
God Why Him?

A man wakes up, rather painfully, as Naruto Uzumaki, Nanadaime Hokage exteriodinaire. He'd be less upset if it didn't have to be Naruto.

caden_finch · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Naruto Needs Therapy

There was a problem, one that he didn't want to admit.

Whoever he had been before...this life, he didn't really know, wasn't old when they died. The logical side of his mind could tell that his ability to control his emotions was non-existent...so he had to bury them deep in the depths of his mind. Normally this wouldn't be a huge deal but the life of one Naruto Uzumaki was not a *good* life and there was a lot of negative to throw under the rug as it were. Not to mention, emotion had Chakra tied to it, it was *physical*.

He needed a therapist in place of his own lack of emotional control, but that wasn't going to happen, apparently, as the secretary at the Shinobi welfare office looked pissed right now.

"Get the fuck out of here, Demon."

'Jesus', "But I need he-"

"I said, GET THE FUCK OUT! You've sent enough people here to make a nation, you don't deserve help."

So, no therapy. He wanted a therapist as the proverbial rug was starting to fight back. A personality disorder was likely in his future.

Other than that clusterfuck, two years had passed and passed well. He'd been legally shoehorned out of the orphanage and into an apartment by the civilian council as opposed to the Hokage, but that meant the apartment was...better than the one lord Hokage found for the original Naruto, as it had to be to meet the guidelines of the chosen law, which determined his quality of life would have to be better than what the orphanage could provide. The council figured it would be worth spending more on him if it meant the orphans didn't have to 'suffer the demon's presence'.

Chakra training had shown marked improvement, becoming exponentially easier as he aged, but still not enough to manipulate chakra in any directed fashion. He made his chakra swirl at all times, getting faster and faster, but it was like trying to move a lake.

Though the experimentation with Chakra led to an astounding discovery, he had two chakra cores. His 'Chakra System', which looked similar to a nervous system mixed with a tree, was actually three on top of each other. The first and main was Naruto's, the second was Kurama's Chakra path that layered on top of Naruto's, but then there was a tiny little thread that went through Naruto's. It was actually invisible, or the same color as Naruto's and just perfectly covered, because he only knew about it due to accidentally accessing Chakra from it.

Accessing Chakra was like getting syrup from a tree if that tree also constantly radiated a syrupy mist. Your cells made their own Yang Chakra, but your network gave the body more. Your Chakra core combined your Yin and Yang, then sent it two your 8 gates. From each gate, it diffused into your body. Excess chakra was released by the first gate into your bloodstream for a slower version of the same process, this is where the 8 gates technique came from. To access chakra outside your body you used your Tenketsu points, they created a slight mist around all living things that increased in potency the higher your chakra level got.

An adult civilian *can* manipulate chakra, they often do so as well, but a Ninja harnesses that power, pushes the system of Chakra to its limit, and materializes it. For a long time that can only be done by touch, thus the leaf sticking exercise, but eventually it becomes so much more than that.

He usually just used the Chakra saturating his body to practice control, but he tried to access his chakra stream once. He noticed then that there were two chakras only thanks to his sensory abilities. He couldn't access Kurama's though, as there was very little there, to begin with.

He knew exactly where the second core came from and it was an unimaginable advantage. Sadly, if Naruto's Tenketsu was closed it would naturally close the other two Tenketsu in the same spot, though he imagined Kurama could power through it.

Currently, he sat on his apartment's balcony, tending to the little garden of flowers he had made, because what else was he going to do as a 6-year-old with too much time. The flowers were wild and without much value, but they were pretty enough, and nobody could break into this patio, as he had put strong locks on the balcony door and hidden the doorway to prevent that.

His apartment had been broken into, but not vandalized. He figured people wanted him to be scared even if they couldn't hurt him or his property, as they had done so when he was out of the house.

He could sense an ANBU on the roof, probably his assigned watcher for the day.

"I'm making dinner, you can come down here instead of just sitting up there."

He spoke softly, but ANBU had great hearing, and he was on the top floor anyway. He hadn't done this before, but why not.

The presence dropped from the roof and landed next to him silently. Today his watcher was Yugao, apparently.

"Hi, Uzuki-san."

"How did you know I was here!?"

"You're good...but not enough that I couldn't sense you, which is kinda sad since I'm six and you're the elite of the elite."

She didn't react to the name outwardly, the ANBU would be useless if an enemy could say a lucky guess at their identity and get a reaction.

"A natural-born sensor…how could we not have guessed that damnit"

"I always know you're there."

"We noticed."



"Welp, dinner's ready. Come in."

"You know I'm telling lord Hokage, correct?"

"Yeup. He also can't tell me no to the academy next year if I can sense an ANBU."

"Fair enough. Why invite me down?"

"Felt like it. Would you mind showing me a chakra control exercise?"

She didn't react, but the lack of reaction gave her away.

"I...suppose. let me grab a leaf."