
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Nearing The Borders

Tokimo eventually was about a good 2 hours away from the borders of the land of fire. His plans were to make the Akatsuki his pawns, instead of Nagato's. It would save him a lot of time and he wouldn't have to deal with the whole fourth shinobi war arc. But he wasn't worried about that right now. He just needed to get some money to provide for himself.

'Alright, I think this bandit has a D rank bounty. I could turn in his head to get some cash. Alright. That's exactly what I'll do.'

Tokimo decided to follow a different path; he planned to give in the reward of the bandit who had assaulted him not long ago, so that he may have some extra cash to buy food rather than starve to death. Because it was night, he jumped from tree to tree instead of strolling at a usual speed. Murders occur at night, when everything become more real. Tokimo ran off a little quicker since being alone amid lush vegetation and woods in the dark is not pleasant. He wouldn't utilize his speed customizer since it was pointless.

Nobody could possibly hurt him anyway, so why should he be in such a hurry? This is when he became aware of a presence behind him. Tokimo turned around to see a man dressed entirely in black standing in front of him, holding a kunai in a stabbing position.

'Of course, I just had to get attacked. Well I don't know what else I could be expecting, a lone shinobi at night roaming around makes for a good target.' Thought Tokimo as he side-stepped the attacker. The attacker wasn't an amateur, so they quickly did a corkscrew off a tree branch while throwing dozens of shuriken at Tokimo, who of course, easily deflected each and everyone, with his ability to perceive all speeds.

He couldn't complain any longer in his brain since the shinobi returned in front of him, ready to behead him. He deflected the blade in such a way that it slipped out of the attacker's grasp, slicing him across the chest with the attacker's own blade, enabling Tokimo time to rapidly draw his Katana, infuse it with lightening chakra, and smash it through the attacker's chest.

Tokimo watched as the attacker began struggling for a few seconds, frantically trying to pull the blade out his chest. All while blood is spewing from all his wounds. He watched as the man struggled with all his might, practically jumping around, his human instincts to survive on full blast.

But you can only struggle for so long.

His movements started getting slower, his legs started to go limp. He was full on panicking. Tokimo watched in disinterest. It's not like he was desensitized to killing, but he knew he had to kill, so he did it. He had no time to bitch about human morals in the shinobi world, all that'd get you was a one way ticket to being six-feet-under the dirt.

The attackers hands went limp. And all the life in his eyes disappeared. Tokimo yanked his sword from the unknown attackers body, and swiftly slashed all the blood off of his blade. Just as he was prepared to leave, 30 more men clad in black clothing surrounded him.

'Wha-what even is their reason for targeting me in the first place? This is kind of pointless. Either way, I need to get the heck away from here. I've already drawn so much damn attention to myself for no reason. I could have easily just killed that attacker, why did I waste so much time. Arghh!'

A large water style jutsu was heading his way, so he did the thing that any normal person would have done.

"Full counter."

The water that was practically roaring towards his way, suddenly stopped and its size grew to that of an entire Tsunami. It then launched it self towards the attackers at twice the original speed. It crushed several dozens of trees on its way, its massive size making the surrounding earth shake with such profound violence. It crashed into the group with such force that when it all settled down, all that was left was a single kunai with blood.

'I am such a fucking idiot, literally. I've brought so much attention to myself! Urgh, I've got to get to the border, right now!'

Tokimo wasted absolutely no time, so he teleported to the farthest place he could go with his speed customizer. With this, it was only a 15 minute run to the land of fires borders. He took a sigh of relief, as he was pretty sure he was the clown of the day. He made such rookie mistakes, but it was to be expected. He isn't some professional shinobi or anything. All he had to do was get his hands on some shinobi tactic guide books, and he could use his perfect mastery to instantly become a god at strategy and planning. With his perfect mastery, he can literally do anything, master anything.

The world is absolutely Tokimo's to fuck around with. Who would stop him anyways, he'll use these powers he's been granted to the full potential. He mustn't struggle, he must conquer. Maybe even get a nice girlfriend. He's not even sure himself.

"Alright, lets turn in some bounties." Tokimo smirked.

Alright, this chapter was basically to add a little bit more realism. Walking in a forest by yourself at night, in the shinobi world is absolutely NOT sunshines and rainbows. People have probably been murdered, and raids have happened. These fightscenes should portray that...

Malxxoticcreators' thoughts