

In a twist of fate, Aiden's life takes an extraordinary turn after a near-fatal accident. He encounters God, who compels him to return to Earth and marry His daughter. Aiden undergoes rigorous training to become a worthy partner for God's enigmatic offspring and is sent back to the mortal realm. Awakening in his own body, Aiden grapples with memories of his past life, using them to forge a path in the business world. His unwavering determination drives him to construct a life of happiness with God's daughter. Little does Aiden suspect that God has concealed a crucial part of the truth. As a formidable adversary emerges, Aiden is faced with a harrowing choice. Will he defy the divine, or will he rise to the challenge that destiny has thrust upon him? Update: Atleast 1 chapter per week.

_akc_ · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


Hello guys, I just want to inform you that there may not be any new chapters till 10th of November because my exam are comming.


(Maya's POV)

The night had passed and now Maya was sitting in the doctor's room. It took her 3 trains, 1 bus and 9 hours to reach the hospital only to be separated from her son by a door. She could see the things happening inside through the transparent portion of the door. Inside the room two nurses were doing various things and on the bed lay a person, covered with a green cloth till his chest, his head was covered in white clothes, an oxygen mask on his face, there was a tube connecting his palm and a glucose bottle, and wires from various machines connected to his body. Seeing her son in such a condition Maya felt like someone squishing her heart. She wanted to replace her son and make him free from such fate but the only thing she could do was look at him through a glass. After what felt like an eternity she was brought out of it by a hand on her shoulder.

She looked at the owner of the hand, which was a girl of 20 years with red hair. She couldn't see her face as she was looking down.

After some shuttering the girl finally said.

"I am sorry. It is all because of me. He saved me but … but I am sorry."

"What is your name?" Maya asked

She looked up and both her cheeks had a path made of tears. After some time she said


(Ariana's POV)

Ariana was proud of herself for not losing faith when all her friends were adopted leaving her alone, her classmates made fun of her for being an orphan and having a face filled with pimples and dark spots, her calculator failed and she lost a scholarship exam but now she was ashamed of herself for being unable to properly apologize. She lost herself in front of Aiden's mother. She felt tears traveling down the cheeks and her legs becoming weak.

"What is your name?"

She looked at Aiden's mother after hearing her question. She was expecting to see an angry face but the expression on that face was worry and pain.

"Ariana." She replied.

Both of them kept looking at each other. Ariana found herself unable to look at Aiden's mother and thus her eyes moved down.

"Don't feel sorry. My son chose to help you, respect that."

Those words broke something inside Ariana. Again tears flowed from her eyes.

"I am sorry." Words slipped out of her mouth.

Seeing the awkward situation Rachel said.

"Mam, The doctor asked for you to meet him."

"Where is his room?"

"I will show you." Rachel said and started walking.

Maya nodded and started to follow her.

Ariana stood there, feeling ashamed. She did think that it would have been better if the car had hit her. She didn't want someone suffering because of helping her and it was now she understood that, thoughts like that are a huge disrespect towards Aiden. She wiped her tears in her sleeves and ran behind Rachel and Maya.

Ariana found them standing outside the doctor's room.

"Can I come with you?" She asked.

Maya nodded in approval and entered the room as the nurse talking with the doctor had left.

Inside, the doctor signed Maya and Ariana to sit.

"Who would you be?" He asked.

"I am Aiden's mother." Maya said.

"O yes, the accident case, isn't it?"

Ariana nodded.

"The good news is, the operation was a success and the patient is safe."

Hearing the news a smile appeared on Ariana's face.

" and the bad news is, the head injury was massive so there is a chance that the patient may fall into a coma."

The remaining words of the doctor wiped the smile from Ariana's face.

"How long will it take to recover?" Maya asked.

"If he doesn't show any sign of waking up within 70 hours we have to assume that he is in a coma and when he will wake up depends on the recovery speed but we are 90% sure that it will not be more than 5 years."

'5 years. He will be 28 by then. Then it would be hard for him to find a job, his life would be a complete mess, all because of me. No Ariana, don't think like that. I will study hard and get a well paying job and I can help him. Yes, that's it.' Ariana thought.

"What about treating him somewhere else? Will it be better?" Maya asked

The doctor shook his head and said.

"There is nothing more to do in medical science."

They talked some more, Maya asked to enter the ICU and see Aiden, which the doctor immediately rejected. She also asked about the chance of memory loss, which the doctor didn't reject completely, but he did say that, as per current reports the chance for that is less than 1%.

After leaving the doctor's room Maya shared her mobile number with Ariana and left saying she had to prepare some papers. Ariana and her friends were waiting for Daniel, who had left them because he has to settle things for his daughters as he is a single parent.

Now Ariana was walking towards the toilet. When she reached there someone opened the door from inside and left the toilet, Ariana entered the toilet at the same time. She was going to open the tap when she heared a familiar voice from one of the cabins inside the toilet.

(Maya's POV)

She left the girls after leaving the doctor's room because there were some insurance documents that she needed to prepare to submit to the hospital but first she needed to call her husband and tell him everything. She was on her way to the women's toilet where she can get some privacy, when her phone rang. She looked and saw that it was from Ivan. She had called him last night to know about the accident but it wasn't answered. She clicked the green button and brought it close to her ear.

"Hello Aunty, Why did you call me? I had forgotten my phone in the car, so I couldn't answer your call." Ivan said from the other side.

"Aiden got into an accident."

"When? How? How is he?" He asked in a worried voice.

"Yesterday at midnight, he was helping a girl. Now he is in the ICU at PMR hospital."

"Aunty, Are you with him?"

"No, I am about to leave the hospital. I have to go to the insurance company."

"Which company? I will come with you."

"I am going to AIC's branch near the hospital."

"Ok aunty I will be there soon." Then he disconnected the phone.

By this time she had already reached the toilet. Except Maya, another woman was also present there. She had to wait for some time for that woman to leave. When Maya was sure that the woman was about to leave she entered a cabin and called her husband. She told him everything, even crying during that time. There was no sign of the strong woman Ariana saw before, only a mother who couldn't bear the things happening to her son. Her husband tried to calm her and after some time he became successful in it. Even after the call ended she spent some time there. She heard the door opening and closing two times indicating the entry and exit of someone. She thought about her husband who will also be going through a hard time after hearing the news.

She got out of the cabin, washed her face and left the toilet thanking God for making sure that the remain toilet empty during her call.


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