
God of Clones (OCxBNHA)

Warning : This book will spoil Wolf Demon book. So, if you don't want to get spoiled, read that book first. In the world where quirks become normal in society, a certain boy got a quirk that let me create clone as he wanted. But rather than becoming a hero that could save millions of lives like Japanese No.1 hero All Might, he became the embodiment of evil itself because of his nature. He became the threat of humanity that no one was able to stop. This is the story of a certain man who becomes the enemy of the whole omniverse. There would be a lot of kinky fetish scenes, inhumane acts and psychology issues that might give a trigger. Also complex sciences that might take your sleep away.

GreedRyuga469 · Komik
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5 Chs

Advancing Beyond

(In The Laboratory)

The boy was sitting at the table and reading a thick and big book which contains the data of quirk analysis. While reading, the boy noticed something missing

Haruka : Where's the quirk that can give power to others? Did quirks give power only to the owners?

The old man in white coat approached the boy and said

Ali : Actually.... some quirks can share powers to others while some quirks can give powers only to others. And there's some weakness when sharing powers. The power which others get might not be the same as the owner gets. It would be weaker or the amount of time they get would be lower.

The boy looked up to the old man with white coat

Haruka : So... there's no quirk that can share power to others and retain the same effect?

The old man rubs his chin and thinks for a bit

Ali : Hmm.... it's possible but that kind of quirks would be extremely rare. Why are you asking that anyway? Did you get something in your mind?

Oldman looks at the boy

Haruka : You think I can create those quirks? Or add that effect?

Oldman raises his eyebrows

Ali : Theoretically, yes. Tell me.... what's your plan?

Haruka : You see.... I can create clones and give them any kind of quirks I create, right?

Ali : Yes?

Haruka : But... I'm still powerless. Without clones, I'll be dead in a minute.

Oldman nod

Haruka : So, what if.... I create clones and they can share the same powers they have to me?

Old man rubs his chin

Ali : You'll get many quirks at once.

Oldman's eyes are widened

Ali : That would mean you'll be...

Haruka : Invincible.

Oldman realised something and covered his mouth with his hand

Ali : (Having many quirks at once means he's the same as master All For One. He even got clones. He's an advanced version of him!)

Oldman grabbed the boy's shoulders and said

Ali : Oh my God, Haruka... you're a genius!! How did you get that idea?

Haruka : Umm.... I just read this book like usual.

Then, oldman realised something

Ali : (Wait a second.... if he can create clones with quirks that can share the same power to others and if he could time travel... there's a chance he travels back in time and shares some brain related powers to his younger self. That would explain how a kid at this age could figure out something like this)

Oldman looked at the boy and suddenly he heard something and turned his way around the direction. The boy looks at the old man with question eyes. Oldman walked toward the direction, sat in the squad and looked down to the ground. He saw something in the ground and was shocked. The boy was confused and asked

Haruka : What is it, doctor?

Oldman snapped back and returned to normal. He stands up and rubs the ground with his boot. Then, turned around and looked at the boy like nothing had happened

Ali : Nothing. I thought the ground cracked. Seems I misheard.

Oldman walked toward the boy. The ground where he rubbed with his boot still left words faintly. Those words say "your master's dead"

*Nine Years Later*

(In The Laboratory)

The clone was standing at the left side of the white board while the original and other clones are sitting and looking at the board

Clone A : So, we get to know everything about our universe.

The clone drew on the white board while talking

Clone A : There're so many black holes but only one of them was the original and we haven't tried getting into it. But... this wasn't the main topic for today. What we really gonna talk about is.... what kind of powers a god would have. Did you know what powers a god has?

One of the clones raised his hand

Clone B : Super Strength?

Clone A : Wrong. It wasn't "Super", it was "God".

Clone B : Huh?

The clone confused

Clone A : The correct answer was "God Strength". We should call it "God Strength". Because their powers are level beyond "Super Human, Supernatural" and "Meta".

Clone C : Was that really important?

Clone A : Of course, it was. Our goal was to become stronger than him, right? So, we must have information about them.

A clone raised his hand

Clone D : Wait.... did we have information related to them?

Clone A : We don't, but.....

Clone D : I knew it.

Clone A : We could gain some today.

