

"Bean boy" Said the bully as he shoved jimmy into a wall. Jimmy was a small kid. His hair looked somewhat like a bean. It was also brown and messy. This bully of course was one of the many in his life. He had always been bullied. This was because they were all scared of his eyes. Those pitch black non feeling eyes. He did not know which side of his family he got them from.

The bully noticed that jimmy did not really care and just left. This was also a common occurrence as they would get board or too freaked out to stay. Jimmy then silently walked home. As he was crossing the street a kid saw his eyes. They cried and ran into the street. Jimmy of course followed the kid because he ran into traffic. He went to grab the child when a huge truck sped down the street. He of course using his natural instincts raised the kid up in the air so the truck driver would see.

This made the truck driver swerve and kill 4 people. Jimmy didn't care though he just told the kid to be safe and walked off. As he was still walking home there was a lot of rain. It started to storm and lightning was thrown about. As he was walking past a metal pole lighting struck it. It coursed down the pole and hit jimmy.

He could have died if the part it touched was his body. It was very lucky his torn backpack blocked the electric currents. He continued on his walk like nothing happened. Of course he was slightly shaken on the inside. " Why is my luck so bad today" He thought to himself. He still went down the street. He kept walking until he saw a circle on the ground. It was glowing and had symbols he did not understand.

He jumped right as it got to its brightest stage and it went away. Right after that he continued down the street. He finally reached his house and opened the door. Right as he entered he saw a man was stealing things from his house. The man heard the door open and pulled out a gun. He was about to pull the trigger when he saw jimmies eyes. Then he shot himself out of pure fear. Jimmy then walked up the stairs and went in his room.

He started up his favorite game ******** online. He just finished killing the final boos when he got a message. * Do you want to save my world *. He considered it to be a special ending to the game and clicked no. This is because he was tired of playing this game. At some point he started to feel light headed and wanted to sleep. However he needed to do homework so he took some cocaine to stay wake. After finishing his home work he went back down stairs. He then tripped and fell he slid down and hit his head. However his hair cushioned his fall and he lived.

He stood up and looked forward he saw a portal. It looked like it would be a lot of fun to go inside of. Of course he did not because he needed to go to school in the morning and could not go on an adventure. After a couple more of these weird events. God finally came down to earth and found jimmy. God" Why can't you just fall for a single one of these?" Jimmy " fall for what I have just been walking around and just had really bad luck.". God" Allow me to tell me who I am". "I know who you are you are god" Said jimmy clearly unimpressed.

" Ok you know what imma just do it" Said god in clear anger. " Wish for 2 things and I will send you to a world that needs your help" Jimmy thought for 2 seconds and said" I want the power to absorb everything." God" That is pretty weird but sure granted, what is your second wish". Jimmy said " I want to be able to breathe anywhere I want." God" That is really weird but, sure granted". As god gave him the power to breathe jimmy absorbed gods power.

At some point god noticed and freaked out. God activated the portal to the other world to escape. But because of his drained powers he sent jimmy to the void instead. Just as he thought he was safe he felt the last of his power leaves his body and crumbled to dust.