
Goddess of Gods

What was her name . . ? Damn it she still couldn't remember! She had no memory of who she was or where she came from, the only thing she did know was that she was D-E-A-D. Dead. Well, at least that's what the guy who claimed to be 'Death' or 'The Grimm Reaper' or 'Whatever the hell you want to call him' said. Normally she wasn't one to believe anything out a hot guys mouth - did she forget to mention he was hot? - or, she thought. Having no memory, who knew what she would normally do. Being dead wasn't even the worst part. Death was a fucking pervert. Not only that, but he was cursing her with more torturous life! But shh! Don't let him hear you say that or he'll blow a gasket! Who knows what his deal was. At least she got to punch him before being reincarnated as an . . . Alien on Earth during a Zombie Apocalypse?! Except it's not earth? And everyone has magic? *** UPDATES 2× DAY STORY COVER IS NOT MINE. IF ITS YOURS PLEASE DM SO I CAN TAKE IT DOWN Join the discord: https://discord.gg/aJwKmAM2 instagram: maryejaynewn

MaryeJayne · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Dishes of Hatred

Once more, in this god forsaken life, she's jostled awake. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," The hooded man cursed.

"Wah!" She cried.

"Great, you're up." He muttered. 

The ship rattled and shook, and his arm tightened around her to keep her from being thrown.

It felt like the ship was being thrown from one direction to another. The urge to vomit overtook her, and bile stained the man's cloak.

"No, no, thats so fucking gross." He groaned.

His attention doesn't last on it for long when the craft jerks to the left.

"I'm taking flying lessons once I'm out of here, this is fucking ridiculous." He growled, his other hand clench around the steering wheel.

Once she was out of here, she was never flying with this crazy bastard again. Whether her father trusted him or not. 

Her crying grew louder as she thought of her father and mother. She barely heard her speak once and felt the warmth of her father once. Now she'd never see them again. After seeing the Kingdom destroyed, she didn't think anyone survived.

If she ever got her hands on Death again, she'd make him pay. 

Both him and Life, if she was personified or not! 

The craft crashed and stopped moving. 

"Wah!" She sobbed. 

The man groaned as he shifted in his seat. The top of the craft popped open, revealing the thick forest they crash landed in.

"Shh, you'll give our location away." He glared at her. 

She kept crying, and even if she wanted to stop crying she couldn't. Emotions were a lot harder to control being a baby. It wasn't like there were any threats worse than losing her entire planet to an alien invasion. 

What a great way to start a new life.


Annoyed, the man climbed out with her in his arms.

"Damn cry baby." He grumbled "If only I could smother you without you dying." 

The crying stopped. Why would her father trust this lunatic with her? 

"Oh, that shuts you up?" He chuckled as he glanced around. He chose a direction and walked forward with her hiding in the arms of his cloak.


"It's coming from over here!" A man shouted from a distance. 

"Damn it, shut up." The hooded figure growled. His eyes darted around as he ran in the opposite direction of the voice. However she didn't stop crying. In fact, she got louder, uncomfortable from the heat and constant jostling. She just wanted to sleep. 

He glanced behind him and saw the lit torches through the trees. 

Cursing he stopped before a large oak tree. 

"I guess this is where we part, Princess Aryix." He murmured softly. He bent down and laid her on the floor cushioned with fallen leaves. 

Wait, what? Part? Was he leaving her? Abandoning her to the horrors of this new world?!

"WAH!" No, no, no! Don't leave her here! Take her with you!

"We're getting closer!" The same voice from before said. The hooded man dashed further into the woods behind her.

Princess Aryix cried at the absolute crap this all was. She died, she woke up to a pervert looming over her, and cursed with more life only to be reborn on an alien planet, then having that alien planet invaded by more aliens, and finally crash landing on a different planet by a lunatic who didn't know how to fly! 

"She's abandoned. . ." The soft blanket she was wrapped in was pulled away from her face. She blinked back at the very normal and very human man.

The urge to facepalm overwhelmed her, this had to be a joke. She died on earth, assuming of course, only to end up back on it? 

Talk about Irony.

"Oh god!" The man jumped back at the sight of her. "I-Sir, it's an alien. . !" 

Another man took a stance beside him and crouched down to peer at her.

