

The open wound on the left side of his torso made it harder to gasp for air. Just one decisive strike from her longsword and he'll probably be facing death.

'One more win. Just one more.' He thought as he coughed out blood.

"Did you momma not teach you when to give up?" Lilian said with smug. She swung her longsword back and forth not minding the weight of the thing.

"Heh. Save your insults for later. With the way things are going, I'm winning." It's crystal clear she knew what he meant. "Nine out of ten. If it were me, I'll be shaking from humiliation." He wiped the blood on the side of his mouth and prepared himself to receive the last blow.

"SHAMELESS BASTARD!" Lilian pointed her sword towards him as she cast a set of spell chains. The string circles glowed red, summoning dozens of fire orbs ready to shut him down.

"Even your luck can't save you this time." Even at a distance, he can see how much she's enjoying this particular event. "So long, prehistoric bastard."

Her ability's destructive capability is impressive, but it lacks control. Her arrogance overshadowed her true potential. To her, he was just a pest who got lucky. Nothing more.

"Heh." He looked at her with disgust. "You're from the Fuemirr clan and yet your flame feels like it doesn't belong to you."

'HE'S GRINNING?! This much fire orb pointed at him and he's not even defending himself. TSK.'

"If you want to kill me, how about adding a dozen more?" The man tried to provoke her.

'No. I need more damage. I need enough damage to kill me.'

She glared at the man who is clearly underestimating him. "For a guy who relies on luck alone, you sure are arrogant. But I'll give you what you want. A dozen more spell chains for a quick and painless death."

Dozens of string circles appeared surrounding the man in front of her. The sudden outward flow of magic made her dizzy and nauseous.

Lilian's nose started to bleed. Her body cannot keep up with the power she's releasing. If this continues, she'll black out before she could even command the flame orbs to attack.

'BLACKOUT BLACKOUT BLACKOUT.' The man desperately prayed for his opponent to pass out. This would have been the most unpainful and unscary victory.

But it seems he ran out of luck at the most crucial part of the game.

"Flames of Hell, rain down." Her cold command gave life to the stillness. As if she commanded the stars, the once still orbs started shooting flame arrows towards him.

"Come on, make sure to kill me, or else this will hurt like hell."


The smell of Sampaguita hanging at the mini altar filled the quiet living room. The heat of the sun does not in any way resemble the vibe of the room. The cold summer breeze passed by from the left window to the right, as if just present to pay respect for the dead. Death is inevitable, more so for the man in the photo.

"Kyuu, get the candles." The young man kneeled in front of the altar. His blazer, too large for his thin frame, covered his scarred body. He was a boy, not older than seventeen, whose tiny frame knew too much of the cruelty of the world, and too soon, for that matter.

"Desu." Kyuu passed the candles to her brother, Geon. The lit candles gave the room a little bit of warmth and life - something they have never experienced ever since their grandfather passed away.

"Sit here." Geon placed the old kneeling pillow beside him. The thirteen-year-old girl sat quietly, waiting for her brother to start the ritual of guiding the deceased.

It was quite an obscure scene to see in a prosperous urban area like Meilen only two children performing the ritual of guiding the deceased. Usually, this ritual is performed by three priestesses of the nearest temple along with the family of the deceased. The ritual of guiding is a three-day ten-hour prayer to the gods to give safe passage to the deceased. Safe passage of the soul to the afterlife means a chance for reincarnation. A chance where Grandpa Leon is free of his responsibilities towards the two children.

"Your hand that breath to life upon this indebted soul. Now, as it comes back, may the gods of the afterlife welcome him to be in his rightful place." Geon bowed his head. The little girl beside him, eager to get the rituals right, bowed too hastily and banged her head on the cold wooden floor.

"Are you okay?" He looked at his sister to see if she's okay. Kyuu nodded twice. Luckily, the little accident did not affect the eagerness of the child. "Bow slowly next time."

"Light spirit, dark spirit, lost spirit. All spirits. . . " Geon bowed once again.

"Weaved into one god."

"Weaved into one god." A deep voice echoed into the small room.

Startled, Geon stopped the ritual and began searching where the unfamiliar voice came from.

"Who's there?"

"Desu!" Kyuu tagged her brother's suit and pointed out where she heard a voice.

