured him with a warm smile. "Adam, my dear, you can be anything you set your heart on. If you want to be both a magician and a knight, I have no doubt you will find a way to make it happen. Just remember to follow your dreams and work hard for what you believe in."

Adam continued to learn about the world from his parents and the household staff, he discovered that the city, while enchanting, was not without its challenges. He marveled at the existence of magical beasts beyond just dragons, creatures of wonder and danger that roamed the land.

Among them, he heard tales of gentle magical beasts that lived in harmony with humans and stories of fearsome demonic magical beasts that posed a significant threat. These creatures were not to be taken lightly, for they possessed incredible strength and the power to wreak havoc in the city.

As he absorbed these lessons, Adam couldn't help but feel a sense of concern for his father, Garrett, who often ventured beyond the safety of the city walls. The thought of his father facing the dangers posed by such powerful beings filled him with a mixture of admiration and worry. He knew that his father's condition as a knight required him to protect the city, but the risks were ever-present.

Adam's young heart was torn between his father's noble duty and the desire for his safety, making him keenly aware of the complexities of the world he was growing to understand.

Deep within Adam's young heart, a profound sense of worry gnawed at him like a persistent ache. He couldn't shake the feeling that his father's ventures outside the city walls carried with them a weight of uncertainty. The thought of losing his father, the pillar of their family, filled him with an unspoken fear.

His intuition whispered to him, telling him that the future of their peaceful household hung in the balance. The warmth and love he cherished so dearly might be shattered if anything were to happen to his father.

As he lay in his cozy bed at night, he would clasp his hands together in silent prayer, hoping that his father would return safely from each mission, knowing that the happiness and security of their family depended on it.

After all the length of his father's expeditions varied, but there were times when Garrett would embark on journeys that spanned months, and on rare occasions, even close to two years. These prolonged absences weighed heavily on Adam's young heart and added to his anxiety.

During those extended periods of absence, Adam missed his father deeply. He would often find solace in the stories and memories of their time together, yearning for the day when he would return home safely.

His mother, Leona, would do her best to reassure him, offering words of comfort and encouragement. She would tell him stories of her own resilience during his father's long missions, instilling in Adam the strength and patience needed to endure the separations that came with a knight's duty.

Adam's worry transformed into determination, he embarked on a journey to learn both the ways of a magician and a knight. However, he soon discovered that the path to becoming a magician was a challenging one. In this world, the practice of magic was a closely guarded secret, and the only established way to learn it was through the prestigious Magic Tower.

The Magic Tower was an institution shrouded in mystique, known only to the select few who had the constitution to absorb and wield magic. It was rumored that this rare gift was often passed down through generations, making it the province of mage descendants.

Adam's worry transformed into resilience as he faced the realization that the path of a magician might not be open to him. The world held a belief that the magic of the ancient towers could only be harnessed by those with a unique constitution, often said to be found in the descendants of mages.

Yet, faced with this obstacle, Adam did not give in to despair. Instead, he chose a different path, one that would allow him to deepen his connection to the physical world. He dedicated himself to learning the ways of a knight, mastering the art of the sword and honing his body's strength and agility.

As he practiced diligently, his determination shone brightly, earning the admiration of those who saw his efforts. His mother, Leona, would often watch him from inside the house, her heart filled with pride and affection. She saw the cute and unwavering determination in her son, a testament to his resilience and commitment to his chosen path.