

A veteran is reincarnated with the powers of a god, and starts a descent into degeneracy while raising a kingdom.

DaoistNYFAxf · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 3: Mother

He drifted for what seems like an eternity, on the edge of consciousness, drifting in a warm soup. He could move sometimes and could feel himself moving. It was quite strange, this floating weightlessness.

Why was the soup constricting? He was floating upside down and felt like he was being squeezed in a tube. After great confusion and constriction, he emerged from the tube, and out of pure instinct, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes. Soft light from candles hurt his new eyes so he gave a cry of surprise.

He heard murmuring in a language he did not know and opened his eyes once more. Holding him was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, smiling down at him. She was huge, and briefly he wondered if he was in a land of giants before remembering Ayana and his promised reincarnation.

She was his mother, the only one he remembers. She held him with such tenderness, and looked at him with such love he was overwhelmed. Someone else spoke behind him, another woman's voice, and heard her footsteps as she left the room.

His wide eyes met her deep ocean blue eyes and he could smell flowers, the soft spring breeze, and blood. She lifted him closer, and the smell of flowers and spring grew stronger.

[System Initializing]

Wait what? He was confused, there were words in front of his face. He waved his chubby arm at the words, but it passed right through them. His mother laughed at his antics, and quietly murmured something to him before pulling down her shirt and revealing her large tits.

He was transfixed on the wonderous sight in front of him, forgetting the words. She lifted him up to her nipple and brought his mouth to it. He latched on, partially out of instinct, and partially out of surprise. He began to suckle, and milk flowed into his mouth.

He rolled his tongue around the nipple, lightly biting it with his gums. His mother's cheeks flushed and she rubbed her thighs together, and gently pressed him further into her breast and began to lightly pant.

He got lost in drinking milk and bringing pleasure to his mother.

[System Initialized. User recognized]

[Downloading message]

[Play message now?]

His mother sighed, and started speaking. After a few words, it felt like someone was rustling around inside his head, and new knowledge flowed, and he now understood his mother.

"…ngry one aren't you Loenar?"

Loenar blinked at his new name. Knowledge from the language translated his name as "one of strength." Loenar decided he liked his name.

Loenar continued to play with the nipple in his mouth, but the milk ran dry, so he gave the nipple one last lick before letting go. His mother gasped at the sensation, and he felt the glow of pride in his chest at bringing a woman, his mother no less, such pleasure.

As Loenar gazed into her deep sapphire eyes, the glow of pride turned into the warmth of being loved. Ignorant, he missed the new gleam that rested in her eyes as she smiled lightly holding him, and gently rocking him to sleep, boobs still out and nipples hard enough to cut diamonds.

Loenar drifted off to sleep as she held him, gently rocking him under her swaying tits.

The system message grew larger, as Loenar's vision faded to darkness, and he now stood as the man he once was, whose name he had forgotten.

[Play message now?]

Loenar thought affirmation to the system, and the darkness that surrounded him gave way to a glade filled with gently light, surrounded by towering trees, with a cheerful brook burbling away as it cut through the center of the glade.

Ayana sat on a stump in the glade, a graceful smile full of joy on her face. She was still clothed like a librarian, but the swell of her boobs was clear from the outline in her cashmere sweater. Her smile quickly faded as a brilliant red flush filled her cheeks and Ayana ducked her head down.

Loenar glanced down at himself and saw he was stark naked, and he too flushed and rushed to cover his exposed manhood, no longer filled with the apathy of the dead.

"Oh-oh sorry!" Ayana squeaked; head ducked behind her arms folded over her knees. Ayana waved a hand, and he was covered in a loose sweatshirt and sweatpants.

"I thought this was a message. I did not think I would actually be here." Cheeks still flushed, Loenar glossed over the embarrassing moment.

"Oh! You are not here. Just your consciousness!" Her wonderful smile lit up her face once more, Ayana stretched out her legs, crossing her ankles and rested her hand in her lap, subtly moving them up and down her thighs.

