
God Incarnate

What if you could unlock your brain's full potential? What if the limiter that was set on your body was broken? What if... --------------------------------------------------------- In a far and desolate planet there was a boy who contracted a virus that killed millions of people. He was already on his last breath until... The boy, through sheer will and unwillingness to die suddenly managed to unlock his full potential. His brain, the universe inside our head evolved into something that made him into a higher being. Able to adapt to any environment, able to evolve his body to best suit his surroundings. His evolved brain is able to process data faster. And his mutated body was able to regenerate faster. He became a God. An immortal. An everlasting entity. Thus he was able to live until the day his planet was destroyed. After his planet was destroyed his body reformed into space. He then began to wander the eternal cosmos for a new planet. His body underwent a major change during his travel. Able to absorb and produce different kinds of energy that he encountered…Going from planet to planet observing its beginning and witnessing its ending. Learning about parallel-universe. Meeting beings made of magic or law; Gods! But with eternity comes solitude. He became apathetic and lost his desires. He became stagnant. After travelling every known realm and space, he has killed every being just to satiate his ever empty feeling. He seeked battles and war just to feel something. And when the last Primordial God died by his hands he stopped moving. He drifted into space for half an eternity. Seeking closure in slumber, reliving the days he spent as a mortal, as a weak being who was struggling to survive. He wishes to go back to the past and relive it all but that would be impossible because his power was designed to destroy and not create. Suddenly he awakened! He then began gathering every power he had on his body and… BOOOM! he self-destructed… After his body exploded it came together and formed a new realm, a new universe. His death birthed new lives and a new path, a new world, a new beginning with a new meaning. And after billions and billions of years later he again came into being…. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine.

Fat_Neko · Fantasi
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24 Chs

The Promise

Chris was young and stubborn at times but he had a good heart and he was capable of compromising. And that quality of his received an approving nod from everyone. Yama also apologized for stepping out of line and went back to his corner. Everything was peaceful again but they were back to square one. What could they do to make the Village safer and withstand the coming storm.

"I have been narrow minded. But I can see the bigger3 picture now. I'm afraid the only way to get through this crisis is if all of us risked our lives and worked together." Chris said as his cold demeanor was replaced by a helpless smile. Internally he felt guilty, to make such a decision that involves the lives of everyone. He got to do better, he thought inwardly. 

"I can't fully guarantee that this Village will survive the incoming crisis but I promise that everyone will live to see it rise again." A boundless confidence oozed out of Chris as he said those words. "So, is everyone here willing to stand by me and leave their lives in my hands?" The Village Chief said as he held out his arms in the middle of the table.

"I-I will do my best, Chief!" Aunty Jane exclaimed as she felt a little more alive again. Noah's still in critical condition but she had to stay strong for him. Moping around won't solve anything. So she put her hand on top of Chris'. She might not be able to be of help in the frontlines but she will do her best to support everyone. Jane might not look like it but she was quite the strategist. At her peak she was known as the "Sightless Tactician."

"I will stand by you, Chief." Lionell said as he put his hand on top of Aunty Jane's. This hulking mass of a man was entrusting his and his children's life to the man in front of him. Only one word can describe this act. Trust, in its truest form. He had already decided to face the future with Leo and Leah. 'Their debt has long been overdue' he thought as he remembered what he and his wife went through. He might not be able to do anything but Leah and Leo do. Although whatever the twins decide on when he reveals them the truth will be up to them. But he already knew deep down what they will decide on, that's why he's hesitating. But no more, he will be there for them through it all.

"Do you even need to ask us that HAHAHA." Karma laughed as he felt pumped. "These boys haven't been to the battlefield in a long time." He followed as he took one of his axes from his back and chopped it down on the table and put his hand on top of Lionell's.

"Idiot! Do you know how expensive this table is?!" Exclaimed by a short old man with chains wrapped around his torso. But despite his comment, he still put his hand on top of Karma's. This old man's name is James. He was a master of sealing formation and was responsible for the boundary, a rune that surrounds the vicinity of the Village. Like the others his power was also restricted so the runes he's able to engrave needs maintenance once a month. If not then if he wills it then no beast nor man can ever get to the Village without his permission.

