
The Blackout

''And from the Father's Sceptre did spring forth great magic" said the old man sitting by the road side, "we are only loyal subjects to the will of the Father" he cried with a loud voice, "YIELD! YIELD! YIELD YOURSELVES TO HIM!". People listening as they walked passed would murmur amongst themselves, pondering the words of this old man. "A being we cannot see, isn't getting nothing from me, that's for sure!" yelled a thot as she laughed, the crowd as well bursting into laughter, "will you then prove yourselves the least unworthy to not even see a common messenger of the Father like me?", the old man asked, before disappears into the thin air, they all panicked, as fear gripped them, scattering like ants every man, woman and child who witnessed the event.

In the cemetery, a young lad who had just lost his last living relative began reciting the parting speech and vows, usually it was the least concerned relative's duty to perform those rituals since the other concerned relatives would be too busy mourning their lost, but in his case, the lad was left alone, so he had to do the unfortunate honours. "oh boy!" an ignorant insensitive guest yelled, "get on with it! I don't got all day boy!", he continued, the poor lad simply wasted too much time reciting due to the emotional trauma he was going through as tears rushed down his eyes rolling down his cheeks. To worsen matters, another yelled from the gathered guest "Shut up at once! is this unfair treatment rendered because the young lad is black?!", "this hasn't got anything to do with races fool!", another replied, and confusion filled the atmosphere, the young lad took off in tears, dropping his rose flower by the side of his father's corpse.

"Jimmy Floyd!" the officer yelled, eyes opening gradually, "Jimmy? Jimmy? Jimmy?!" said the lady looking down at him, "what! where am i?" said Jimmy as he arose from the hospital bed, "how the hell did I get here?", just immediately after saying this, the surprised look on his face faded off as a wave of realization struck him at once, "aw c'mon! don't tell me I had a comma again?" he continued, "this lady here, found you on the streets passed out, if not for her who knows what the situation might have turned out to be" said the officer, "oh nonsense!, I'm sure someone else would have found him and intervened" replied the woman to the officer as she stared at Jimmy smiling, "so you usually have these series of comma, don't you think you need more medical attention?'' the police man asked "yeah I did! This has been occurring occasionally ever since I was a kid, several Doctors ran all sorts of checkups and operations on me, but they couldn't diagnose what kept on triggering these commas periodically", Jimmy replied, "but what's the last thing you remember this time?" asked the lady, "alright! I'm gonna leave y'all to it" the police officer said as he walked out the room, "the last thing I remember… I was walking down the street, when I started seeing flashes white and black, seemed like they were trying so hard to overwhelm each other… I must have just been dizzy or something" said Jimmy, "you mean these flashes? we're trying to overwhelm each other?" asked the lady, "yeah…" Jimmy replied, "I saw your file report, Jimmy Floyd isn't it? I know it's not been easy for you losing both your parents and having no more family left in this world, these things can sometimes cause a breakdown of the body when the emotional trauma becomes all too much to handle" the old nurse said interrupting the ongoing conversation "get some rest and we'll start you up with your prescribed medications in the morning" she continued, "I guess this is my queue", the lady said getting up her sitting position on the hospital bed where Jimmy laid, "see you around Jimmy", holding his hand, Jimmy looking puzzled looks at her, she stares back at him also with a rather comforting smile on her face, gradually letting go his hand, steps out the room as well.

After a week, the young lad Jimmy Floyd was set to be discharged from the hospital, "you're free to go" the Doctor said, "how about my bills?" Jimmy asked, "not to bother, the kind lady who brought you in covered them for you" replied the Doctor walking away with the record book in his hand. This made Jimmy even more puzzled, wondering why the lady was so kind to him, he was now curious to know more about the lady.

After leaving the hospital, he had to resume school immediately, he had already missed three weeks of school, luckily he had two close friends to fill him in with information and get him updated with school work. On his first day of resumption, all eyes were on him when he walked passed the hall way, the news had reached all ears on campus. "uhm! Hello Mr. Floyd, it's your son's school. Your son's been skipping school for the past three weeks, oh! Wait! You're dead!" said Mike Wally laughing ridiculously, no one in the hallway really joined in the laugh seeing it was an insensitive joke, "uhm! You mean the same way your ambition in life did too?" Jeff Hathaway said as a comeback, everyone else bursting into laughter, Mike walks up to Jeff with his boys, Jimmy likewise to Jeff… "oh! you think you're the joker now huh?!", Mike ranted, "Alright, that's enough!" said the Maths Teacher Mr. Collins, "get to class you all!", "this isn't over" whispered Mike to Jeff.

Now, Jeff was a very popular kid in school, loved by everyone, he was the captain of the school's football team, all the ladies adored him for his handsomeness and height, he was one of the two best friends of Jimmy, James Henderson his second best friend, on the other hand was a shy guy, but a tech wiz, but had a pretty good sense of humour.

"What's up Jimmy?" asked James Henderson, "you're my close friend too you know, remember the j's oath we took when we were kids, yeah we were little but we swore to always have each other's backs at all times" said Jimmy, "you know I don't do well with confrontations" replied James, "No! no one does, we just fight for the people we love!", angry Jimmy imposes, "don't be too mad at him, even if he just stood there, I swear I could still hear the cheer leaders in his thought rooting for us to win, and besides you know James would take down any firewall, hack any software, decode and encode any program to the best of his expertise for us when needed, for me! I just got better looks than you two" said Jeff, the whole scene of anger was soon quickly flushed out with laughter, "let me catch you up with programming, you're gonna love it!" James said to Jimmy, "I'm sure you do", said Jimmy, all laughing as they went ahead for the next class.