
First Fight In The Sea

After Makino said yes to Akio's request to join his crew as their cook. one week passed quickly in this week Akio started to train Makino in body strength before teaching her any techniques as her strength is very little for sea.

Today is the day of their departure, when they were getting ready to sail. their are all the people from town to saying their goodbye to Makino.

Village 1 " Makino, if you ever need to come home don't hesitate for even a minute to come and live with us."

Village 2 "yes yes, and don't forget about us in the sea."

Makino" everyone thank you for your support and help till this day. I will always remember you." said while boarding at ship with tears in her eyes.

Akio " ok everyone, we will always meet again to people who are close to us. because people who live at sea will always gather at some point."

As he said this fraise and Makino felt little happy hearing this . when she saw Ship started sailing she run to deck and say.

Makino" everyone bye bye, I hope we meet again soon."

After some time Baby 5 come to Akio and asked. "where should we go next."

Akio smiled and said " we are going to Logue town now it is the last destination before entering Grand line."

Baby 5 " ok, young master" and she turned towards Makino and said " Come with me Makino I will show you, your room and ship."

Makino nodded and smiled cheerfully while see took her luggage to room shown by Baby 5.

After some time traveling on the sea they saw a warship coming towards them when he use his Observation Haki.

He saw a man in navy rear admiral coat with grey suit and he was wearing a helmet. he instantly recognised this man . It is Rear Admiral "Onigumo".

He was future vice admiral who lead the buster call in Enies lobby. he also know that he is a firm believer of justice like Sakazuki and can kill or sacrifice anything in the name of Absolute Justice.

Akio thought for a while but decided that It will be very good fighting experience for Bonney and Baby 5.

He call everyone on deck and said what is happening and said to Bonney and Baby 5 to fight.

Akio " Both of you already know the cruelty of this world. so you have to become strong to protect those who are dear to you. world says women's strength are inherently weaker then men but I want to prove the world that anyone can become strong in this world no matter what gender is it."

When Bonney and Baby 5 hear him their was a undefined feeling in their heart and make vow to protect those around. even if they have to break their limits every day.

After that both Bonney and Baby 5 ready their sword which are from 50 grade sword's and ready for the battle and start of a journey that will give every women in the sea courage to take path to conquer their fear of weakness in front of men.( AN:/ Now here I am not making it easy for them as it is not easy to break their limit every time.)

Akio see fire in their eyes a noticed a positive change in their Haki. if before their "will" was a big rock now it is like a mountain.

Warship come near and vice admiral onigumo said "Stop right their Pirate, today I will teach you true justice of Maines and take you to your last destination." as he said this he readied his sword with his weird spider fruit and take out his 8 sword's and use Soru, while doing Geppo towards them.

Bonney and Baby 5 also moved towards him with their sword and slash towards him their swords collide but Onigumo slashed with his other sword towards them but Both of them dodge it with their Observation Haki.

They slash towards him with little bit of Haki attached to their blades. which put little bit pressure on him as he didn't learn Haki at this moment.

Their Collison make shockwave at sea but Bonney and Baby 5 were being pushed at a tight spot as Onigumo physical strength was very strong.where Baby 5 didn't eat her fruit but Bonney as devil fruit user was about to fall into sea.

Makino who was seeing this from side can do nothing for them as she doesn't have any long training and decide to practice hard to help them in next fights.

While Akio seeing this from side was happy seeing their progress. at that moment Baby 5 pushed Onigumo with all of her strength and support Bonney. They both talk through their eyes and planned something.

They covered their knuckle with black colour Haki and ther their blades with concentrating to cover most of their Haki on blade and moved towards Onigumo using their best soru and slashed at him with all their strength and pushed him on the edge of ship.

When Akio see this he decide it is enough for them to gain battle experience and hone their skills. He use Soru and appeared in front of Onigumo who was going to attack exhausted Bonney and Baby 5. Akio kicked him with his Haki covered leg and sound of cracks resound on boat and Onigumo immediately fall unconscious after that.

Akio turned toward remaining Marines and say " don't worry I just broke his couple of ribs and damage little to his lungs .he will be heal soon. take him back to Marine base."

Akio then moved towards both girls who was exhausted and say " let's go, you two worked very hard this time."

Both of them fell unconscious in his arm . he lifted them and place them on his ship and started healing them with his basic medical knowledge.

Then suddenly Makino say "Akio San, I want you to teach me how to fight the strongest people on this sea."

Akio asked " what happened I remembered you say that you don't want to fight."

Makino " I know, but today seeing my two sisters hurt like that and can't be able to do anything makes me feel like I have to become strong and protect my family and friends."

Akio just nodded at her words and say after some time " we need to find a doctor and after that we will start your and everyone's training"

Akio remember a island and a certain boy who can become their crew's doctor and Moved his ship towards reverse mountain.


Thanks for reading.

And try to guess who is going to be next crew members.😊