
chapter 16 : rookie star result




Job: Musician

MONEY:2000 HGF (+4,000,000)

POPULARITY point (p.p): 300,000

Fame point (f.p): 3,000

SINGING: 94/100 « EXPERT »

GUITAR: 88/100 « GREAT »

CREATIVE: 74/100 « GREAT »




★first-person p.o.v(frank)★

After a week of relaxing from all the singing and practicing the time reached when the result for the rookie star competition have arrived and I and the band went to the closest internet cafe so that we can watch the live count down before the result is published to all the media outlet and online platform like we meet, Facebook (why not 😄), etc.


" so who come first "-dante

" it loading, but I hope it is us "-jerry

" me too, we worked hard "-jack

Once the page refreshed the result was displayed and the result was outstanding and monstrous.

1- clock strike by C2H4 = 30,500,000 view and 15,000,000 downloads

2- stars by Winchester = 10,000,000 views and 5,000,000 downloads

3- monster by apex = 5,000,000 views and 3,000,000 downloads



------5 minutes later -----

Looking at the result I just can't believe it because I was expecting that the competition will be right but it seems that I was wrong and I exterminate them with such a huge lead and broke their dreams.

*hahaha, just what I need now let see what we will win because if it is not good I aware to God I will never publish amd work on this platform again *

After a look at the list with the band, we received anil from the web net headquarters so we open the email and read what they had to say. And I had to say was impressed but disappointed at the organization.

" holy molly we win 4 million HGF and our studio on Mars which is close to the capital (earth)"-jack

"This had to be a dream"-jerry

" no it not it all real we can finally leave this hell hole of a planet "-dante

" ok calm down we still need to talk about the last part of the letter because I don't agree with what we met want to do with our songs "-frank

" true, they want us to give them are songs copyright for 2 million HGF amd also to work under the as one for there platform stars and only provide music to only there platform for 5 years while signing a 25-year contract with them .they have to have lost there mind I ware to God they think that we are going to be their slave.HELL to the NO "-jerry

" fact Jerry is correct, are song belong to use and not to some big organization because we worked hard to make this song and the songs are still growing, and it will be a very stupid to give them are masterpiece for such a cheap price when we can make a lot of money form the songs.

Furthermore, the fan won't like that we sold our songs to the web net because they might increase the price and degrade the value of the song because of their influence. So it is best if we don't sign their contract unless they give a better offer or we can listen to other platform proposals."-dante

"Correct, so what do you think frank what do you want to do "-jack

" I agree with too guy and I will send a letter /email that we will not sell our song and will not sign their contract unless they change the conditions or we will listen to other company's proposals and make a decision if not we will make our platform for people listen to our songs, communicate, etc."- frank

Look at the latter form web net I just felt very disgusted by web net response to are a win in the is competition, instead of for send a letter of congratulating they send a letter talking about buying our song because they think because we came for a shitty planet that we have no common sense and we are very stupid amd we will just give are song for such little money that might look a lot but is just chicken change for them.

After ordering a drink and enjoying our self because we are just a few days from living on this planet and going to a better and more advanced planet to start our new life with our family and friends.

-ring, ring -

"Ha dante your phone is ringing "-frank

" Hello who is this "-dante

" what, how sis it happen *-dante

"I will be there soon make sure you call the ambulance and I will meet you in the hospitals"-dante

" bro dante what happens "-jerry

" it my mom her condition is getting worst "-dante (crying)

" you want to use to come "-jack

" shore guy "-dante (cry and getting his stuff )

---leaving the cafe-----

" dante don't worry we just won 4 million and we will be able to pay your mom bill and even pay for all of us with our family to travel to mars "-frank

" I understood sniff sniff, but it my mom bro and this is the 5th time this happen and Doctor still don't  know what made her condition so bad "-dante

" ok ok, stop crying and let go see your mom ok and from there we will see what we will do to help and how are going to leave this hell hole for the better "- Frank

" thank guy, that why I love you guy "-dante

" anytime "-jack