
Where did you buy the necklace

"The tree wants to be still, but the wind won't cease." Ye Chong had just lit a cigarette to relax when he quickly noticed several cars accelerating behind him through the rearview mirror.

The car had entered the bustling area of ​​the city, and it was rush hour. He knew a taxi had no advantage compared to those cars. He shifted to fifth gear, slammed on the accelerator, and the car surged forward as if hit by something. In an instant, it darted across the zebra crossing before the red light, swerved left, almost brushing past another car's bumper, and continued speeding without any pause, seamlessly shifting gears and accelerating!

The cars behind were caught off guard; some ran red lights, while others couldn't brake in time, causing a series of rear-end collisions. The sound of screeching tires and honking filled the air.

Although he had taken another road, he quickly realized its condition was terrible. Cars were packed tightly, moving at a snail's pace.

Ye Chong showed no intention of slowing down. The taxi maneuvered at high speed through the dense traffic as if it were a straw in a turbulent stream!

With a long ash hanging from his cigarette and smoke swirling around, Ye Chong's black eyes were as deep as the night.

After several minutes of high-speed weaving, the car was about to enter the Third Ring Road when suddenly, several cars rushed out from the diagonal road, emitting long streams of white exhaust. They crossed from both directions, blocking Ye Chong's path.

Just as it seemed the Peugeot was about to collide, his hand rested on the gear lever. With about two seconds of gap left, he shifted gears and slammed on the brakes. The car jerked to a halt, the speedometer dropping by two notches. In the blink of an eye, the cars crossed just in front of him, revealing a narrow gap.

The Peugeot passed through the gap, scraping the bumpers of the cars on both sides, sparking brightly.

As the cars adjusted their directions and began to accelerate, the Peugeot had already left the scene.

No matter how impressive the Peugeot was, it was still just a Peugeot. The engine and gearbox from the grandfather's era were no match for straight roads. To outrun others, one had to make the most of every road condition.

Soon, the cars behind regrouped and chased after him. Catching up to him would only take a matter of minutes.

Ye Chong suddenly turned the steering wheel, and the tires squealed as the car bit into the road surface. It almost hugged the inner edge of the bend, and a black Ferrari Enzo was surprisingly overtaken by the Peugeot in a single turn!

In the car sat a driver and a passenger, both young men. The driver wore a racing suit and a helmet with a headset, while the passenger held a walkie-talkie, staring in disbelief at the Peugeot taxi. "Damn! Am I seeing things? A crappy Peugeot just overtook a Ferrari!"

Laughter echoed through the walkie-talkie: "Car No. 1, are you delusional? Haha... haha..."

The driver rubbed his eyes forcefully. "If I'm lying, I'll give you my eyeballs. There's real-time surveillance in the car. You guys can check for yourselves. A taxi just overtook us!"

Suddenly, silence fell over the walkie-talkie.

The driver gritted his teeth. "We're calling it a day today. Remember his license plate. I'm going to follow him. I want to see who this guy is!"

After leaving the highway, Ye Chong gradually slowed down. However, he soon saw in the rearview mirror those two cars that refused to give up, approaching at 80 miles per hour!

Instead of speeding up, he maintained his speed. As he entered a tunnel at the foot of a mountain, the two cars suddenly accelerated, racing from both sides, blocking his path and forcing him to slow down.

With a screech of brakes, both cars came to a halt, forcing the Peugeot to stop.

The car door opened, and five men stepped out, each holding a shining machete. One of them, wearing a skull necklace, was on the phone. "Boss, we've stopped the taxi, but the woman isn't inside. What should we do next... Alright, got it."

Hanging up the phone, he approached the car and tapped on the window with his machete. Ye Chong pretended to be surprised as he rolled down the window. "Big brother, is there... something wrong?"

The man scratched his head and gestured for Ye Chong to get out of the car.

He grinned, his face taking on a sinister expression. "Where's the woman?"

Ye Chong awkwardly replied, "I pick up dozens of women every day. Which one are you looking for, big brother?"

The man asked nonchalantly, "Is this taxi yours?"


"Why are there pictures of someone else in the car?"

"I'm a substitute driver."

"Nonsense! Where did the original driver go?"

"I'm telling the truth. You must have mistaken me for someone else. Here's some change from the car. My whole family depends on me. Please spare me."

A man beside him said, "Do you think he's pretending?"

"Look at his miserable appearance. He probably doesn't dare. He shouldn't be the one we're looking for."

"What should we do then?"

"The order from above is clear: regardless of whether it's true or not, cut off the roots!"

"Got it."

