
God of Heaven's Tower

His whole world crumbled when he received the final message of his twin brother. Daniel had not seen his twin in years and the one time he has the opportunity, he receives nothing but a memento — a special ring from his brother, David, which contained his last will. He began to understand what happened to his twin brother over the years that he had been missing and the events that led to his death. Daniel swears to fulfil his brother's dream of saving their dying mother...and to make everyone involved in David's death pay. But it is not as easy as he expected despite being a soldier with adequate training. Daniel has to enter an eldritch realm and climb the tower known as Heaven's Tower. ...But to achieve what he has set out for, he has to fight against others who are as equally driven and against gods that are supreme to mere mortal. All to become the one being that has it all... ...The God of Heaven's Tower.

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15 Chs

Enter! Heaven's Tower...!

Daniel's eyes were filled with both glee and surprise all together as he looked at the screen bearing the contents of the Divine Dragon whose legacy he had just inherited.

The Legacy of the Divine Dragon was the legacy of his twin brother who had been vastly known in Heaven's Tower as the player, Allavan — one of the strongest climbers of the tower before he became inactive to search for Heaven's Tear on his own.

Daniel swallowed his saliva as his eyes were glued to the screen, darting through the details that were flashed at him.

'Draconic Sight. Warrior's Instinct. Aura of the Beast and Divine Dragon Body Constitution.'

On subvocalizing the last part, Daniel instinctively looked at his arms and then his entire body to see if there was any obvious change to his body, being that he had just inherited the Divine Dragon Body Constitution. However, he still looked the same as he always did.

'This will definitely give me an edge as a beginner in the tower. Considering that my targets should be high rankers at this point I need as much help as I can get,' he thought while rubbing his chin.

Click–! Click–!


< Draconic Sight >

— You have inherited the Eyes of the Divine Dragon and the ability to see mana pathways and mana innate in both living and nonliving things.

< Warrior's Instinct >

— Your natural senses are heightened above the average and you can sense things farther than what is considered normal because of your special Body Constitution.

< Aura of the Beast >

— You have the ability to impose your domineering aura and presence on those who are beneath you, forcing them into submission of your rulership.

< Divine Dragon Body Constitution >

— You possess the special Body of the Divine Dragon which includes the eyes of the dragon, dragon scales and claws as well as the capacity for a partial or full transformation. 

— Divine Dragon Body also grants you resistance to fire-based attacks of equal or lower strength.


Daniel went limp immediately after he finished reading about everything that he had just gained from his brother's legacy. He had expected them to be good and helpful but not this good. In fact, the four skills that the Divine Dragon's legacy granted him were overpowered for a beginner like him.

Even as glad as he was that he possessed such tremendous things in his arsenal, Daniel was careful enough to not become complacent and proud. If anything, he used what David had given him to gauge what the possible power level of his targets would be, even while considering the fact that they were probably still active climbers of the tower.

He heaved a sigh. 

Daniel had realised long ago that this was not going to be an easy task but he was ready to do it. For his mother and for his late brother, he was going to make the climb and do whatever it takes to reach the top of the tower.

That was Daniel's third goal. Should his two original goals fail to be accomplished, Daniel's plan was to reach the top of the tower and become that eminent God of Heaven's Tower that David had talked about — someone who can do any and whatever he pleased. If he achieved that, he could still make his goals come to pass.

With the Legacy of the Divine Dragon now inherent within him, Daniel was ready to enter the realm where Heaven's Tower was located in some days' time when the Gates of the Tower would open to the outside world.

Steeling his mind, Daniel clenched his fist.


Over the next few days, Daniel prepared himself for entering the tower. He listened to his brother's message a few more times and now that he had mana, it was even easier to assimilate the information even though he had registered a greater percentage of it before now along with subtle hidden details that had been mana-encrypted.

The D-day finally arrived.

…The day that Daniel Ensoul would begin his climb.

Daniel listened to the recording one last time because he didn't know if the message would be playable once he entered the tower and he wanted to relish his twin brother's voice for probably the final time.

'This should be the place he said,' Daniel thought as he got to the entrance of a popular park inside the city.

He had been to this park a few times and the only thing he noticed were just people playing with their partners, friends and families as expected. However, now that he possessed mana and an active mana circuit pathway, Daniel saw another side of the park that seemed like a parallel existence to the park he knew.

The atmosphere was dense with a pool of energy that spun and spun nonstop.

Daniel entered the park and approached that form of energy, doing so in a manner that he wouldn't be noticed so as not to rouse chaos inside the park.

Normal humans were oblivious of this existence and he understood why: they didn't not possess mana like those entering the tower did.

'Heaven's Tower possesses many entry points that stretch to several other planets and universes, not just Earth. The one at the Azure City Park was just one of them in our country.'

Daniel recalled David's voice at the point of the message where he was talking about the many gates that led into the tower.

Heaven's Tower opened at different points within and beyond Earth, allowing many other species of creatures and existence to attempt to climb.

'This is it,' Daniel sighed in his heart before placing one leg into the whirling mana portal while taking one last glance at the world he once knew.

'No going back now, Danny. No going back.'

Daniel entered the portal and vanished from sight where it still continued to spin slowly like nothing had happened. The humans inside the park continued their day like nothing had also happened just now.


The mana portal opened on its other end, spewing Daniel out of it as the young man staggered forward while trying to maintain his balance.

Appearing inside an unfamiliar space while the portal vanished behind him, Daniel first checked for his equipment and his ring and a smile formed on his face when he saw that he was with them.

"It worked!" he let out, elated with the successful outcome of his little experiment.

David had mentioned that everything within the tower possessed some amount of mana and using this bit of information, Daniel infused a little mana into everything he carried with him and it worked out that he was allowed in with them.

He looked around the area where he was and noticed that he was at the centre of a lounge, alone and surrounded by light brown couches.

'Hmm. This should be the Floor 0 he spoke of, I guess.'

Just before he could move a step away from where he was standing, a voice reached his ears.

"Welcome to my Zeroth Floor, human," the voice stated.

Daniel turned around immediately to see a creature standing behind what looked like a bar. This creature was busy wiping a collection of wine glass cups clean with a white cloth.

'A rabbit of unusual size and an admirable sense of fashion. Dressed in a dapper suit with a monocle. That's certainly…'

The rabbit's eyes sparked with a glint as he saw through Danny's facial expression.

'Isn't this one full of surprises…?' the rabbit asserted.