
CH 2: PlANS?

After the little out burst of emotion he decide it was best to leave as he didn't have any connections to this place and he doesn't need money or food and water as these are little thing and he can just make them.

After leaving and making himself some cloths which consist of a black t-shirt with the borderlands symbol a zip up hoodie that is also black with silver highlights a pair of blue jeans and silver and black Nike shoes as it was getting close to winter so it was kind of cold he just wondered around till he came across a park that was not to big but had plenty of space he decide to sit on the swing so he can properly think and find out what he wants to do for the future as he started to think up ideas he created a black journal with pale purple and silver highlights and a golden panther pen with black ink so he can make a list and cross them off as he goes.



1.) Mobile Home, as he needed a place to stay but cannot be trapped in one place plus it takes to much energy to build a house every time which is also very annoying.

2.) Seal/Rosary, as he doesn't want to have the same problem as the Moka when it comes to his safety so he needs to be able to remove it on his own along with add more things like gravity enhancement on his body so he becomes stronger so he can make new things along with other enhancement's to the rosary.

3.) Make Own Technology, as this place is similar to his last world but a few years behind also with the power to create it is only limited to his imagination so he can make tech from movies or games so yeah.

4.) Relationships, as right now he wants a partner or mabye more but for now since he is in R+V he wants to go after Moka because she was really pretty and nice plus she deserves more than Tsukune who is such a WEAK character and too nice for his own good also if he dosent he most likely will spend the rest of his life which dosent have a end right now alone.

5.) Powers like magic, chakra etc..

6.) Other world travel, 1. Naruto, other world undecied


After finishing writing in the journal for now he decided it was best to start searching for Moka as It might be difficult to find there castle so it can take along to like the saying the sooner you start the earlier it ends also he needed to look more into his vampire powers and the rosary seal too but as he was thinking of Moka he decided because he really didn't want to wait to high school for a chance of her falling in love as another reason to find her.

Also it was easier to get Outer Moka to love him then Inner Moka but he wanted only one Moka not two she he needs to either get rid of one personality, get them two bodies, and the one he was leaning towards more combing the personalities or fix the Rosario so it is gonna be like his he also want to get some personalities traits hammered into her as she is still a child hmm maybe he should just gain her trust and have her run away with him so he can train her and take her to other worlds before coming back or a parallel world so he can join the cast with the original cast hahah that would be interesting to see the reactions.

yay another chapter also any ideas for new worlds

Alexia_Possiblecreators' thoughts