

Gilbert_Umukoro · Realistis
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5 Chs


Let me begin by looking at a verse of the Scripture in the Gospel according to John 18:10, "Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus."

Are you thinking what am thinking? Maybe, maybe not.

If that never happened, maybe we wouldn't have known that Peter had been with a sword while with Christ. He was a fighter, wasn't he? Who knows, maybe he had, on several occasions, tried to protect the Saviour with his sword before the incident in the above verse. And don't tell me he was the only disciple with a sword. Trust me, I believe Andrew, Thomas, and the rest, and even Judas were each with something. Something like an axe, or whatever. The point is, Christ had been seeing Peter (since he's the one we are sure of) with this sword everywhere they went and He said nothing. Yes, he didn't tell him to throw it away. There was a reason.

Like I said in my introduction, my aim is not to totally condemn Gun, but for you to understand the coexistence of God and Gun. That is to say, though the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, yet when the kingdom of God begins to suffer violence, then we've got to be violent in order to take it by force.

Let's see the account of David in 1 Samuel 23:1 - 4, "Then they told David, saying, Behold, the Philistines fight against Keilah, and they rob the threshingfloors. 23:2 Therefore David enquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go and smite these Philistines? And the LORD said unto David, Go, and smite the Philistines, and save Keilah. 23:3 And David's men said unto him, Behold, we be afraid here in Judah: how much more then if we come to Keilah against the armies of the Philistines? 23:4 Then David enquired of the LORD yet again. And the LORD answered him and said, Arise, go down to Keilah; for I will deliver the Philistines into thine hand."

Sometimes God approves it! But don't get me wrong when I say He approves it. He doesn't say we should go about causing confusion or crises, but whatever that is needed to be done for your safety and that of your loved ones, especially when it comes to self defense, as long as it doesn't offend God, go ahead and do it! He approves it! Godliness is not for the weak. To be godly makes you calm but it doesn't make you a coward.

GODLY: It is G- Gentle in nature, but it is also G- Gallant (it's not for the feeble); it is O- Obedient to instructions, but also O- Objective (I.e, not influenced by the emotions or prejudices.); it is D- Devotional but also D- Dogged; it is L- Loving yet it could still be L- Loud (I e, not reserved. In other words, not slow to reveal emotions or opinions); and it is also Y- Yielded and yet it is Y- Yearnful (I e, to be desirous or eager for the best, especially what's yours).