
God of fear, Kletus Cassidy

In the pursuit of fun, one must be willing to discard everything That’s what Kletus Cassidy did, he discarded his humanity, his ties and his sanity in the pursuit of fun in killing, something he has been addicted to when he saw his father torture his mother What waited for him was hell, that was supposed to be the place that awaits him when he dies However, a certain meddling man interferes and took him under his dark wings The man gave him a soul, his previous companion for fun, Fiddlesticks, the God of Fear, suffering and despair Now, armed with one of the most powerful entities in the entire Tower, he aim to make much more suffering and much more fun for himself and Fiddlesticks Notice: this novel contains animal abuse, slavery and merciless killing, basically things you would expect for a villain to do (except for family because of Dominic’s teachings)

Kieranilner · Fantasi
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7 Chs

The days of fun

"Welcome, Kletus Cassidy."


In a world full of black, void of any sort of lighting, only two figures were standing. They were Kletus Cassidy, a serial mass murderer and Kieran, a self proclaimed deal maker. Kieran gave out a hand to Kletus to pull him up and he grabbed it

"Alright, now, elaborate."

"Of course, you did do all of that for this so it'll be a sin to not divulge. My deal is simple, give me entertainment by what you do, because your character in itself is already so amusing, so, provide entertainment and in return, you get your fun. I don't control nor manipulate you, in fact, I'll even help you by providing a system for your power if you desire."

"Hmm, so, I can have fun without restraints?"

"Well… no, you'll know soon enough but for now, I'll give you your power."

Kieran raise his hand out and a black, ominous and creepy looking orb manifested itself in his hand. The orb has this voice that's drawing Kletus in. Kieran smiles slightly as he continue

"This, is Fiddlesticks, a companion of mine that has amused me in my life. Now, sadly, I have no use of him anymore and so, I give him to you for usage and in turn, I hope you give me entertainment."


Kletus just smiles as he stare at the orb and it's voice of madness. Kieran let go of it and it flew straight at Kletus' forehead. Kletus was knocked back a little and was disorientated for a brief second before pulling back together

"Woah, this… what is this?"

"It'll be disorientating for a bit, but give him some time and he'll find a neat spot in your soul."

"But why go for the brain? Ain't the soul in the chest?"

"Well, force of habit I presume."

After some time, Kletus was feeling fine. In fact, he felt like rejuvenated. Kieran continues after seeing Kletus' improved conditions

"Alright, Fiddlesticks must've made roots. The first thing you must know about your power is it's versatility. You can manipulate, create and shapeshift. Three distinct powers and yet there's steps needed to do that. First, let's go for the stick and stone of your power. Manipulation."

"Manipulation… does it mean I can control them?"

"Uhh, not quite. You see, when you're reborn in the world I have chosen for you, you, or Fiddlesticks to be correct, will begin the process of harvesting fear, despair and suffering from every source he can find in a 20m radius. So, being near someone or something that's giving off that type of thing, Fiddlesticks will enjoy it."

"So? Is that Manipulation?"

"Oho no, it's what you can do with that harvested energy. Fiddlesticks eat those three things and in return, he creates power in the form of a black thing I guess, because really, there's no way to describe it truly. Manipulation is using that black thing and convert it to an air to which it will inflict an illness to the mind, plaguing it with doubt, misconception and suspicion. And ultimately, turns to tragedy and Fiddlesticks can extract more of that energy that he craves."

"…so, what you're saying is that Manipulation is spreading a seed of deception and doubt to one's mind?"

"Precisely! Very good! You're smart, I mean, a serial killer of your caliber is-"

"We're getting off track, Kieran."

"Oh, sorry. The second power you have is Create. Except for a gas state, the black thing could also turn into a solid, like flesh. But before I get too deep into that, I must give you a heads up on using this power because this drains up the black thing and so, use it wisely."


"Okay. Now, as I was saying. The black thing turns into this sort of like solid, fleshy, mushy thing. You can shape this into weapons, sculpt it into something like an extra head or create clone or doppelgängers of yourself. The Create power is that simple, it's only limited by your imagination."

"Okay, and the third power?"

"The power of Shapeshift. This requires an extra step. First, you must know everything about the target that you want to shapeshift into. Take an example like a deer. And how do you do that? Simple, infect it with the first power. The first power has the ability to let you pierce into their mind, see their past, their experiences and ultimately, knowing them better than they know themselves. And when that is done, you can use your third power and turn into him or her perfectly. And one more thing, this will be imprinted to your brain so, you might want to ease it off or else you'll experience some kind of trauma, I don't know."

"…split personality disorder?"

"Yeah, I guess you can call it that, but hey, you're already crazy so what's being crazier can do to ya?"

"True. So is that all of my powers?"

"Yeah, basically. The only thing you need is imagination and wits. So, ya ready?"

"…yeah, I think I've been staying here for too long."

"Atta boy, go and create mischief and entertain me."

The two grin like devils. Kieran raise his hand up in a snap. He look at Kletus and he nods with a resolute and excited look. Kieran's smile widens even more as he think, 'I might've hit the jackpot.'


Kletus' view turn to black. He couldn't feel his body anymore. But, what he could feel was a presence. A malignant and evil presence almost like Kieran's but weaker. He turn around in his soul and saw Fiddlesticks' orb. The being that has cause fear, despair and suffering to his world on his own. He was an absolute being and would've continue to be if a certain hero didn't intervene. The hero had a heart of steel and yet, he was kind. He became Fiddlesticks' kryptonite, he began making him weaker by making a difference in the human race, his main source for power. So, enraged, Fiddlesticks went and confront tha hero. But, when he saw the hero, he couldn't help but shudder. The hero… was Kieran

Kletus look at the soul of Fiddlesticks and when he could feel himself again, he begin to test his movement. He could feel and move his arms, legs and finally, open his eyes. When he opened his eyes, a gasp could be heard and it was from a woman that's carrying him

The woman was old looking and wearing ragged clothing. She had a simple brown dress and bloody hands. Kletus blink and smiled

'Looks like the days of fun is about to start.'