
God on Earth.

400 years ago, the world changed. Magic and Dungeons appeared. 384 years later, someone with God Magic was born. This is his slice of life story of him interacting with people while fighting monsters along his way. Or, it was going to be. This story will be about him finding his self while exploring new things. *Warning* The Mc is Bisexual. No need for any further explanation. *Another Warning* The sex might go into details at one point. If they do, you could skip them as they add little to the actual plot.

qu3n_ · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
84 Chs


"I'm home.."

Daemon was now in his house at the front door. He took off his shoes and slipped on some slippers. The reason for this behavior is because of his father.

He's a Japanese man, and was overseas with his wife, Daemon's mother, at the time. Daemon saw his father do this at a young age and just adopted it.

"Lily? Where are you?"

He walked to the kitchen and sat the groceries down that he bought. His house was normal in size and the insides were that of a normal one too.

"Finnaly! You took to long stupid brother!"

At the top of the stairs, there stood a small girl. She looked to be no older than 12. Was 4'6 in height, and wore a smug expression. She had long black hair with green tips. Her eyes were deep black with a tinge of blue in them. Her outfit was that of simple pajamas.

"Sorry. I ran into an old friend at the store. We ended up speaking and-"

"Liar! You don't have friends!"

She ran down the stairs and said while pointing. Daemon didn't mind her true words as he started unpacking the food.

"Hey. Come help me set up."

He opened a cabinet and took out a pot. His sister then pouted and came around the bar and into the kitchen.

"Fine! But only because I want too and not because you asked!"

She grabbed the pot and began filling it up with hot water. Lily Suzuki. Sister to Daemon Suzuki. Daughter of Kazuma and Lucy Suzuki. Age, 12. Height, 4'6. Weight, 95lbs. Magic, Water magic. Lily Suzuki is a short-tempered girl who wears a smug expression. She always bashes her older brother for no reason. She likes to see him use his Magic however which brings a big smile to her face.

"After a year out of school, I'll start back in my Sohpmore year, 10th grade. You'll be in 6th grade now right?"

Daemon took a year out of school for...personal reasons. But because of Daemon's grades back in middle school and how good they were, he was able to skip the 9th grade and go to the 10th.


Her quiet voice was noticed by Daemon.

"Whats wrong Lily? Are you scared because of your first day in Middle school?"

She passed him the pot of water while shaking her head no. Daemon then turned on the stove and he asked...

"Then what? I can't help you if you don't tell me anything."

He opened the pack of hotdogs and opened the can of chili with his bare hands. He had to be careful of his strength though as too much could probably crush the entire can.

"Well, I'm just sad that I won't be able to see you before I get home like I used too..."

She pouted some more while walking over to the couch. 'I see..' Daemon slightly smiled while putting the chili into another pot.

Over his 1 year break, he would be home before she got home from school, making her feel some sort of safety. She doesn't realize it herself, but she doesn't like being alone.

"Look Daemon. There was a incident."

Daemon looked over slightly and stared at the t.v. He saw a picture of the driver that drove him throwing up some sort of gang sign.

"Hes a bad man Lily. Turn the channel."

Daemon turned the stove on for the pot of chili, sat it down, and came over to his sister. He sat down and took the remote from her.

"Eh? How do you know? Wait, were you?..."

"Yes. I happened to be in the back seat of his uber when we crashed. Its a shame he didn't survive."

Daemon sighed out while changing the channel. His sister kept starring at the side of his face but soon looked away while shrugging. 'His judgement is never wrong. He must have been a really bad guy..'

When a child is born, they are immediately tested for a magic attribute. When they found out that Daemon had God Magic, it shook the entire world. The government of course tried taking him away to experiment on him and his magic, but his parents didn't allow that.

His parents have connections with influential people around the world, making it so that he could live a normal life. His magic is only known by a few people now because of his parents, including his family, the old man, and a couple of government and Ranked people.

What his Magic is classified to the public is Regeneration magic.

It's a weird type of unique magic that gives him basic regeneration.

After about 10 minutes of watching t.v programs, the food was finally done. Lily went up to the dinner table and sat down. Daemon was her servant in things like this.

Whether it was doing the laundry, washing dishing, taking the trash out, or even tieing her shoes, he would always do it for her. He didn't mind though as it makes him feel...human.

"Brother has the best food in the world!"

She gets excited when it's time to eat. Especially because of her brother's food since it can be considered Godly. Daemon took out a hotdog bun and smothered the insides with mayonnaise.

He then used tounges to pick up the weiners and placed them into the bun followed by chili and cheese. He topped it off with mustard and repeated this 2 more times.

"Here you go, Lily. Enjoy."

Daemon sat the plate of food down in front of her excited face. Seeing that caused him to smile.

"Kool-aid or fruit punch?"

He asked her as he went towards the fridge. When he opened it, he saw that she was already digging in, making him sigh. 'Kool-aid it is. I can't have her drinking a dry drink with a hot food like that.'

He grabbed the red container from the fridge and set it down on the counter.

"So...I heard that some S rank hunters....are enrolling at Magic high as teachers."

I passed her a cup of Kool-aid and sat down next to her.

"Yeah. They're going all out this year. I've never heard of them doing this before."

She nodded while eating. S rank hunters are usually rare to find as some just live in seclusion away from the world. This year though, they're coming out of hiding and teaching students.

"Stop stuffing your face like that Lily."

Daemon pinched her cheeks, causing her to groan out. 'I'm glad she still enjoys it. I've been her cook for years now, but she never gets tired of it.' After that, the two talked for a little longer until she was finished.

"Did you take a bath already? If not, go take one. We'll have to be up early if you want me to take you to school."

Daemon took her plate and cup over to the sink.

"Okay! Thanks for the food bro!"

She got out of her chair and ran up the steps. Daemon waited to hear the door close and when he did, he reached for the back of his neck. 'Damn. Another broken seal..' He grabbed at his neck and pulled something off.

A black and white talisman was present in his hand. The word, 'Limiter', was written on it as well. 'I'm growing stronger by the day and your limiters are getting weaker with it dad.'

He crumbled it up and threw it away. Another talisman then appeared in his hands and he applied it to his neck.

'Ever since I was born, my powers have been growing stronger and stronger. I was sure that by the age of 5 seconds, I was already the strongest being in the universe. Luckily, dad has Limiter magic which can make my magic power and other powers diminish, making me equal to that of a normal person.'

Daemon got done washing the dishes and loaded them into their respected cabinets. He then turned the t.v off and lights then went upstairs.

There he heard his sister playing around in the bathtub, causing him to smile. 'First day of 6th grade huh? Have fun okay?' He went to his room and closed the door behind himself.

His room only consisted of a bed in the back middle with a window behind it. He had a desk to the left of his bed with a chair and computer on it. He had a t.v. on his right walls with posters of half-naked women all around his room.

'And have fun yourself Daemon. The others are used to Highschool life while your just starting. Atleast make one friend. Two if your really desperate..' He threw himself onto his bed and went to sleep.

'Tomorrow begins a new journey.'