"Ok. What did you want to talk about?" He tilted his head slightly and raised an eyebrow.

"Well first, Congratulations! I did not know if my solution was going to be approved and not only was it approved, but the Council also enhanced it! You where granted the powers of a God, and because you are a mortal with free will, they are almost entirely unrestricted! You cannot destroy the world, eliminate life, or take away free will or anything similar to those things but other than that you don't have any real restrictions beside your imagination and desire for challenge!" Ayana jumped up, and clapped her hands together which did very distracting things to her boobs, and she continued to bounce up and down on her toes as her boobs bounced with her.

Loenar dryly swallowed and wretched his eyes up to her sparkling blue orbs, glimmering behind her glasses. "Why was I given these powers? Isn't that rife for abuse? I could conquer the world, provoke natural disasters, create beings that can only destroy? Why? Why give me this power?"

Ayana's bountiful energy and wide smile grew even more excited, "Yes exactly! I knew you were the right one!" She settled down a little, and the…librarian-y-ness…was exaggerated for lack of a better word. "It was deemed that such a stark lack of rewards for so many lives and the shear amount of time you lived as a mortal would have added up to one of those afterlives resulting in a lesser godhood, just by the numbers. So, to make up for lost time and to even the scales, it was decided you would be granted the powers of a god, but they did not predict what would have happened when they interacted with your mortal free will."

Loenar smiled softly, she was even more adorable while lecturing.

"A mortal's free will in inviolable, and quite literally nothing in all of existence can tamper with it, mortal free will is thought to predate even the gods! But all gods are bound by their aspects and domains. For example, I am the goddess of Wisdom, libraries, and teaching. I am bound to Act only within these domains."

Loenar interrupted her, "Act? You placed emphasis on Act?"

Ayana nodded and smiled at him, "Yes, I knew you were smart! I can only use my powers within my domains, and great deeds preformed in service to a domain is called an Act. But because all gods were once mortal, we still have the free will to act outside our domains, but we cannot bring our godly might to bare when we act outside our domains."

Loenar paused, stunned, "Wait all gods were once mortal?"

Ayana squeaked, and covered her mouth with her hands, "Sorry, you were not supposed to hear that." She mumbled out behind her hands, eyes downturned.

Loenar could not bear to see her so down, and wrapped her up in a hug. Ayana squeaked again but sighed and settled into his chest. "You can continue when you are ready."

"Sorry, I am new to this, I am a very young god."

"You have nothing to apologize for, you are doing wonderfully."

Ayana looked up at up from within his arms, her smile soft and warm, "Thank you." She gently pulled out of his embrace and took a deep breath before getting back into her explanation.

"So where was I? Hmmm…Oh free will and god powers! Because you are not bound to any specific domains, and your free will overrides even having domains, you can use your powers and Act in any way you want! You could do many great and terrible things, things that bring sorrow for a thousand years or great deeds that are sung for millennia, and that is your prerogative as a mortal, and in that respect, you are no different from anyone else. You may have great power to bring changes, but any mortal could still rise and alter the course of history, have their legend sung for thousands of years after their death or have their name feared long after their last great grandchild is buried."

Loenar paused deep in thought, "What is the system about?"

Ayana smiled, "That is just something every denizen of your new world has, but I took the liberty of upgrading it so you can better see the impacts of the power granted you. I also awoke it much earlier because of your adult mind."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"No problem!"

"Is there anything else you wished to speak or rely to me?"

"Oh no, I just wanted to wish you good luck, and remember: You are a mortal, and thus unbound from any chains beside the ones you choose." Ayana flushed again, mumbled something, "and-and this is likely the last time we see each other, at least in this life."

Loenar smiled, full and true, "Thank you again. You are wonderful and I couldn't imagine someone better to have helped me."

Ayana flared bright red and waved her hand, and his vision faded, and he awoke with sleep still clinging to him.

Hope you all enjoyed that, again any feedback is welcome.

DaoistNYFAxfcreators' thoughts