"A newborn, at that." He murmured. "That meteor wasn't a meteor, Mav. It must've been a spaceship." He glanced around, as his arm reached for the sword strapped to his back. "It can't be alone. There must be another one nearby. Her mother. Call in the second force." 

"What about the baby sir?" Mav asked, eyes darting down to her. She blinked up at him through blurry tears.

What the hell was going to happen to her?

The man called Sir peered down at her with curious eyes. However when he noticed the third eye on her forehead, he wrinkled his nose.

"No one else must find out about this. Not everyone will be able to handle the news of outside life forms." The older man continued. "Especially since they look so creepy." 

Aryix cried harder, he just called her creepy! And suggested she was ugly. She bet that if she were back on her home planet, she would've been the most beautiful. Because shes a princess and Disney said that's how it works.

"Sir, you're not suggesting we kill it, Roger?" Mav asked. 

"Well I refuse to report it to higher ups. It'll bring too much unwanted attention." Roger snapped back. 

Her cries got louder as she fought to scream at them. No! Don't kill her! She just got this life, why would she want it to end? 

Okay, she was a hypocrite, so what?

"And I suppose you plan to raise it as your secret child?" Roger scoffed. 

"I will!" Mav nodded his head firmly. Surprised, her cries died down to small wails. The universe had to be fucking with her. There was no way this human man was going to adopt an alien baby!

"Dont be stupid, Mavrick. You could never raise an alien." Roger glared at him.

If Aryix could nod, she would. You tell him Roger. His idea was preposterous. However, if this was the only other option besides death then, she had no choice but to root for it.

Okay, Aryix changed her mind, please adopt her Maverick!

"I can and I will. She'll stay inside the house, and will only be allowed at night with hoods." Mavrick put his foot down. He lifted her from the ground and cradled her to his chest. He pulled the blanket back and smiled down at her.

"What kind of man would kill a child?" He asked as he paused beside Roger with a sneer. "Alien or not." 

He rammed his shoulder into the older man and stomped away, "I hope your mother escapes his clutches." 

"Sh, sh, little one. If you continue to cry like that, you will surely be put to an end." He cooed to her. 

Her blubbering wails calmed down to sniffles 

"Good little one." He cradled her to his chest.


11 years old

Aryix's reflection stared back at her, portraying just how unhappy she was with her appearance. Her pale skin reminded her of the milk that came out of the cow whenever Maverick milked her. 

The color was a lot different than the tan colors Mav and his family had. 

Her third eye blinked back at her as she thought about what would have happened if the hooded man took her with him, rather than abandoning her. 

Water splashed on her, and she rinsed the plate in her hand. 

She wouldn't be a slave for this family, that was for sure. They didn't know she was a princess, they didn't know her real name. 

They didn't know anything. 

Aryix began to mock them under her breath, "Do ThE dIsHeS, bElL," She muttered in a low voice. "Mav said you do it, Jill. Not me." She huffed. 

"Have you finished the dishes yet, Bell?" Jill marched into the kitchen. 

A sigh escaped her, speak of the witch and she shall apear. 

The alien girl who stood on a step stool to reach the sink ground her teeth at the name. She hated it ever since Maverick gave it to her. When she was old enough to speak, she didn't correct them.

Her leather boots thumped against the hardwood floor. With each step the planks groan under her weight. 

Jill wasn't a large person, that wasn't why the planks creaked. It was just an old house that was in desperate need of repairs. 

Bell, or formally known as Princess Aryix, cringed back from the loud noise. Her sensitive pointy ears twitch as her head ducked into her shoulders. 

"And what have I told you about wearing your cloak?" Jill slapped the back of her head. White hair fell from the bun at the top of her head. 

Jill was the daughter of the man who took her in when she was a baby. She wasn't much older than Princess Aryix, and every time she opened her mouth, Aryix wanted to shove her fist in it. 

How would she like the taste of that? 

"Are you listening to me? Respond when I speak to you. I won't talk to a wall." Jill hissed at her.

"Sorry Jill. I'm almost done." Bell sighed as she rinsed the saucer plate in her hands. She watched the soap suds wash down the drain. If only she could go with it.

Sorry this one was boring! However it's needed to get to the next stage in the story.

Second update will be up in a couple hours, stay tuned!

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