
God level talent in Supernatural universe.

VoidTime · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Ability awakening.

The next day tang san went to school on time and come to sit in his usual place and began to relax his mind.

but the students all around his are talking abut the awakening. at this time the teacher come to class.

the teachers name is mr.Bai he said to all the students "please quit. we will be going to the awakening tower next . you all know that we will not be the only one awakening today there are total 5 school in magic city and only one awakening tower so all the 3rd year students will be awakening there ability today. i wish you all good luck. okk let's go now"

After that the students followed the teacher and come to the play ground of the school where a total of more than 300 students were there they are from othere 3rd grade classes. after all students come they come to a place that is called teleportation center that lead to the awakening tower.

After all people awaken ability that can do anything this teleportation is nothing.

hare we can hear some students talking abut the teleportation center " i heard that it was a graduate student who awaken a ability call rune master that come back after one turn evaluation to the school and set up this teleportation center for free for us to visit the awakening tower Easley. "

" yes i also want to be like him to do something for our school one day"

" i also want to become powerful and support mankind "

" i heard that after that great chance the blue planet become more then 100 time big and all kind of opportunity have been given to us not only that the other races that are in the universe are all like that but some other races that are not as big and as much as us in number and opportunity s they come to invade us to take our opportunity"

" yea we have to drive then away we can't let them occupies our home."

among the talk the students come to the teleportation center and the teacher took out a big stone form his pocket and places it at the center of the teleportation center and it begins to work and our eye become white after that we come before a big tower.

before the tower there are also many students there about 5000 with us added.

because we are the 1st school we only accepted students who can pass the teat and we also have the most few students but the quality is good are the other schools there have about 1000 students each.

after we come 4 teachers come to us and talked about something with our teacher and then they said some things that even if he said slowly we all can hear it "all the students we won't take more time you can all go to the tower and touch it then you will be teleported to the tower and your awakening will began so go "

after hearing this all the students come and touch the tower and vanished.

tang san also come after all they know what to do from class so he come and touch the tower the next moment he also vanished.

after opening his eyes tang san saw a vast space that looked like the outside universe.at this time tang san also saw some writing before him.

(Dig dig.)

(It is found that the target is about to awaken his ability it is recommended that the target try to empty his mind )

after tang san do that he saw that countless golden light form around him come towards him and Marge with him and at this time he felt he could do anything if he has enough power.

at this time a sound come and tang san open his eyes.

dig dig.

(the awakening is complete and awaken the only god level ability "spiritual imagination" and got the customize class "spiritual imaginer")

then a status page that only he can see come before him.

[Name:Tang San.

Id:Blue planet.


class: spiritual imaginer.

[for every turn"1to100" or 100 level is one turn up to 1000 level the class will create a new ability basis on the class and ability to help you use your ability perfectly until you master your ability completely it will Marge with your ability]

main ability: spiritual imagination.

[spiritual imagination=use spiritual power to interfere with reality and manipulate or create or destroy anything using the rules until strong enough][you are immune to spiritual attack from 5 level upper turn class then you because of the main ability][every turn you will be able to create 1 permanent ability with your spiritual imagination ability but it will have to be under the rules until you are strong enough and keep it forever]

class ability:[1st turn=spiritual cultivation (passive).

[spiritual cultivation=with spiritual cultivation you will understand spiritual power more and passively absorb spiritual power all the time and refine it and understand its use so that you can start using "spiritual imagination" power]

created ability:[can be created].

after seeing his ability and class and the new class ability and the ability he can create tang san was so shoked the when he come out of the awakening tower he can't remember untill students one after another come out and start to make commotion.

tang san come back to himself and thought " this ability is exactly what i wanted but i have never hear of any ability that can create 1 more ability in every turn like the class ability but the thing is the class ability is only assistant ability to help us completely understand and use the main ability in some cases it will become skill to use your ability but my main ability can make 1 more ability that is complete different from the main ability and in every turn that is total 10 .

my god i have never hear of this ability before. i have to find a good reference ability to create my new ability i can't be impatient.

he began to fell the new class ability "spiritual cultivation" after feeling that in his body a new type of power is Begin absorb and felling its use he come to a side where no was gathering and set down and began to meditate.

no was was paying attention to tang san because it is not only his that is doing it many of the students are like it even some students are using there powe.

after some understand of the use of spiritual power tang san come out of meditation.

after coming down tang san saw that all the students have come out and started to line up to test and register there ability.

that way they can grade there ability and use them in the future.

students one after another come to the stage and touch the piller and a screen with information come upon the piller like.

[name:ji han.

class: fighter.

ability:2 time stronger and faster attribute.


[name:li fan.

class:wind mage.

ability:wind element.


one after one students come and touch the piller and information is displayed and students started to create commotion about the rank.

some students are happy some are sad but it can't be helped.

after some time all the students was shoked after seeing a student information.


class:fire elemental mage.

ability:fire manipulate.


the first s class. after seeing that this is a student from the sword school others were full with envy.