
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs


Zabuza Momochi POV:

'Damn, this brat is making this travel lot more antagonistic than I had anticipated.' Zabuza pondered as he gazed at a young Haku. 'He has Ice release, so he may be useful in the future.' Yes, he really is an Ideal tool.

In an undisclosed location in the land of water, Zabuza rose from his camp. He wasn't concerned because it was hidden by dense forest. He took his massive sword, Kubirikiribocho, and began meticulously cleaning it. It was his pride and joy, as well as his most effective instrument.

He glanced towards the young Haku, who was staring at him with a tiny smile, while he cleansed his monster of a weapon. His heart began to melt, but he detested it. He repressed his emotions. 'It's simply not good to have these feelings.' 'I'm sorry, but I'm not up to it.' After all, the wretched brat was starting to grow on him. Zabuza, on the other hand, made a point of concealing it. He continued to clean his blade again, this time a little more quickly. In a futile effort to get rid of what he called pointless feelings.

'Damn brat, how dare you make me feel like this.' Zabuza didn't want to admit it but he was starting to want to care for the stupid child. He knew all too well where this would get him, but he carried on. Hoping for the best.

He put down his successfully cleaned sword, and walked over to Haku.

"Master Zabuza! Master Zabuza! Could you help me with this Jutsu?" The boy asked excitedly.

'Tch, this damned brat. This will only cause trouble for me.'

"Lower your voice brat! I'm coming." Replied Zabuza, seemingly annoyed. But Haku still maintained his smile.

'Master Zabuza, he's so cool. I'll be strong like him when I grow up!'

Tokimo's POV:

Tokimo was currently jumping through the dense forest, traveling to the land of water. He had a solemn expression on his face, not giving away a allusion of emotion. He then proceeded to recall all of his potencies, realizing he hadn't been utilizing them to the best of his faculty. From The astronomically potent Susanoo, to the innumerable sword styles he kenned, he had been wasting his time. He immediately teleported teleported with his speed to the land of water.

His goal was to get to Kirigakure, where he could meet and converse with Kisame. His grand scheme was to take up Kisame as an underling. He was going to head to Kirigakure so he could get experience in battle, and to pacify the war by killing the Mizukage.

Pretty cliché, right? But he kenned that if he didn't set his mind on something he wouldn't be motivated to get stronger. He teleported all around, until he determinately got to Kirigakure. He didn't feel like wasting any time with any type of guards, so he went ahead and teleported within. Immediately, he was welcomed with the sound of Kunai's clashing, and men and women screaming as they died.

He looked around, and visually perceived dead bodies as far as the eye could see. He was in shock as he'd never seen so much mutilated bodies, some were burned, some were decapitated. The smell of blood filled his nostrils as he perpetuated to gaze all around the battlefield, encephalon matter, intestines, and blood and guts. He was surrounded by fresh death.

Tokimo's breath hasn't so much as hitched, though. He continued to look on with consummate nonchalance, as he was well aware that when he came into the shinobi world, murder was as natural as breathing. He looked over to his right and noticed a man with a kunai in his throat choking on his own blood, his hands thoroughly charred with his legs dislocated. It was a profoundly gruesome visual perception, but he was yet to bat an eye to this. He simply kept moving forward.




(Mei Terumi P.O.V)

'Damn it, even if this conflict is still relatively new, the casualties are still dangerously high. Yagura and his men surely wont stop advancing. That damned Yagura, he has surely gone mad.'

A young Mei could be seen in her camp looking at a map with various strategic positions. She had a frown on her face as she recalled when this all started. She doesn't know what could've made Yagura decide to go mad all of a sudden. It was absolutely crazy what happened, dozens of clan members wiped out.

She balled her hands into a fist, praying to Kami that Yagura would just die already. Mei and her rebel forces all shared one goal, to kill yagura and extirpate her forces. But she kenned that she had inhibited resources at hand, and that she couldn't match the might of the full force of Yagura alone. She turned to a puerile Ao to commence discussion.

"Ao, how much casualties do we got. I hope they aren't too much because we barely have the medics to even begin to think about healing them." Explained Mei, with a sigh.

Ao simply looked at Mei with a grim look.

"Mei-sama, we only have about 50 casualties from our latest conflict..." Mei was about to sigh in relief afore he perpetuated. "But we have News that Yagura has recently relocated his forces, designating we don't have any intel on their location at the moment. We are very much susceptible to any form of attack, and we cant attack back, as they are aware of our camps location."

Mei simply groaned in frustration. But in the end, her expression changed to that of acceptance.

'Damnit, really wish that someone or something could just magically appear to help us. But who am I kiddi-'

All of a sudden, an astronomically handsome man clad in comely robes appeared in front of Mei and Ao. Naturally, they immediately were on guard and got in their respective stances.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Mei asked in a threatening tone of voice. She was already tired with todays actions, and now some random guy appeared in her camp. But she couldn't lie, he was really handsome. Dreamily handsome.

The man simply smirked.

"I am Uchiha Tokimo. Rogue Uchiha of the leaf. I have come to offer my assistance in combat. " His response was short and concise, straight to the point.

Ao scoffed.

"How about you mind your business, leaf shinobi. You have no right to interfere with out villages matters." Ao snarkily replied, but was surprised when Mei glared at him.

"Calm down, Ao. Don't be irrational. We should at least see what he could do, and judge him from there. Of course, we wont trust him completely, but with the state we're in now we need all the assistance we can get." Mei reprimanded Ao.

"But Mei-sama. Letting him in our ranks in itself is irrational. I don't want us to make the mistake of letting a spy into our forces because of our dire need for help. He was probably praying on us, and tried to infiltrate us at our lowest because of the vulnerable position we're in right now. It's better if we don't just let a random man within-" Ao was cut off when The man began to speak.

"I am One-hundred percent sure I won't betray you. Sure, I have alternative reasons for being here, but I can guarantee I won't try anything. Plus, even if I did you wouldn't be able to stop shit. You can't defeat me, and I'll make it clear right now." The man stated with such seriousness and aggression in his tone that it made them tremble.

He began to let out such, destructive, and potent killing intent that it was as if a god was right before them. They immediately collapsed on the floor. with cracks forming in the earth beneath them. They could barely even blink, or breathe for that matter. They knew that they were completely dominated. His aura was so destructive and potent that they could actually feel pain, as if someone was stabbing them with a thousand needles at once. They wanted to scream, but they couldn't. They couldn't move, speak, breathe, or even blink.

And then it stopped.

They took a full 15 minutes to regain their bearings, and when they got up, they looked at him warily. Ao was now extremely wary of the man, and was regretting doubting this man.

"W-W-We apologize for treating you as such, but you understand we were simply being cautious. We're in a very vulnerable position." Stammered out Mei, still kind of recovering.

"I understand, I'll just take care of him then." Tokimo simply stated.

"S-Surely you can't do it by yoursel-" Mei was interrupted by a glare from Tokimo.

"Surely, you aren't doubting my abilities. Do you want me to show you how capable I am, miss Mei?" Tokimo replied with annoyance.

"No thanks." Was all Mei said.

"Then, I'm off." Tokimo disappeared. As quick as he came, he left.

Hello guys, I will now begin to post more chapter on my schedule.


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