
Thrown towards the wall.

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭30:18‬ ‭MSG‬‬

[18] But God's not finished. He's waiting around to be gracious to you. He's gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right—everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.

https://bible.com/bible/97/isa.30 Vs 18

So many villagee men gathered at a local inn,to secretly discuss the matter of day. The inn keeper ordered his serving girls to serve them each a cup of the locally brewed beer,but the tension was high, nobody lifted the cup. They were full of anxiety and fear,as they looked at their leader, the old village chief.

Although the atmosphere was tense,it couldn't play down the enthusiasm of the young maidens,who were dancing on the stage, entertaining the quest,swaying their thin waist,in contrast to their voluptuous hips. The musicians playing their instruments rhyming alongside with the dance. But all that was forgotten,as the matter on ground was grievous.

"He will not help us, there's no need to keep praying " one of the village men said.

"I suggest we run and flee as fast as possible '

"Nonsense there's not place to go,the witches guild are everywhere"

"Then what should we do?"another asked with precipitation. The village chief could no longer bear the dispirited men.

" That's the most foolish thing to do ,we have to keep praying perhaps our God will answer, if he doesn't ,we will sacrifice animals,if he still refuses we will sacrifice our virgin daughters to appease him" said the village chief.

There was no other choice,the chief signed, the witches took over the neighbouring villages and they know for sure they would be next. They just have to be prepared.

The chief watched ashe dismissed everyone ,silently disappeared with his son by his side. The village chief stroked his forehead clearly stressed out, even moreso as his son said,

"Father, Uwa didn't save the neighbouring villager,how will he save us?"his son clearly did not believe that their God would save them,he was so worried, worried for the villagers. There were one thousand villagers including women and children in the village .He couldn't just watch them die like that

"Shut up, meet up with Teuwa,let him tell us how many animals to be slaughter hurry we have no time."

"Alright Father "

The village chief stroked his long grey beard,as he bid the inn keeper goodbye,who came to see him off.


The cold wind blew into the courtyard,two young women,one eighteen ,the other one, twenty one. The younger was sitting on a rocking wooden chair. While the older was standing beside her. Their relationship was clearly like a master to a servant,but not quite. It just that one was more valuable in the court that the other.

Margaret was all smile,as she tried to fawn on the younger girl."Ashley guess what ?"

Margaret asked her,with a pleasing smile .

"What? You know am not good at guessing ." She sat on a rocking chair with a glass of red wine in hand,while twisting her hairs with the other hand,she was really displeased at Margaret,who was trying to get into her good book,but didn't let it show in her face. She was clearly at leisure breathing in the scent of nature. Her voice seems to show a hint of indifferent.Her long red hair sway in the wind,and her blue eyes were calm. Her beauty was alluring and hypnotizing,she does have to lift her finger, before men would line up to woo her. She could only be described as ,exquisite.

"Lately, I have been checking on those tiny little villagers,guess what they are planning ?"

"Maggie you know am not interested in that , hurry up with the advancement ,we still needed a lot of blood and puppets to carry out our great plan."

"You are no fun at all" but all Margaret received was a cold stare from Ashley. She shivered in fear under her stares.

"Get out,am not in the mood for your silliness get the job done as quick as possible or your head will roll on the ground "

Her dark red lips gave out a hissing sound. She watched as the other party left in haste.

This is my first novel, although I may make many mistake in this,but I believe this is a start in my journey. I wanted to try something new,a mystery and fantasy vibe kind of story,yet tells and depict the love of God through writing. I will be happy,if you could take the time to read my story,even if I haven't gotten there yet., thanks.

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