
God-level battle maniac

After a war of cosmic scale breaks out on Earth Eric is sent to hell, and then heaven, and then some other afterlife, all the while beating the hit out of anyone and everyone. Just watch as he starts to break every known rule for shits and giggles.

Black_rabbit24x · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

The obligated time skip

A few months passed and Eric had gained a new title, monster. Even to the demons he was considered someone that you shouldn't mess with. Quite a few people, demons included, had tried to bring him down a peg or two, only to be beaten up and go missing the next day with no trace of where they went. He had been interrogated by higher-ranking demons many times if he was involved with their disappearance, only to get the same answer every time, "even if I was responsible it means that I was stronger than them, meaning that it there can't for being too weak to stop me." Currently, the stats looked like this.

{name: Eric

Gifts: potential, adaptation

Realm: energy gathering 1/9

Powers: energy refinement, physical refinement, passive growth

Skills: enhanced intellect, rapid learning, black magic(intermediate), sacrificial magic(intermediate), puppet control, soul magic(beginner), multi-minded,

Energy: demonic/mana






Constitution: 100

Mp:7,500 (100%)}

It should be mentioned that the only reason that his stats were all 100 was that, at a certain point, they wouldn't grow anymore. The reason being his 'realm' hasn't broken through. A person's realm was a kind of proof of power, the higher it was the stronger that where. The current realms that he knew of were energy gathering, foundation building, core forming, and soul refining. As of now he only knew how the first two worked.

In energy gathering someone was meant to increase their capacity for their given energy and refine it in certain ways such as its density and potency. In foundation building, they would use that gathers energy to form the foundation for the future, the stronger the base the better the benefits of going higher in realm.

The problem with Eric was that he currently had more energy than most energy-gathering stage 9's with the only exceptions being great geniuses and extremely powerful races. Normally that would be a good thing but so far there were no signs of him breaking through to energy-gathering level 2. His first idea was that it was because his whole body was his core compared to a normal person's core. His second idea was that it was due to his pseudo cores, even after he had turned his whole body into a core that stayed so many he had to refine them or even remove them entirely.

Either way, it meant that the solution was just increasing the quality of his energy. With the use of multi minded, a skill he got from sg3 the guy who could control puppets, he could split his mind into multiple parts, by doing this he could focus on multiple things at once, he currently had 3 sub-minds, one that was actively refining energy along with his passage refinement, one that was researching and creating different magic and that last one which was absorbing energy for the first one to refine.

While his body would passively absorb and refine energy he could use his sub-mind to speed up the process. On to his new skills, puppet control did just what it said, allowing him to control a 'puppet'. Black magic and sacrificial magic became intermediate after he created a certain amount of spells and reached a cereal level of mastery with them. Soul magic allowed him to mess around with different souls.

By using a mix of all three of his magics he was able to steal and absorb the soul of someone before implementing a sub-mind in them and controlling them as a puppet, this was potable because of his monstrous energy pool and intelligence along with the fact that all the souls he had stolen and refined meant that his own soul was very strong. It should also be stated that this was once again only possible because of his gifts, if anyone else tried to steal the gifts or soul from someone else they would certainly die. Only someone or something with a much more powerful soul could steal the soul of another and even then that could never steal their gifts. Eric's gifts just went against the natural order of things.

Currently, Eric was in the training Square with all the other prisoners while a rather imposing demon was standing in from of them "Now that you all have gotten used to your position and won't die as soon as you leave the camp, you will be given missions by other demons around the camp. For now, your mission is to enter the forest outside of the camp and gather materials for the building slaves so that this camp can become a proper outpost." covering his mouth as he let out a yawn because he had just woken up Eric asked a question "does that mean we can't train with the demons any more?"

Both the other slaves and demons shuddered at this question, the slaves suffered at the idea of being beaten by the demons while the demon shuddered at the idea of being beaten by Eric. During his stay, he had gone from 'training' the new demons to 'training the guards. The reason was that the last time he fought with a new demon he 'accidentally' tore the demon's arm off. So from then on he would 'train' the guards and shoulders of the camp.

The only reason he was allowed to do this to the demons was because in hell, whoever was stronger was right. Wanted something? Take it. Not strong enough? Too bad. someone take something of yours? Be strong enough to take it back. There was only one true law down here, the law of the jungle.

After giving the message the demon left the slaves to do what they wanted for the rest of the day before going out into the wild tomorrow. While the others were worried about dying and the like, Eric was in his tent once again trying new magic, his current obsession was trying to make weapons with energy. Because there were no real materials to make weapons in The camp, he would make do for now. But as soon as he got his hands on some metals he was gonna make his own personal arsenal of weapons, but for now, he had to make do with weapons made of mana.