With a wave of his hand, several men rushed forward, grabbing Ye Chong. He pleaded, "Big brother, I'm telling the truth. You've got the wrong person. Please let me go. I understand the rules; I won't say anything..."

The man with the skull necklace's eyes flashed coldly. "Get him into the car, quickly, and no bloodshed!"

Several men hoisted Ye Chong into the car.

The car shook, faint cries and struggles could be heard. The man turned around, expressionless, lit a cigarette.

After just two puffs, footsteps sounded behind him. Without turning his head, he said, "You acted pretty fast this time. Let's feed him to the fish."

One person behind him said, "Nice necklace. Where did you buy it?"

The man's face changed. Slowly turning around, he saw the "taxi driver" smiling at him, using his fingers to wipe away a blood spot on his face.

The cigarette fell from his hand.


Ye Chong tilted his head, a hint of coldness in his smile. "Sorry, but I've taken care of all your brothers. Now it's your turn!"

"Die!" The man roared, his eyes bloodshot, and he thrust the knife fiercely. The tip of the blade was already against Ye Chong's abdomen. Ye Chong grabbed his wrist and retreated until his back hit the guardrail, using his heel to brace himself.

The man's knuckles were white as he exerted all his strength to push forward, but he couldn't pierce even half an inch.

Their gazes locked, blood met blood, flames burned, and the thick smell of blood and battle filled the tunnel.

Ye Chong's lips curled into a cold smile, and with a sudden burst of strength, he twisted the man's wrist

One stab, two stabs, three stabs, four stabs... With each stab, the man's back arched, and he stepped back, the knife piercing his chest and abdomen countless times. He had already retreated to the side of the car, blood gushing from his mouth.

Ye Chong tossed the knife aside, grabbed the man's hair, and yanked hard. The man flipped backward and fell neatly into the trunk, gasping for air intermittently.

He threw the five men into the car, fetched a half-filled gasoline can from the trunk, washed the blood off his hands, and poured the rest onto the two cars. 

Next, he drove the taxi away, extending his left hand out of the window. With a flick, his cigarette landed perfectly between the two cars. The gasoline ignited with a "whoosh." It wasn't until the Ferrari had barely exited the tunnel at the foot of the mountain that a series of violent explosions erupted behind him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Leaving the tunnel at the foot of the mountain, he didn't immediately accelerate. Instead, he circled a few times to confirm that there was no tail before heading straight for the Saturday Restaurant.

The so-called Saturday Restaurant was a high-end Cantonese restaurant known for its authentic flavors and elegant ambiance. Classical screens and flower arrangements separated each dining area, ensuring privacy while enhancing the dining atmosphere.

Next to the indoor fountain in the center of the hall, there was also a classical piano. A woman in white was sitting there, playing the piano with ease. A beautiful melody of "Wedding in a Dream" flowed from her delicate fingers.

Ye Chong glanced around at the entrance but didn't see the woman. Checking the clock on the wall, it was already past seven. Perhaps that girl hadn't arrived yet.

He casually found a seat. The waiter came over with a smile, but when he saw Ye Chong's shabby appearance, his expression quickly changed. He didn't even bother to show him the menu, asking coldly, "What do you want to eat?"

Knowing that he didn't even have a penny in his pocket, Ye Chong smiled awkwardly. "I'm waiting for someone. Can I have a glass of water first?"

The waiter sneered and sarcastically asked, "Just one glass? Do you want me to bring you a hot water bottle too?"

It wasn't that he had no temper, but he was used to this kind of sarcasm long ago. "I'm really waiting for someone."

"Go drink water over there, go to the restroom over there. I have many other guests to attend to. Do as you please."

As she was about to leave, someone behind them spoke up, "Could you please explain what 'do as you please' means?"

Ye Chong looked up and saw a modest woman with shiny black hair cascading down her chest. Her delicate face was lightly made up, and she wore a rose-red scarf around her neck. She was wearing a mid-length white sweater that hugged her well-defined figure, with bare legs and no stockings. She exuded a fresh and natural aura.

Ye Chong's eyes blinked several times. Wasn't this the woman who had just played the piano? 

This woman was none other than the one he had inadvertently encountered last night, but at that time, he was too drunk to pay much attention to her. Moreover, her demeanor and appearance were completely different from last night.

The waiter finally realized that this woman was the person the male guest was waiting for. She was suddenly overwhelmed by the other party's presence, her tongue tied. "I meant to say..."

"I understand your meaning. You're refusing to serve this gentleman, right?" The woman pressed on.

"I... I didn't mean that...

"Then what did you mean?"