

Akhand bharat Empire, Jharsuguda Province, leikera City.

On the playground of leikera No. 1 Middle School, several professionals are arranging a magic circle.

Leikera No. 1 Middle School, more than 100 high school seniors, changed jobs in a unified way today.

More than 100 high school seniors were sitting upright, listening to Principal Banu gandhi's speech.

"Students, after three years of study, you have all learned and mastered the theoretical knowledge about professionals."

"Today will be the day when you change jobs, and it will also be the day when you will decide your future life."

"I won't talk nonsense here, I hope that everyone can reach the height of classmate Prabhu das and become the pillars of our human race."

The Prabhu das that Banu gandhi mentioned used to be a student of the No. 1 Middle School, but he changed his profession and became a holy mage. He is now a big shot at level 80.

Banu das often uses his deeds to teach students.

Yash patel looked at the job-changing magic circle that was about to be erected on the playground, his eyes darkened, and he looked forward to it.

Having been in this world for several years, I already know what kind of world it is.

This world is combined with the game, and people will change jobs in their third year of high school.

You can gain experience by clearing the dungeon, conquering the secret realm, joining the battlefield, or killing monsters in the wild.

Gain experience, upgrade levels, master skills, and enhance strength.

Fight against all kinds of demons and monsters to carve out a living space for the human race.

Countless sages of the human race shed their blood and sacrificed their lives to have their current lives.

The success rate of job change has already reached 100%, it's just a matter of whether the job is good or bad.

The most popular is naturally the main combat occupation, followed by the auxiliary occupation, and the last is the life occupation.

But this is only a general classification. Although the main combat occupations are popular, it does not mean that the auxiliary and life occupations are bad.

Powerful auxiliary occupations are also popular, whether it is to download a dungeon or play a secret realm, or on the frontline battlefield, auxiliary occupations are indispensable.

Even in some places, it would be better to lose an output than to lack an auxiliary.

The same is true for lifestyle occupations. Those who have once appeared in god-level lifestyle occupations are also very powerful.

In Yash patel's understanding, whether a job is good or not depends mainly on the person.

There are rubbish main battles and god-level support.

With a ray of light rising into the sky, the job transfer circle has been set up.

Banu gandhi waved his hand, "Follow me, let's go!"

He took more than 100 high school students to the playground.

Yash patel followed the team, thinking about what career he would change to.

No one can say for sure what it will become.

Some people usually perform mediocrely, but they change jobs and become powerful main combat jobs.

Some people perform very well in normal times, and the result is just a lifestyle career.

Although he and Ankita padhi are called the two geniuses of the No. 1 middle school, only when he enters the magic circle will he know what he can really become.

Someone patted on the shoulder, Gao Yang ankus Singh came over with a smiling face, "What do you most want to change your job to?"

Yash patel looked at him, shook his head, and didn't answer.

Ankus padhi continued to laugh and said, "Talk about it, it doesn't matter if you talk about it. Let me tell you, I want to change my job to become a knight the most. You can see that I am tall and powerful. If I change my job to become a knight, I must be majestic and majestic, and then I can protect you." girl."

His physique is indeed quite suitable for the Cavaliers career.

It is very difficult to transfer to a main combat profession.

According to Yash patel's statistics, the probability is about 10%.

Among the more than 100 people, no more than 15 can become the main combat occupation.

Ankush singh continued talking, Yash just smiled lightly, and did not answer.

Yash patel doesn't speak much, and although he has good grades, he doesn't have many friends.

Many people think that Yash patel is sick.

Ankus singh said a few words and then went to talk to others.

Someone pulled ankush singh, "What are you talking to silenter, he won't answer you."

"That's right, it's just that the grades are better, what's the big deal."

"Today, I don't know what I can change my job to. Maybe it's just a life job."

A few people said in a few words, Yash patel is not very popular among classmates, many people think yash is too cold and arrogant.

Good grades, so look down on others.

Ankush laughed, "Actually, yash simply doesn't like talking."

It's a pity that no one believes this.

Yash will not explain more, there is no need for this.

When a group of people came to the front of the magic circle, Banu gandhi walked up to an old man and said respectfully, "Master hathi, I'm sorry to trouble you today."

Master hathi shook his head, "It should be done."

Master hathi did not hide his information, everyone can see it.

[Zhang ratu, level 52, formation master. ]

Yash patel was a little surprised, he turned out to be a formation master, and his level was as high as 52.

Formation master is considered a rare auxiliary occupation, and it is not common.

Formation masters are very popular on the battlefield. Once the formation is set up, whoever enters that area will die.

Banu gandhi and hathi ratu walked back after exchanging a few pleasantries.

He took out a list and looked at the students, "The students whose names I read will enter the job transfer formation."

"Everything that should be taught has been taught, and you all know it too. Don't be nervous, just relax."

"The first one, fagna!"

Fagna came out in response, and walked into the transfer circle with a little apprehension.

The magic circle was booming, and with a burst of brilliant light, fagna's job transfer ended.

[Lifestyle Occupation: Farmer]

Fagna's face turned pale, he did not expect to become a farmer.

"Fagna has become a farmer."

"Farmers are fine too. If you can upgrade to a master farmer or even a holy farmer in the future, it will be a good job."

"Yeah, in life occupations, being a farmer isn't too bad."