
Task #1

Now that I have been given a task I guess I will have to complete it. This is beyond what I have ever heard of or read in my previous life. I have a feeling that this system is just messing with me. I wonder who the creators are? Well hell I guess I have to get it over with. I think this guy had some pills stashed away for just this occasion. Not so much for harpooning a whale but for impressing the pretty ladies. Well it will serve its purpose. I will bring her a few since I am not sure if they will lose their effect on such a large lady. I head to the wardrobe and put some clothes on. This guy looks to have stayed here to hide from his wife. The clothes are pretty comfortable but not exactly what I am used to. After leaving the guest room, I headed to my own room in the other wing of the mansion. This place is pretty quiet and it seems as if its dead in here. When I get close to my room I can hear some sniffling in the room. I open the door and see my wife laying on my bed. She sat up and looked at me, I hadn't left the doorway yet. It seems like all the motivation to get this over way drained away from my body when she looked at me. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen. She had definitely been crying a long time.

She looked at me and said, "I thought you were going to avoid me some more." I just stood there not knowing what to say or do. My back was sweating so bad I could feel it running down my legs. I could feel sweat rolling down my forehead. "Are you going to talk to me or just stand there and sweat?"

I opened my mouth and my mind when blank. I couldn't remember her name... fuck....."I'm sorry this just took me by surprise. I never thought that I would be married and in this situation. I know this isn't enjoyable for you either, I am pretty sure that this is less than desirable for you."

"My friends call me Kristen, well the ones I used to have back home."

"Well Kristen, I'm called Bash, its short for Sebastian. Would you like something to drink? It will probably make this a little bit easier on the both of us."

"Sure Bash that sounds great."

Walking over to the cabinet that I stored my drinks I got a couple of glasses. Grabbing the strongest liquor in the cabinet I pour us a couple of glasses. I tossed a couple of pills in one and one in the other. They melted almost immediately in the strong liquor. To be safe I took a sip out of the one with one pill because I would die if I drank the one with two in it. I walked over to Kristen and gave her the glass and as I was about to sit down and watched her down the drink like it was water. Then she ask for a second glass. All I can think is fuck, I'm about to die the same way. After thinking about this I bottom up my drink as well. Going and topping off both of the glasses and going back near the bed. I already noticed a tinge of red all over her face.

"So Bash what do you want to do about this situation we are in? I don't want to be miserable the rest of my life and I know you don't even like to look at me. Do you believe up till 2 years ago I was actually very beautiful. At that point I was informed that I was destined to be your wife and no matter how much I complained I was ignored. I have heard all about you and I figured that if I became hideous you would cancel the wedding and everything would go back to normal for me. Who would have thought that your family cared less about you and from what I understood, your father even enjoyed the fact that I was this big."

"Well how about we just act like a married couple? I will get my life strait and you can do the same. Neither of us are happy so lets make the most of this to fix this shitty life we have."

(BAHAHAHAHA Are really serious? Are you trying to get in her pants with this bullshit? Wow you really want all those rewards don't you. Haha this is awesome. You really are pathetic)

(Shut up.... Stop interrupting me)

Kristen is just staring at me as I have zoned out all of a sudden.

I noticed she had a weird look on her face, so I just walked over and sat beside her on the bed. I guess she thought she was pretty safe considering she was twice my size. When I sat down I slid toward her a bit since the bed was indented a bit. I am feeling the effects of the drug already. I am beyond horny already, it acted a lot faster than I hoped it would. Thinking about this I looked at her and she was breathing heavy and I noticed she had just downed her glass as well. She stood up from the bed and started to take off her clothes.

"Bash, what are you waiting for? You aren't intending on wasting these pills are you?"

After she said that I knew I had been busted. Oh well, since its like this I might as well shoot for getting the bonuses. I took my clothes off and noticed my raging erection and I could barely control myself. After looking up I saw a marshmallow with giant tits. She looked at me and I could see she was embarrassed. She just blurted out... "So do you want me to bend over so we can get this over with?" Although I thought that was a great idea, I doubt she would enjoy it so I had to cancel the thought. I replied " No, lay down so I can look at you while we do this." I could tell my response startled her and she smiled at me as she got onto the bed.

I was at the end of the bed and she crawled to the center of and laid down. She moved her legs open and I could see that the drugs were taking a big effect on her too. She was soaked down there. (HAHAHA are you sure that isn't just sweat from her fat).. (fucking shut up system, Im ordering you to be quiet now!!). Looking at me blank out for a second she shut her legs and turned her head. I climbed on the bed and grabbed her knees and pulled them apart. She looked at me all startled. "Don't be so nervous, I'm not going to hurt you... too much". She laughed and I could tell she relaxed a bit more. I leaned down and kissed her. She wasn't ugly by any means. It was just she was huge. The drugs were affecting her too as I doubt she would return my kiss otherwise. She was trying to suck my tongue out of my mouth. I gave in to my urges and pushed my hips forward. I felt some resistance at the beginning but after pulling back a few times I ended up going all the way in with no resistance. She let go of my mouth and sucked in some air. She smiled and said "what, you didn't think I was a virgin did you? Besides does it matter now?" I didn't care. I started kissing her again since I didn't really care either way.. I was trying to smash her under me. I was grabbing her chest and pulling on her hard nipples. She was moan every time I pulled on her nipples. I didn't know but I think she may like a little bit of pain. I was venting my frustration out on her and it seems like she was enjoying it. I figured she had cushion for the pushin. I kept going on like this for quite some time. After an hour of trying to ravage the beast, I was exhausted and had spent myself multiple times. I fell off her and rolled over. At this point she looked at me and said "we aren't done yet skinny."

Sorry about random stopping spots. I just started writing on the computer as aposed to the phone. Makes it alot easier to write a little bit more than what I have been in the previous chapters. Give advice and suggestions as well as names for upcoming characters.

Bashinatorcreators' thoughts