
God of MMA (Dropped)

Hello everyone! I am here to present you bad news as I am going to drop this novel due to my shit plot. Not gonna lie I started this book with no structure, a bad main plot and side plots. I just started writing as a passion and realized that it takes a lot more planning to construct a full fledged novel. So I will be dropping this in order to focus on my next. To the people that actually liked the novel somehow and donated power stones I must thank you for your generosity. Do not worry as I will release something spicy soon so stay tuned!

VanTan · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs


Note: Changed RFC to SFC.

"Who would have thought a random brat would win the competition" the man said with a heavy frown.

"S-sir should we offer a contract?" He asked.

"Send a contract with bad conditions, he might accept it as a newbie. Also, make him stay for at least 5 years." The man said and sat down to drink his beer.

"Yes sir.." The scout replied.

"Who knows he might make me some heavy cash," the man thought.

"What is the owner thinking?? Leon Pierce would obviously not accept this contract.." He said and sighed.


Leo was admiring his new car that his uncle bought until he got a call from his coach.

"Yeah, coach?" He asked.

"A contract has come from the SFC, get over here now." He said and ended the call.

"Haha life just keeps on getting better," Leo said and started whistling in his car.

Little did he know the contract was basically a slave contract with low pay and other insane conditions.

He then drove to his coach's house. Leo opened the door and went to him immediately.

"Boy, it seems like they think we are idiots," his coach said and almost ripped the contract in anger.

"Let me read it.." Leo murmured and read the contract.

The enforceable contract offered fight money of 5'000 thousand dollars. The lowest is usually 10'000 dollars. However, that was the start, the contract period was 5 years. It has a renewable clause and if Leo refused a fight they would take a portion of the fight money. The worst thing was that the SFC had the right to refuse sponsorships for Leo.

"These bitches must think I'm a pushover" Leo exclaimed.

"Coach call whoever the fuck gave this contract and give the phone to me." He shouted.

Leo was now gonna show he wasn't a pushover and that he wasn't one to be fucked with.

"Leo take the phone," His coach said.

He grabbed the phone and reached it to his ear.

"Hello, who is this?" Leo asked.

"Ah yes hello, I am a scout. Is there anything wrong with the contract?" He asked curiously.

"Is there something wrong with the contract? Bitch, what the fuck is this shitty contract!?" Leo shouted and cursed out the scout.

"S-s-sir p-please calm down.." He said trying to defuse Leo's anger.

"Which dumbfuck sent this contract?" Leo then asked dumbfounded by the outrageous conditions.

"I-it was the owner.." He explained and said nothing after.

"Wow that must be one asshole," He thought.

"Give me his damn number now" Leo shouted and ended the call.

Leo was not gonna stand by and let his whole career be ruined by an idiot.

A few minutes later the scout sent a phone number. He then proceeded to call it.

"Hello is this the owner of the SFC?" Leo asked with an ordering tone.

"Nice to meet you Leon Pierce, I am Kim Duck-Hwan" He replied.

"Not so nice to meet you" Leo thought.

"I'll cut to the chase, send me a better contract or else I'm leaking this shit to the news in 10 minutes" Leo demanded.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that" He replied thinking Leo was bluffing.

"Okay then, this shit will be released in 5 minutes. You must have forgotten how famous my dad is" Leo scoffed and started laughing.

"Is he serious..." Kim Duck-Hwan thought.

If the contract got leaked his reputation would undoubtedly fall. The whole of SFC may also get ridiculed by the UFC and plenty of media. This would lead to the sales dropping.

"Send me a better contract now. And I want the period to be one year. I will stay after the year if I deem it worthy" Leo said.

Kim Duck-Hwan left his thoughts and responded.

"How about two years" He said anxiously.

"One year" Leo demanded.

"Okay okay one year and a half then?" He lastly said.

"Fine.." Leo said trying to act disappointed.

This was great as Leo had no plans to stay longer than two years. He would win a title in that year and then hopefully get a contract from the UFC.

"I hope you send me a better contract" He said to remind Kim Duck-Hwan.

"Of course don't worry, hahaha" He said trying to ease the disaster he had made.

Leo didn't know this however he had just made the whole of SFC his enemy in one call.

After the call Kim Duck-Hwan left the office and went to call his old friend.

"What do you need sir?" He said.

"Do you want a job?" Kim Duck-Hwan asked.

"I'm always ready" He replied.

"Start training, in a few months I'll give you a match. You better not fail me." He lastly said and put the phone in his pocket.

The owner was not gonna leg a wild dog go rabid on his turf. Therefore he called for reinforcements.

He then sent Leo a better contract suiting him.

With 40 000 thousand dollars fight money and a PPV sale of 7 to Leo and 3 to the SFC. They also removed all of the shit clauses.

"They must have been scared or thought I won't get a lot of viewers" Leo thought and decided to meet the scout to sign the contract.

After a few days, Leo had signed the contract and received a vanum sponsorship deal that he accepted.

Note: I will be home tomorrow so expect two chapters to be releasing from then. Sorry and enjoy. Happy new years!