
God-level battle maniac

After a war of cosmic scale breaks out on Earth Eric is sent to hell, and then heaven, and then some other afterlife, all the while beating the hit out of anyone and everyone. Just watch as he starts to break every known rule for shits and giggles.

Black_rabbit24x · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Boom stick

It was the next day and the second half of the tests would be held now, standing on the podium was the same old man as last time "The second half of the tests will consist of basic auxiliary skills such as blacksmithing, alchemy, and occultism in that order. In half an hour you will be given the same materials as everyone else, you are to make any item of your choosing with said materials and the outcome will be graded based on practicality, cost, and effectiveness. All materials will be labeled with their properties and you will be given 3 hours. You have half an hour to prepare."

Eric just sat down and continued to practice his necromancy, he had gotten to the point where he could summon three skeletons simultaneously within 5 seconds, any more than that, and it would take longer. He could also summon stronger skeletons but it would take longer. He was currently practicing by combining soul magic and necromancy, similar to Nyx. speaking of Nyx, she had been using all her free time to advance in soul magic and necromancy after seeing what Eric could do while determined to not fall behind.

After half an hour a total of 100 smithing stations were set up with a myriad of materials and tools, Eroc walked over to one and began to take stock of what he had to use once that start was announced. Looking over it there was surprisingly everything needed to make a gun, but only a small simple one so he settled on a revolver. He was currently lacking ranged attack methods and while sure he could use a bow or crossbow they just won't be as fun.

So he got to making the revolver, starting with the frame he grabbed an ore called 'black steel' that was known for being lightweight and tough before throwing it in the furnace the heat as he gathered the tools needed. Once the black steal was up to temperature he began to shape it using a variety of tools. Once the frame was done he got to the smaller parts, for this he used a naturally forming metal from a monster called an 'ore worm' that was known for being flexible before Once again heating it for use before making the smaller, more intricate parts. For the ammunition, he grabbed something called 'split copper' that was known for shattering easily and used it for the tip of the bullet, and more black steel for the case. The gunpowder was a combination of energy-infused sulfur and the bone powder of a hell cat, the sulfur was used for its flammability while the hell cat bone border was known for its volatility.

Once the parts were assembled he was left with a roughly one-foot-long, pitch-black revolver, but it wasn't done yet. Like everything else he made he was gonna use the remaining circle on it infusing it with energy before adding a wraith, he summoned with necromancy. Once it was all done he admired the revolver before analyzing it

{hollow wraith

Ammo(shred shot): 6/6

Damage: 300-700

Range: 100-500m

Effects: energy condenser, soul shred, growth type}

This is what he would see when he analyzed something, the ammo was self-explanatory and shred shot was the type of ammo, Damage was also self-explanatory, if Eric hit something by just punching normally the damage would be the same as his strength, the range was how far a bullet could travel before it would start to lose effectiveness. The effects were the things that a piece of equipment could do, energy condenser meant it could make a bullet out of energy either passively over time with no cost or fastly with the manual input of energy, lastly Soul shred meant it could damage the soul and creatures without a physical form.

He had also found out that by adding the right kind of soul when refining something he could almost always make it a growth type. Once he was done he saw he had a little longer left so he made some more ammo types, once the time was up he had, explosive, incendiary, and armor-piercing with 24 of each.

After the time was up a large demon went around inspecting everyone's items, some made defensive items, some made offensive, and a few made auxiliary items. When the demon get to Eric's table he just looked at the hollow wraith and said "Show me how this works." hearing this Eric picked it up and summoned a skeleton and another wraith to demonstrate. "it's called a gun, it uses bullets, if you look at that piece of paper it will tell you what each does. For the demonstration, just watch."

After he said this he pointed the revolver at the skeleton's head and fired, there was a loud bang and the skeleton fell down with one less head than before. He then pointed it at the wraith and fired again and the wraith disappeared as a hole appeared in its torso. "that should show you what it does pretty well." the demon nodded its head before walking over to the podium and started speaking "although this test doesn't do anything about your entry to the academy, it is important so that we can tell your level in various skills, apart from three people here, no one else is worth mentioning, in third place with a total of 52 out of 100 points, deris flamehorn for her shield. In second place with his broad sword, is fris greatfang with 68 out of 100 points. And in first place with 92 out of 100 points is Eric with his 'gun'."

After saying this he walked back off the podium and left as everyone was looking at Eric, epically a large woman with two claiming horns and a tall man with a tusk that Eric assumed to be deris and fris. But Eric didn't care, he just reloaded his gun, put it away, and walked back to Nyx to chat and practice necromancy.