Clone B : How?

Clone A : Imagination.

Clone C : You mean... predicting and making theories.

Clone A : Yes. This is the only way to gain information about them. You don't know anything about our opponents so, we just have to guess about them. No overestimating and underestimating, got it?

Clone C : Yea.

Clone A : Then, let's talk about the system of the universe first. Everything related to super natural was just my guess. So, here's The God that everyone worshipped.

The clone drew a black dot on the white board

Clone A : People said they're different depending on the religion but it was bullshit. No matter how much differences the religions have, they all have creators and they're all the same.

Clone B : What about Buddha?

Clone A : People might worship him as a God but he was just a philosopher who found the way to escape from this reality. He wasn't The God who created everything. So, he wasn't counted.

Clone B : Ohh.

Clone A : Back to the topic, I found someone who was fitted to this role. He existed in both Christan and Islam. He was the one who created this universe. He was called "The Creator" or "The God" or "The Presence".

The original raised his eyebrow

Haruka : The Presence, huh.

The clone continues talking while drawing things on the white board

Clone A : As the being who created everything in this universe, he must have Omni related powers. Like.... Omnicreation, Omniscience, Omnipresence, etc...

A clone raised his hand

Clone D : You think they got every Omni related power?

Clone A : Theoretically, yeah.

Clone D : Fuck!

Clone A : In other words, we need anti-Omni powers to beat them and even if we have one, the chance of winning was low.

Clone E : Then, are we gonna just lose like this coz we don't have counter powers?

Clone A : Actually.... nope. They have weaknesses. As you know, light can't exist without shadows. If there's a god, there must be a demon to counter him. Everything is in balance like Yin and Yang. Good couldn't exist without Evil. Truth couldn't exist without Lie. Creation couldn't exist without Destruction. When we look back to the beginning of everything, they said that only Darkness exists and God came later and created Light. So, Darkness was the natural enemy of the Light. In other words, God.

Clone D : So, are you saying?

Clone A : To be able to beat God, we must find the truth Darkness and ask for their help.

Clone E : How high are you?

Clone A : I don't feel sanity anymore.

Clone E : Hmm.... I see.

Clone A : Fuck you, we are insane from the start and you know that well.

Clone E : I just trash talking to you.

Clone A : Bruh, we're the same entity. Whatever.... what I'm saying is to beat the God, we need Original Evil.

A clone raised his hand

Clone D : Why not Devil? God's opposite was Devil, right?

Clone A : By Devil, which one are you talking about? Satan? Or Lucifer?

Clone D : Umm.... both?

Clone A : .......fine.

The clone created a thick book in his hand which has the title "Demonology". He opened the book and searched for certain pages. After some seconds, he found what he was looking for and continued talking

Clone A : According to this book, both of them might be the opposite of God but none of them are stronger than God.

A clone raised his hand

Clone B : Umm.... who wrote that book?

Clone A : Just some random human?

Clone B : Seriously?

Clone A : But hey, what if they're correct? It's better than nothing, right?

Clone B : I don't want false information tho.

Clone A : Anyway, what I'm saying is we should find the way to meet with True Darkness first. God would wipe us out the moment we meet him.

A clone raised his hand

Clone C : Why do you think that God would kill us immediately? I mean, we're just one of his creations. Nothing more than that.

Clone A : It might be true but don't forget that he got Omniscience. He knew that we're trying to kill him. Wasn't that enough reason for him to delete us from the folder called "reality" without putting us into the recycle bin first?

Clone C : Ohh.

Clone A : So, the next question is.... how do we find them? The right answer was....

Clone D : Not in this universe?

Clone A : Correct!

Clone D : Huh?

Clone A : We couldn't see them in this universe coz they're not living in this universe!

A clone raised his hand

Clone B : How could we know that? Isn't this just a prediction like the last one?

Clone A : Not a prediction. It's a fact. We found this fact after go everywhere while activating Super Natural Deteor.

Clone B : Ah.... I see.

Clone A : So, we must find the way to go another universe..... or maybe another reality. We found the gateway. It was the black hole. Though, not every black hole can serve as the gateway. Only the one could. It was.... the original black hole. The one that started the universe and will end the universe. Only the original one could show us what exists beyond this universe.