
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Profound Discoveries

After the fight with Gai, Tokimo decided that the leaf village was just not the place he wanted to stay too long. He realized that if he stayed too long, feelings of attachment would grow, and that wasn't good for a shinobi. He must not have any attachments; otherwise, he'd be dead by the next day. That was just how shinobi were. In a world of deceit, and legalized murder. It wasn't anything new.

He decided to head out of the leaf village, and start collecting bounties to earn himself some cash and status. With his power, he could easily collect bounties at a high rate. He wasn't going to be like those OP main protagonists who just sit back and relax for the point of the story not being boring. Why should he care if the story was boring? This was freaking real life, and if he wasn't gonna use his power correctly, why should he ask for such OPness in the first place?

He gathered what little supplies he had, he hadn't been here long anyways. He clothed himself in a dark grey Overcoat, and shinobi pants and sandals. He also strapped his sword to his waist that he bought using the currency he had from his world. He wasn't so stupid to come to a new world without any currency at his disposal. He was able to get a reasonably expensive sword with his pocket cash, and he'd collect bounties so he could get an even better quality one.

He wasn't going to be stealthy or anything when he left the village, though. He wasn't a citizen, or a shinobi. So he should be allowed to leave without any problems. He exited Konoha 45 minutes later.

'I'm surprised, the landscape was never really this vivid in the show. It was kind of just trees and carefully placed branches. Anyways, this view really is something, huh."

Tokimo continued to stroll through the forests with luscious wild life. He also noticed that air seemed to flow through his nostrils more fluidly than on his world. Probably a result of less pollution. Tokimo was interrupted from his thoughts as a group of 30 bandits surrounded him, all eyeing his sword.

"Hey, that sword of yours is looking pretty nice, Huh." The leader of the bandits spoke. Tokimo almost threw up from how cliché that was. At least pick a less cliché line! "Mind handing that over? It'd save us both a LOT of problems." The bandit leader continued.

The bandit leaders goons started chuckling like this was a Disney movie. Who asked them to laugh?

'Are these guys serious? Why couldn't they just save me the trouble of having to chop some heads off when I just left the village. This is some bullshit.'

"I wasn't really planning to give this thing to you. I spent my money on it you know? Doubt you'd know anything about money considering you've never had any or worked for it. You just steal from innocents like some little bitch." Remarked Tokimo wittedly. The bandit leader obviously didn't like that, as his face quickly turned into and evil smile.

"Huh, I've killed lots of people with a mouth on them like you. Oh well, don't blame me for killing you when we gave you an opportunity to leave these forests alive. Alright boys, kill him."

The bandit goons grinned, and took out ninja stars, they hopped from tree to tree and hurled shuriken's at you of which were varying in size. This was their special formation attack, and they did it perfectly in sync. As the attacks neared you, their grins got so wide they looked like rip of Jeff the killer. They didn't expect you however, to easily dodge, sidestep, backhand spring, and somersault over each and every single last one of those shuriken.

'What, don't tell me they're gonna think its a fluke, and do the same attack again. I'd actually lose it if they-'

"Tch, it's probably just a fluke boys! Try it once again! He can't dodge all of the shuriken twice!" Yelled the Bandit leader.

'Are you fucking kidding-Never mind. I have places to be, I can't waste my time on these cliché bandits.' Thought Tokimo.

And so they hurled shuriken, kunai, and everything they had at him, all while jumping around on branches using what little mastery of chakra they had. They were jumping in a circular motions still wearing arrogant smirks on their faces.

"Set speed, teleport." Whispered Tokimo.

In an instant, he was in front of the bandit leader with his sword through his heart. He punched the bandit leader off his sword, and teleported all around killing every single one of them mercilessly.

'Wha-how is he so fast! This isn't fair! No, no, no. I can't die like this!' Thought one bandit. He threw another shuriken at Tokimo but it simply was dodged. Before he knew it, a sword found itself imbedded in his gut, and it was cruely yanked out of his stomach before he was backhanded onto the cold hard ground.

Before half of them could even realize it, they were dead. Tokimo walked over to he bandit leader, cut off his head. And sealed it in a scroll he had. He continued his journey, nearing the border of the land of fire.

Yep, he's leaving the village right now. He doesnt have any use for it yet. So, there is absolutely no point in stopping character growth because he's attached to a village.

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