

A veteran is reincarnated with the powers of a god, and starts a descent into degeneracy while raising a kingdom.

DaoistNYFAxf · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: System

Loenar awoke with bleary vision and stretched. He tried to sit up but was too weak to do so. Loenar looked around and found himself in a wooden crib and beyond that blurry grey.

[System ready]

Startled, Loenar blinked at the message, and tried to wave his hand at it, but his hand passed through without disturbance.

'Status?' He thought at the message, not expecting much, and feeling silly.

Loenar Lupomson

Sex: Male

Species: Human (God-Born)


Body: 1

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Dexterity: 1

Endurance: 1

Mind: 1

Intelligence: 1

Wisdom: 1

Perception: 1

Charisma: 1

Soul: 1

Will: 1

Morality: 1

Luck: 1


God-Born: In accordance with the Ruling of the Council, Loenar Lupomson will be granted the powers of a Tier V god, subject to the domains of: (blank). In addition, due to Loenar Lupomson's mortality, he cannot be deprived of free will.

 Access to Tier V God Powers

 Not By a Mortal Weapon: Loenar Lupomson cannot be killed by a mortal

Human: Humans are long distance pursuit hunters, omnivorous and considered to have been the first species to evolve Sapience. Due to their fragmented beginnings and fierce inter-species warfare with other Hominins, Humans evolved a guttural dislike for all other near-Human species, resulting in the extermination of all other Hominins. Of all the Sapient species on Fustyia, Humans are the greatest at endurance and adaptability. Humans also have the largest and most complex societies of Fustyia. Among the Sapient species, Humans are a R-selective, demonstrating their fleeting lives and prolific nature.

 +50% greater efficiency and gain towards endurance

 +20% efficiency towards dexterity, agility, intelligence, and charisma

 +20% rate of learning

 Fertility rate: 4-7

 Instinctual Hatred towards all non-Humans

Loenar was in awe of the system, its classifications. When he saw the God-Born trait, he smiled, thinking of Ayana, and sent a pray of thanks to her. He was surprised at the Human trait, as most of the video games he played and in most fiction, humans were the bog standard species with all the others being improvements or having some advantage, and while he saw that here somewhat, with humans being the first sapients and all, there were many more benefits and downsides compared to what Loenar was used to.

His eyes fixated on the Instinctual Hatred part of the trait, and despite knowing about the Uncanny Valley, he was shocked at it so plainly written and stated that there were most likely going to be massive race wars in his new world.

As Loenar looked at the trait, it started to look like humans are this worlds Hivemind, like the Tyranids or Borgs or Flood or what have you. Leonar had the feeling this was going to be a remarkably interesting life.

As he was contemplating his role in this new world, Fustyia; his mother swept into the room, clothed in a simple forest green dress. Her smile was glowing, her joy palpable.

"Loenar! You are awake! Come here!" She swooped down and picked him up, cradling him. Despite himself, Loenar giggled and smiled at the shear amount of joy she was displaying.

She left the room carrying him, lightly bouncing to produce giggles that seemed to make her joy even greater.

Loenar was content and comfortable for the first time since the last time he was a child. He stared at her face, smiling when she glanced down and made eye contact. Eventually, his mother got to her destination, a big ornate door. She opened it, and entered a large room, with many more colors that his previous. Loenar's eyesight was still not good, so there were just blurry colors. His mother set him down in another crib, this one far more comfortable.

"There! Now you are not in that hard maternity crib. You are here with me, and I am never letting you go." She knelt down next to the crib and was gently rubbing circles on his belly.

Loenar gazed into her deep azure eyes, a boundless expanse of the open sea, with tranquil waves shimmered under the sun's gentle caress, hinting at hidden depths and untold stories beneath the surface.

He felt his stomach burbling, and then he dropped a foul abomination, something straight from the depths of hell, where not even the Devil himself would dare tread. A sludge of sticky, wet bile spilled forth from his rectum. A stench that Loenar had never smelled before, that which would forever haunt him, one that triumphed a week-old massacre in the tropics.


Loenar had taken his first shit, and from the absolute disgust on his mother's face, it was strong. She sighed, her face relaxed into a resigned sigh, and she changed took his cloth diaper, waved her hand and it ignited.

This was a mistake.

They both realized this when the smell of the smoke hit them, and his mother's face turned an impressive green.

"Oh. My. Gods." His mother opened a window, waved her hand again and a gust blew through the room, taking with it the abhorrent stench with it.

Loenar was in awe of the magic preformed, and his baby brain made him coo.

His mother whipped around, corners of her mouth twitching, "You think this funny, do you? Do you want to get Mommy all stinky? Why I'll show you!" She marched back over to his crib and assaulted his stomach with her graceful fingers, and he roared with baby laughter, a deep belly laugh that he never once produced before. His mother lost the battle with her smile and soon was laughing as well.

For several long minutes, mother and child were lost in laughter. His mother, hiccupping, "O-okay, you need a bath you stinky little turd!"

After feeding him in the bath, his mother carried him to her bed, and cuddled him close to her heart as she drifted off to sleep.

Loenar pushed at the system notification and…


For enduring the stench of a reincarnated baby and the piece of Death and Decay brought by Reincarnation, you gain the Trait: Stench Immunity

Stench Immunity: After enduring one of the five deadliest smells known to Man and God alike, you have been "blessed" with immunity to all harmful smells, stenches, odors, and other assaults on the olfactory.

Loenar giggled to himself, and drifted off to sleep, still wrapped in his mother's warm embrace.

Once again, any feedback is welcome. I have kind of figured out a schedule to release chapters, but no promises.

DaoistNYFAxfcreators' thoughts