
Greedy priest

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭10:2‬ ‭AMP‬‬

[2] In pride and arrogance the wicked hotly pursue and persecute the afflicted; Let them be caught in the plots which they have devised.

‭[3] For the wicked boasts and sings the praises of his heart's desire, And the greedy man curses and spurns [and even despises] the Lord.

‭‭[4] The wicked, in the haughtiness of his face, will not seek nor inquire for Him; All his thoughts are, "There is no God [so there is no accountability or punishment]."


Teuwa gazed at the people,he had never seen anyone so stupid as them.They had brought their livestock day in day out,but they didn't know that all those livestock where for fattening up his family members. He laughed at their stupidity,he could deceive them and make his livelihood easy and live comfortably,he couldn't help but think of the pork rib waiting to be eaten at home. His first wife was particularly good at cooking pig meat and she is preparing his best meal at the moment. He was clearly angry with the villagers for looking up trouble with him at this time of the day.

His clean shaved hair was shinning bright under the hot orange sun. His unkept long beard reached his big fat tummy,and his attire was clearly better off than that of the villagers.He stood in front of the small temple's gate and refused the villagers entry, lest, they discovered the yet unkilled animals at the back. The village temple was at the foot of a mountain,so there was no other way to enter except through the gate.

Teuwa fierce eyes glared at the stupid people and laughed.

"Teuwa,why hasn't God save us?"An old woman asked as she grabbed his legs, pleading,but he ignored her and push her away.

"Stupid woman let go of me,I've tried all my best,this isn't my fault"trying his best to look natural,but in his heart he scoffed,only him know that there wasn't any God,he was just playing with the people's faith. What a great gain for him. All he needed to do was keep the act and noone will know.

"We have sacrificed all our livestock, why hasn't anything happened ?"A bald man complained.

"Teuwa give us a reasonable explanation."A warrior like man demanded.Teuwa sneered and looked at the man as if he was a fool.

"The witches are now humiliating us, even though they haven't destroyed or occupied the village , don't you need to do something as the priest?"

"They don't even put us in their eyes."

"They treated us like dogs and cats to slaughter."

"They even said that can our God save us?"

"They gave us ten days, what are we to do? We have given you all our fat goats,sheep,pigs,and chickens, nothing is left"

"We have nothing left "

"Ah"one even lamented bitterly.

"Quickly make a divination, the wicked witches are at our doorstep "a village woman hastenly shouted

"Quickly! "

"Save us"

"Help us"

The villagers show their uneasiness as they cried for help. The hot sun didn't even pitied them,as it flashed it scorching heat to extract sweat out of their bodies,even making the ground too hot to step on.

But Teuwa turned a deaf ears to their cries and played dumb,mocking them in his heart, this has nothing to do with him at all,they could die for all he care,he doesn't give a damn.

However, it has been two weeks since the villagers started bringing their livestock to the chief priest,Teuwa .

How rich could a villager be? They lived their lives farming and hunting small animals and gathered firewood on the mountain at the back of the village. Mahogany village was half surrounded by thick mountainous forest(forest on a mountain). This village was just at the corner of the Falcon kingdom, an insignificant border village at that,even the witches wouldn't have bothered this village. It was because they need more blood and puppets for their great plan, the more blood, the better. They could only be heartless and sacrificed the innocent villagers.

These villagers couldn't even afford to eat two squared meal a day,and their clothes are worn out. Their faces looked so tired,and you could see the dim in their eyes. You could even see the aura of fear and gloominess around them.

Moreover, they knew that the kingdom army would not save them,they have more important things to worry about. The entire kingdom is in chaos, noone has the time to worry about these poor villages at the border. Their only hope,their God,Uwa,had failed them now that they needed him the most.They shook their heads,even moreso when they heard the hysterical laughter of the chief priest.

As they turned to leave the chief priest finally wiped out the saliva from his lips and said "Your God,the great,and powerful, Uwa ,can not save you? Your sacrifice is not enough,that why,if you want to save yourself offer up your maiden daughters, perhaps Uwa will take a pity on your poor lives"the chief priest's lewdly eyes flashed with a glint of excitement as he made this demand,but it disappeared quickly before anyone noticed.

"How could you say that, that's human lives, I wouldn't offer my daughter " a woman shouted

"Me too, "

"Me too,never"another said,"

The old woman then suddenly suggested "Teuwa didn't you have a few daughters who are still unmarried? Why don't you sacrifice them first?"

A sharp hint of anger could be seen in Teuwa's eye. His cold eyes made the woman who said that to shiver.

Suddenly,the village chief who was clearly tired and under great pressure said,"We will cast lots to choose which family's daughter to sacri..."

"Why don't we start with your family , since you are the village chief" a cold voice interrupted and the villagers all nodded their heads in agreement.