In the corner of the room, an unfamiliar figure surfaces behind the shadows. The mark of the dark spell chain can be seen from where the figure originated. The man stepped out of the shadows.

Geon recognized the face of the man - black-haired, tall, and well built, with a scarred face and decisive eyes that saw many battles, hands that killed many creatures, and an aura that can make any human shiver in fear. A living legend, one might even say - Leon Saintsean.

Someone as confident as him should not be spying on two young orphaned kids.

'Black suit? Is he here to pay respect? Does the old man know someone like him?' Geon contemplated. 'No. It can't be. Unlikely.'

"What's a man such as your stature doing spying in our living room for?" Did I come off as aggressive? Thinking he might have put the unexpected visitor in a bad mood, Geon unconsciously plastered on a fake smile. Too obvious.

"You look creepy. Stop with that fake ass smile." Leon chuckled. "Relax. I'm only here to pray for the old man's spirit." The air eased up a bit. "That guy can't even find his way to the toilet, I'd be worried if his spirit got lost before he could even enter the realms of the gods."

Geon did not expect his personality. With his tough build, he thought he'd be more intimidating.

Leon knelt down and prayed silently for a minute. The unfamiliar scene brought a sense of security to Geon and Kyuu. Knowing that there is still someone who knows the old man beside them gave them a feeling of ease.

'What could have been the story behind this man and my grandpa? For that old guy to know someone like him. . . does that mean gramps is also strong? What's that? Makes me frustrated to know I'm the only defect in the family. Well, it doesn't really matter.'

"What are you thinking?" As Leon stares at him, he contemplates whether to ask more about the connection between his grandpa and him. It could also be possible that this man knows who their parents are.

"Nothing." Even with a lot of questions running through his brain, Geon chose not to ask. "Are you done. . .uh. . .sir?"

"Just Leon would be fine."

"Yeah. . .no. My grandfather will haunt me if he knows I'm calling someone like you just Leon."

"Then, "Professor" could also work."

"Professor? You're a teacher now? That's surprising."

"Heh. What? Do I look like I can't teach?" Leon crossed his arms. "You brat. Are you dissing me? You sound like your grandfather."

"You're the first to say that."

A sudden melancholic feeling descended in the room. As if they were all thinking of the same thing, the room went silent.

Leon patted the two in the head. "Your grandfather requested me to send you to Eden's Gate Academy."

Geon felt the need to ask. "Uhm, what?"

"He told me that in case he dies, he'd like me to send you two to Eden's Gate."

"Both of us?"

'Gramps know I can't enter, so why?' Suspicions rise within Geon as he thinks of reasons why his grandfather would want him at a magic school.

"Well, that school will kick me the moment I step inside those sparkly gates." He snorted. "The thought of me literally being kicked out makes my knees numbed. No way I'm going."

"Ngh!" Kyuu, who was hiding behind him, looked at Geon as if she was about to cry.

"Of course I'm not leaving you. You're my sister, dummy." Geon gave her a reassuring smile. "If you want to go there, of course, I'll take you."

"Does she not speak?" Leon looked at her. His intense gaze made Kyuu hide behind Geon. "What's 'desu'

"Um. . ." He looked at Kyuu.

"Okay?" Leon looked at both of them, still confused about the situation. "And you? What's your deal? Why can't you go?"

"I have weak magic. Not even a prestigious school can save me."

"Are you sure? Your grandpa told me otherwise." He looked puzzled as he tried to remember what the old man said about the two. Could that old geezer be lying?

"Well, there's only one way to confirm if what you're saying is true."


"Come with me to Eden's Gate, of course. They have one of the biggest Magi-Testers there."

Geon gave him an exasperated look. "It's not my fault if I disappoint you."

"Desu?!" Kyuu asked.

"Hmmm. . . If you destroy it, then, I'll buy you any kind of food you want." Kyuu's face lit up with excitement.

"Pfft. I'll buy you both anything if she can put even a tiny dent on it."

"Don't cry if you lose, legendary-old-man."



This is one of my many attempts to write a story. Oftentimes, I lack the words to express what I think so it's really hard to write. But I want to write this story.

I hope you'll like the story as well.

shaishai_creators' thoughts