"I'm the one who made this you stingy old coot!" Replied by Karma a.k.a. Blazing Axe Karma, he was someone who once terrorized an Empire but now he's the Village's woodcutter and carpenter. "Who are you calling old coot you barbarian?!" Barked Old James, who has a stingy personality, except when it comes to Little Lu of course. 

"It will be my honor to stand and fight alongside the Sword of Nirvahnna." Johan said as stood up and voiced his support. He put his hand on top of Old James' hand. 'I will do my best to protect this place and my daughter so that someday when she goes on a journey of her own, she has a home waiting for her.' Johan had the same blonde hair but his eyes were brown. He used to be a high official of the Holy Church until the church crossed the line and made him their enemy. He destroyed one of their branches before running. 'Soon they'll pay for what they've done.' He vowed inwardly. Like Lionell, he was also done running away.

"I too shall fight for this place, my dear Chief." Maya said as she gracefully made her way and put her hand on top of Johan's. She looked humble and timid behind her soft smile and some might even think she's harmless but the people who suffered her wrath will say otherwise. Maya, also known as The Sky Dancer, would dance on the clouds while her spells would dance on the ground wreaking havoc. She was a rogue Mage and used to have a career as a performer and was adored by many but she suddenly disappeared and the next thing she was a wanted woman.

After Maya joined, Needle followed. "Just so you know you will help build my house. Got it? Since it was your kid who destroyed it." He said towards Lionell. He was still hung up on it. Well anyone would be if their hard work was destroyed out of the blue. In the Village Needle was one the nicest ones. He was humble and kind towards the children and he was approachable. He was also the Village's fisherman. He was the ideal neighbor but that was far from what he was in the outside world. Needle was seen as a monster and feared because of his appearance. There was even a legend created because of him. It tells the story of a monster that peels the skin of its victims and wears it before eating what remains. He actually told this story to Little Lu and the other children and they just laughed it off and said that it was far from the truth. Needle felt relieved and happy but it didn't last long because the children proceeded to roast him. Apparently they find his appearance funny. 'At Least they're not running in fear.' He thought as he consoled himself at that time.

"I love this energy and all but I really don't want to get hurt. Hmm I'll stay at the back. And if any of you want help remember to not call for me. Alright?" Jackal said but his eyes said otherwise. He might not look like it but he values and cherishes this very much. Jackal was one of the youngest in the Village. He came from the West and he thrived in mischief and thievery. He was dubbed as Jackal The Desert Surfer because of his natural way and connection with the desert. Unfortunately he got mixed up with the wrong group and has been wanted ever since.

"How about you just leave, you'll be useless anyway hahaha." Said by a woman with a height of 2 meters. She has a muscular build and she towers over almost everyone. Her name was Ursula. She had long brown hair that reached her ample chest but her left side was shaved. She had the bloodlines of Giants flowing through her veins and like the others she also had a mark on her body. It was on the shaved part of her head. She belonged to one of the tribes up north that was actually at war with the Nirvahnna Kingdom but things happened and she ended up here. Her and Chris had a rough start but they managed to see past their differences. She was physically strong and like her other tribesmen, she had an inborn talent in repelling magic using her body. Even when her power is sealed those two traits are still in effect. "What did you say you troll?" Barked Jackal. "I said you should just leave, why? what are you gonna do huh?" She answered as she put her huge hands on top of Jackal's. "Chief, Ursula's bullying me again." He complained as he turned towards Chris.

'Wha- that's it? You're just gonna complain to the Chief?' Ursula's mouth twitched. "Have some backbone man." She sighed. She liked picking on Jackal because of his spinelessness, well that's just how she sees it. Jackal usually fights his battles from a long distance using a slingshot enhanced with runes. He uses hit and run tactics and if he thinks he can't win even by a little, he would turn around and run. For Ursula who came from a tribe of warriors that was cowardly, or that's just what she thinks the reason was why she's bullying Jackal. In truth she can see how much potential Jackal had in fighting close combat but because he's not utilizing it well, so it was pissing her off.

