
God level talent in Supernatural universe.

VoidTime · Fantasi
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Information manipulation.

After that more then 3000 students were receded and 3 students with S rank were found but they were from other school not from tang san school but after seeing the data tang san come to the concussion that.

the students with the ability to manipulate 1 element fully are recorded as S rank.and the all attribute 5 times ability are rated as S rank.and the students with the ability to use element magic and use less attribute are A and the type.

then he thought i am god level so i am higher then SSS but what are the ability that SS and SSS ability user have??

at the same time another commotion were heard upon seeing the information of the piller i understand.it was a girl with beautiful and perfect figure and face but she was from another school call element school.

[name:So ha.

class:ice soul manipulation.

ability:ice element and manipulation with soul attribute.


seeing this everyone was shoked the first appearance of an SS rank this year and it is even from there city they will become super famous.

the girl also look like an ice faced girl after the rate she walked away. but from her tang san can understand a little that when a element with spacial attribute is found it is a SS rank so what about others ??

after 700 more students one more student shoked everyone because he was also a SS rank.eveyone began to think is it that they are wrong or what so many s and ss rank have been found hare 4 s and 2 ss are there any problem with the awakening??

[name: white lio.

class: white tiger transform.

ability: white tiger.


after seeing this all students understand that those students with ss seems to be from the capital and from big clans they come hare for something and become students here.

after the grade the student name white lio come down and look at tang san for some reason and go to othere place.

after that more and more students come some with good grade some with bad the low f and e grade ability are most abut some attribute or some support ability. like healer like fire ball etc.

now 600 students are left abut at this time a girl with more beautiful and devil's body come to the stage and this girl tang san is quite familiar with.

because she is from his school and his side classmate. they two are 1st and 2nd in class and they are quite friendly.

but the information the girl showed was heart boiling.

[name:Bai xiao.

class: elemental manipulator.

ability: elemental manipulation.


now you can understand this ability is to manipulate any and all element so think how powerful that is???

when everyone was shoked the girl with mature body and cold face come down from the stage but when she saw tang san looking at her with some shoke she smiled at him proudly like saying look see how awesome i am?

tang san see her smile at him he also shook his head and thought "this girl is like this everyone she her as a model girl but form my view she acts like a child.

after some though it seems that she is also from the capital? okk.

after some time tang san began to think" in the future when i use my ability i have to hide it but i can't hide it totally so i have to use my power to interfere with the data that will come from the piller with my power i can do that small think and i have to think of some power that will match with some of mine. hmmmm

not long after it was tang sans turn.

when he was going to the stage all the students look at him like some immortal because his temperament is like that and he is mature and the immortal style of his. all the girl look at him like some candy and the boys were jealous. even among teachers.

after he come to the piller tang san put his hand on it and use his power for the first time .

the use of his ability is simple enough but complected he just have to think about it and with spiritual power it will happen so he tryed to use it and the information come and shoked everyone again and totally shoked even the girl Bai xiao was shoked.

[name:Tang san.

class: elemental thought manipulator.

ability: elemental thought manipulation.


after seeing this all of the students were shoked not because of the ability but because tang san was a normal person and he was even an orphan all people from magic school know this but this shoked them to think that maybe he was a young master from a family clan but for some reason he became orphan.

and the ability it is even more powerful then Bai xiaos elemental manipulation.

tang san can use any and all element and even use spacial attribute thought power to use telekinesis power and brain power and control others. what a powerful ability.

tang san also thought that in the future he will mostly use those abilitys in front of others so he use Bai xiaos ability as reference to interfere with the information and made it more powerful.

in that way he can hide his true power.

after that tang san also walked away and come to Bai xiao and said " Bai it seems that you and i are quite alike no?"

Bai xiao also come out of her shoke and said with a smile " i thought i could finally bate you but you are 1st again. "

seeing the two of them smiled at each other all the people were jealous especially the boy white leo he mainly come here for family reasons but also for this girl Bai xiao.

after all the people finished there register they start to go back to there School because they will be entering a alien space to level up.