
God Tier Uchiha- OP Naruto fanfic

Crack-fic, don't expect anything too awesome. It's also wish fulfillment...yeah you already know where this is going. OP Naruto fanfic. The main character will be extremely OP and I will not nerf him no matter what. This has a smart, laidback MC. If you like Weak, stupid MC's this isn't for you. The MC is also a realist, and everything he does will be for a reason, he will be silly and smart at the same time. A perfect mixture of both.

Malxxotic · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Full Counter

After Tokimo eventually left the Uchiha compound, he began to look for a certain someone. He was going to use that person to increase his power, and maybe use it to expand his influence. This person was extremely well versed in taijutsu, and had a signature bowl-cut to match.

This person was Maito Gai, Konoha's Green Beast. He was going to see if Maito Gai would teach him the eight gates technique, but he knew it would take a while. He was still new to the village, and he knew Gai wasn't so foolish to just let a new person learn his secret technique.

He was getting increasingly pissed off with all these Anbu following him, too. He was just trying to mind his own business. His thoughts were interrupted when hundreds of shuriken came hurling right at his direction.



Tokimo lazily slashed away every single last shuriken with one sword strike. Several root anbu dropped down from the surrounding trees, encircling Tokimo.

"Tokimo Uchiha. You are coming with us." said an unidentified root member.

Tokimo finally understood his grave mistake. He never showed his sharingan, wouldn't it be extremely suspicious for him to not even have a sharingan as an Uchiha? He also didn't use any fire style jutsu, jutsu in which the Uchiha were extremely proficient in. It all made sense now. He was an idiot. He still didn't feel like going with them, though. He would rather not go to Danzo

"I don't think I will go with you." responded Tokimo.

No words were said.

Immediately they took out their swords and started swinging it towards Tokimo, who was perfectly moving his body in every which way as to flawlessly evade each and every sword strike. Tokimo activated a 3 tomoe-sharingan, even though he didn't need it.

One of the root anbu disappeared and reappeared in front of Tokimo, going for a slash to his wrist. The goal was to make it more difficult for Tokimo to use jutsu so that they could subdue him easier. Unfortunately for him, to Tokimo he might as well be standing still. Tokimo easily dodged this strike, and countered with a backhand to the root anbu's mask. The end result, being the mask being shattered into literally millions of pieces, and the victim of this attack being sent flying through 34 trees before coming to an extremely rough halt. Blood could be seen gushing out the ears, nose, and mouth of the root anbu.

That person was dead.

The Root anbu jumped back for a collaborative jutsu. Speeding through hand signs, they released a massive wind styled attack, with impressive force behind it. They could definitely take out an S rank shinobi with this, but to Tokimo, S rank shinobi were mere insects.

Tokimo decided to use another anime's move. This one would be extremely useful.

"Full counter."


Almost immediately, the wind based attack quadrupled in size, and sped right back at Danzo's root. They didn't have time to react as the attack slammed into them, literally mincing their bodies. Trees for miles were uprooted, and slashed apart.

The entirety of Konoha heard this commotion, and some were wondering if it was the Nine Tails attack all over again.

Tokimo cleaned his sword, and stood there while he was surrounded by the Hokage, and several anbu of his. The aged Hokage couldn't help but sigh, this man just joined the village, and he is already causing problems.

"Mind explaining what's going on here, Tokimo? Preferably the part where almost the entirety of this damned forest was uprooted, and sliced apart?" Asked Hiruzen.

"These anbu suddenly attacked me, telling me to come with them. When I refused, they suddenly started to attack me. Naturally, I had to defend my self." Answered Tokimo.

After checking what was left of their masks, it was determined that this was indeed root. '*Sigh* Danzo and his troublesome acts. ' Though the old hokage.

I scoffed watching this, I'm actually cringing because of how giggly-wiggly this old ass man gets about Danzo. They need to get a room.

They were naturally thinking about taking me for interrogation, but I left without any trace. They spent a lot of time looking for me, but when you've mastered everything relating to presence concealing because of a divine cheat, of course normal people wont even be able to detect you.

I should make a trip to the person I was originally going to go to, before I was interrupted by these damned anbu.