"I got first dibs on the Beast's remains!" Said by a woman with pixie cut black hair. She had medium build and she had an eyepatch on her right eye. A scar was visible and it was running vertically up to her forehead and down her cheek. She had this manic look that seems like she'll cut you at any given time. Her name was Lara and she, she's just straight up crazy. Sometimes she would have this urge to cut some flesh and if she doesn't, she'll start looking for one. Lara had the same mark on her thigh like the others. She was a wanted criminal and it's no surprise why. But despite all of this the Villagers managed to think of a way to help her. She was in charge of cutting and storing the flesh of beasts that were hunted. She was called "Lady Butcher" inside and outside of the Village and the children loved her. Because they love eating the grilled meat she always cooks for them.

"If Lara got dibs on the corpse then I would like to have dibs on the fur and skin." Grandma Silk said. She had a good relationship with Lara since she always gets the cleanest and well peeled skin from her. Not much is known about this old lady but stories had been told about a Puppeteer that uses silk to control others without them realising it. The most famous story was that of a King in a far away land, he was controlled and did all the bidding of this Puppeteer and in the end his Kingdom fell into ruin. 

"Everyone is so energetic and lively. I don't want to be a party pooper for not joining in." Said by a handsome middle aged man in a wheelchair. 'Party pooper?' What did those kids teach this man this time, the others thought. The man on the wheelchair was Vincent. He was crippled and he had a brand, a mark like the others on his right palm. He used to be a High Official of the Mage Union but now he's the Village's Alchemist. "I don't think it's right for you to call yourself a poop Master." And of course beside him was his trusted butler and friend, Jared. He was a disciplined and very well mannered man. "I clearly said party pooper Jared. I'm not calling myself a poop." 

"Ah, I apologised. But pooping at a party is rather unhygienic, don't you think so, Master?" Jared replied. The others just watched and listened to the master and servant talk about poop and pooping. 'What the actual heck are these guys talking about? And why are they so serious?' They thought.

"Hey, I'm not the only one not understanding what the hell is going on right?" Jackal whispered to Ursula. "No, you're hearing it right. They're talking about shit." She replied.

"Hmp! If you ask me I'd rather do the shitting than being the shit." Karma said out of the blue. And the others just looked at him dumbfounded. 'Is he actually invested in their topic? And that doesn't even make any sense.'

It was about to turn to chaos since the others were starting to get on it too. A debate was about to happen about things that will definitely escalate into a more graphic and more disturbing picture about shit. But good thing it didn't go there because Yama went and put his hand on top of Jared's. He looked at Chris and the others observed him. What happened earlier really made them curious about this loner man. Unfortunately he just put his hand on top of Jared's and nodded towards Chris. He was back to being his usual self, like the outburst earlier didn't happen but he was making his stance clear in his own way. Yama will follow Chris and help as much as he can, as simple as that.

"This Village has never looked more united and stronger hehe." Commented by Old Kyle. He was one of the oldest residents of the Village and he had been observing all along. Sin was beside him garbed in his usual black outfit and was giving a thumbs up. Old Kyle was the former Village Chief before Chris. He was respected a lot and had always been there when the Villagers were going through something. There's not much to say about him except he was old and looked very weak. Sin on the other hand was shrouded in mystery. Nobody knew if he really was a man under that hood but because his build looked like that of a man, everyone treated him as such. He doesn't speak and he sometimes disappears from time to time. But despite this, no one doubted Sin and they trusted him because the Elders vouched for his character. And he was always there for them trying to help as much as he could, albeit he would always do more harm than good. If there's one thing that comes to mind when talking about Sin, it's that he's clumsy and his clumsiness is deadly.

After everyone had their hand on top of Chris' hand he closed his eyes. Their hands then glowed as everyone felt a fragment of their soul go to Chris. This was a sacred pact, a Soul Oath. He was feeling the weight of the lives that were on his hand right now and it was heavy. This was a tradition. The leader would have his hand out, palm facing upward while those who trust and would go to battle with the leader will have their hand on top. Showing that they are giving their life to their leader to use as they see fit. But in exchange the leader would have to fulfil his Oath.

The burden of carrying everyone and making sure that his promise was fulfilled. That would be his only purpose until everything was settled. If he were to fail or go back on his Oath then a curse will manifest in his soul. This curse would be inflicted by himself and also by the fragment souls of those who perished.

Like it ? Add to library! Here's a short introduction to the Villagers. Been a little busy. But stay tuned!

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