
Chapter 37: Anticlimactic...

I stood up and pushed both hands towards the sky as my magic and anima began to surge along the pathway of the sacred words that satan taught me. The sky began to fill with strange stars and lights joining together.

A brilliant blue beam of light shot from my hands and began synchronising those markings and stars, making beautiful blue star signs in the air as the world seemed to form some protective barrier.

"Ugh...." The pain was like someone had placed a tap in both my hearts and then turned it to fully open for an entire week as my body was completely drained of everything.

"Ng...h..." Drained, I fell back into the chair again as the sky exploded with golden light. The sound of soft voices singing happily echoed in my ears, distant and distorted as a heavy pain assaulted my mind...

Maybe the price of casting the steal? Who knows... the blue stars finally faded but formed brand new lights in the sky... as if they were always there.